We’re taking the spotlight to Texas

One of the hardest things about being a coach is saying goodbye. Whether that means choosing to leave and not train with us anymore or moving to Texas! It does not get easier. We truly pour our hearts into this career and to each and every one of you. It would be a lie if we said it doesn’t sting each time someone tells us they are leaving for any reason.

Ronald and Donna Weilnau have been faithful students for years. We have known of their retirement plans for a long time. I cannot believe June 2016 is really here and they are really packed up and headed to retirement In Texas. We are so excited for their future and being near their family, but we are so sad to see them leave the Get Fit Family. I asked them to kick off our first success story Couple’s Edition before they go. Here is what they have to say.

1.) Who started training first?

Donna: I started first. It took Ronald 2 1/2 years to get on board.donnaW

2.) What prompted spouse (Ronald) to give it a try?

Donna: Ron decided to join the year we did Reach the Beach. While he was
waiting at the gym for us to return he decided that it didn’t look as
intimidating as he thought it would be. Also I believe that night I had
told you I wished he would join. So he fulfilled that wish finally.

Ronald: Also she never pressured me, I was finally ready to try.

3.) What results have you each experienced since training with us?

Donna: For me it was the realization that I wasn’t doing my body any good
and that something had to change. Since I started training I have lost
weight, not all that I need to lose but I’ll get there and I’ve gone down
two sizes. I am stronger and have more energy.

Ronald: I finally found success to my long time struggle to lose weight. I
also found true enjoyment in training that lead me to my TFW training. Plus
I found I like a lot more vegetables.ronald

4.) How has training together affected your home life?

Donna: Since we don’t train at the same time we have had to make some
adjustments. When Ron first started I would retire long before him. Since
I train at 5AM and he trains at 5:30 in the afternoon he could stay up
later. In the evenings I had to learn to eat alone as he wouldn’t return
home until 7. It sometimes meant two different meals. For the most part
we have adjusted.

Ronald: Less time is spent in front of the TV and computer. More energy to
do physical activites. Also meals are easier since I now that I eat more
like Donna has for many years, PPW. Plus with me joining Donna is eating better and
does not have to include cookies on the grocery list for me anymore!

5.) Any additional comments and encouragement you would like to share with
other students.

Donna: My advice to others would be to not give up. Practice doesn’t
always make perfect but then no one is perfect and no one expects
perfection. Life is a constant struggle. You can’t beat yourself up if
you have a bad day or even a bad week. Put it behind you and start again.

Ronald: Nutrition has been a big part of my weight loss success. Also
listen to the coaches when they say pick up something heavy, I know I am
getting results by doing so and seeing strength I never had before.

A “Thank You” to all of the Get Fit NH coaches and fellow students for
helping us to “Make It Happen”. We will miss our Get Fit NH family as we
move to our next chapter of life in Texas and continue with our fitness

Thank you,
Ronald and Donna.

I am so proud of these two for supporting each other over the years. They have both made significant progress and it has been honor to witness their growth. Good luck to you both and thank you for choosing to train with us. You will forever be a part of the Get Fit NH Family.

Coach Meagan

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