Is There A GAP In Your Training?

Reality Check – If you were driving across the country you would not just point the car in a westerly direction and step on the gas. You would look at a map, program your GPS, calculate how many days you were going to spend, driving out, make reservations where you were going to stop for night, and calculate how much the trip would cost.

Your outcome was making it to California in one piece. Your action steps were the planning, preparation and packing. You follow the map, you are going to get where you want to go.

Have you taken 5 minutes and enrolled in our Goal Achievement Program (GAP)?

There is something far more important than a trip to Hollywood at stake.

Saying “I want to lose weight” is far different than writing down a measurable outcome goal and than the steps you are going to achieve that goal. It’s like hopping in the car and having no idea where you are going and how to get there.

There’s a better way!

Here’s an example of  what good planning might look like:


I will lose 5 pounds in the next 4 weeks

Action Steps:

I will attend bootcamp 4 days for the next 4 weeks

I will limit starchy carbs to after training sessions only

I will eat breakfast with protein and veggies every day

There is a destination and a roadmap to follow. And while there might be unexpected construction along the way, we can deal with that when we get there.

At the end of 4 weeks you will then measure the outcome and evaluate if you were committed and completed the action steps. The process then starts over again for the next 4 weeks, using what you learned over the previous month to adjust as necessary.

We have made that super easy for you to accomplish. By enrolling in GAP all you have to do is take 5-10 minutes a month to chart your next 4 weeks out. Then 30 days down the road you will receive a follow up evaluation. Submit that to your coaches, ask for help as needed, and then chart your course for the next 4 weeks.

What are you waiting for?

Enroll In The Goal Achievement Program Now

Make It Happen!

Coach Dean

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