Kettlebell Mastery Workshop Registration Now Open

A couple of weeks ago we told you about our Kettlebell Mastery Workshop with our friend and expert Jen Brickey.

As promised, registration is now open, but please don’t delay in getting your registration in, as we are keeping the workshop size to 25 participants.

I am personally very excited to have Jen come up and work with us and refine my own technique and skill. As with any training tool the better you are at the basics the more versatile and effective it becomes, and kettlebells are certainly no exception. We are fortunate to have Jen come up and spend a couple hours with us, and she kept the cost super low because I am such a good guy! 🙂

Get that registration in today! We set the payment page up so if you are registering for two you can pay for both at the same time to make it a bit easier.

Kettlebell Mastery Workshop with Jen Brickey, RKC

Location: Get Fit NH Concord
Date: October 6th, 2012
Time: 10am to 12pm
Cost: $20.00 per person

Please Click Here To Register



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