My Health and Training Goals For 2011

Happy New Year!

Just wanted to share an outline of my health and fitness goals for 2011 in three areas. I look forward to seeing yours as well!


192 training sessions this year. That breaks down to 4 per week, with 4 recovery weeks per year. (Sound familiar? 🙂 Just like you, I have to make time to get this done. Believe it or not, your coaches have stuff to do outside the gym too!


Protein, Produce and Water every 3 hours. Limit splurge meals (anything outside of PPW and training/recovery shakes) to 2 per week. I love eating, and when I eat nutritious food I just feel better. Over time my cravings for sugary, salty snack foods has diminished, so it does get easier. I am also convinced that if junk is in the house I will eat it, and once I start it’s challenging to limit myself. As a FFB (Former Fat Boy) I tend to gain bodyfat very easily, so keeping junk out of the house is key. Planning and preparation are absolute necessary to keep me on the right track.


Get a minimum of 7 hours sleep per night. This is probably the most challenging and most important. The alarm goes off at 3:40am four days a week, so if I am not in bed by about 8:30 this doesn’t happen. But recovery sleep is extremely important for overall health, bodyfat control and stress reduction. You cannot be at your best if you consistently lack good sleep.

I also set goals every year for each of the following “categories”:

1) Spiritual Development
2) Family
3) Personal Development
4) Household
5) Business
6) Financial

What about you? You can either let life happen or you can make it happen. You can’t control what comes your way, but you don’t have to sit around and be passive. Time is precious, don’t waste a minute!

Make It Happen!


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