Get on the Band Wagon

I got a great question from a new client, which is always fantastic. I love being able to explain why Get Fit NH’s training is different, and why we do what we do.

Susan’s question has to do with resistance bands and what the benefit is in using them in training, rather than just using free weights. I thought that was a great question, as many of our clients exposure to band training is usually the light weight therapy bands used in physical therapy or the cheap tubular bands. When faced with the 38″ loop of heavy duty rubber it is new experience. So here’s what I wrote:


Hi Susan,

That is a very good question regarding bands versus free weights. As you know we do use both, but at different times in the training cycle we can emphasize one over the other.

First of all understand that the body has no idea what resistance it is working against. It could be dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells, bands, bodyweight or sticks and stones. All the body knows is that it met a resistance and it needs to move it.

That being said, most resistance that is used in training moves vertically, up and down against gravity. We pick things up, we put them down, so to speak. Whether we deadlift, squat or overhead press we are moving the weight vertically against gravity. Even when we are bench pressing we need to lie down and move the force vertically.

The cool thing about bands is that they create resistance in multiple planes of movement. Horizon, vertical, diagonal and rotational. This is the way our body moves – in all vectors and all directions. Imagine trying to do a standing chest press with dumbbells – the load still wants to move down, not out. With a band we can create an effective horizontal push while standing, which is a much better position to train than lying or even sitting down.By using bands we can train efficient movement through the entire range of motion in all directions. This also helps with overall mobility and flexibility. Bands also cause us to need to actively decelerate the load in all planes of motion.

Another reason we use bands, particularly when we are training energy systems (cardio) is the ease at which we can transition through different exercise movements. You can use one band, transition from movement to movement and never have to slow down. Way more fun when you don’t have to rest!

Don’t get me wrong, I love lifting heavy loads with free weights. The great thing about working with bands is that they help us get better at those basic lifts by working all the supporting musculature. As my friend Dave “The Band Man” Schmitz says, we “Get Better With Bands”.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that flat strap of rubber that weighs next to nothing can’t kick your butt. Have you tried training with a green one yet? 🙂

Great question Susan!

Coach Dean

P.S. Want the best bands out there for your on the road or vacation training? Check out


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