It’s Time To Clean Out Your Closet

Blue JeansYou know the weather is getting nice and summer is almost here.  For many of us we have already dug out the lighter clothes and stored the winter ones, for a couple months at least.

Now might also be a good time to go through some of those clothes you have had stored for a while and try them on.


You might be pleasantly surprised!

Mae Lynn wrote this morning that she was going through her “summer” clothes and they didn’t fit – they are all too big. Now there is a nice surprise and a good problem to have! That’s a pretty good reason I would say. 🙂

Nancy and I were talking the other day if we had kept any of my pants from when I was at my fattest – size 46″ waist. I was pretty sure I didn’t, because mentally I knew I needed to get them out of the house and out of mind. There might be one pair back there, I just haven’t found it yet.

I actually think it is a good thing to donate those too loose clothes every time you need to buy new ones.


Because then there is no going back. If you put the weight back on you have to go get new clothes, and that gets expensive.

In fact every time you go down a size you  should invest in a new pair of jeans. Not the “relaxed” fit ones with the stretchy waist, but a pair that are just on the edge of comfortable.

I did that this weekend. Bought a pair of size 32″. In fact I am wearing them right now. And while the 34’s I was wearing made me feel pretty good about myself, these ones let me know I still have a bit of work to do – know what I mean?

It’s not good for me to get comfortable. I need to keep setting goals, or complacency sets in.

What about you?

Did S3 get you where you want to go? I know for me personally I reached some goals, but it is now spurring me on to some new ones. Constant and never ending improvement. Could be fast, could be slow, it just needs to be.

So celebrate your achievements, evaluate and plan to overcome your failures, perceived or real, and keep your eye on the prize.

And when you are out, go buy that pair of jeans.

Make It Happen!

Coach Dean





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