Your January Jumpstart Is Coming!

The new year is right around the corner, and with it comes with some pretty heavy expectations we can put on ourselves.

"This is my year to...lose weight, get healthier, get a new job, make more money, spend more time with the family, fill in the blank."

And that's a GOOD thing. I think it is a very valuable thing to take time to reflect, recenter, and reprioritize as we start a new year. 

But as you know, goals (resolutions) without both an action plan and a deadline are really nothing more than wishes. I am first in line to admit that despite my best intentions my goals don't happen because I have no plan to actually reach them. 

Hope is not a strategy for success.

And I don't think it's far-fetched to say when we feel our best, when we feel good about ourselves, our other goals become easier. Resiliency and mental toughness are a lot easier when we aren't dragging all the time.

So while I may not be able to help you get that raise directly, I can help you achieve the health and vibrancy that creates passion in your life.

And that's where the January Jumpstart comes in.

We purposely don't start our January nutrition programs right at the beginning of the year, but wait a couple weeks to let things settle and give you a chance to focus.

This year we are starting our January Jumpstart on January 22, 2018, and we have a very special bonus for the action takers who get in early.

Make It Happen!

Coach Dean

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