Do You Have Goals?

Do You Have Goals?

A goal can simply be defined as a desired result that is accompanied by an effort aimed at achievement. When setting a goal, you should make sure it is SMART:

Specific: “I want to lose 10lbs in two months”, not “I want to lose weight”

Measurable: “I will attend training 3x week”, not “I will train more often”

Attainable: “I will lose 2lbs a week”, not “I will lose 10lbs in a week”

Realistic: Something you are willing and able to work towards.

Timely: “I will lose 5lbs each month”, not “I will lose 10lbs”

Why is it important to have goals? Goals propel you forward and gives you something to work towards. Often times we get caught up looking at the large obstacles in front of us and become overwhelmed. Goals allow you to break it down into smaller more manageable steps. With each smaller goal we achieve, our motivation and drive to continue to the larger goal increases. We start to believe in ourselves. Also having a goal holds you accountable because you can track your progress.

Your coaches want to help you with your goals and keep you on track for success! We will have a Goal Box in the foyer. Use the form provided to write out your goal(s). Studies have shown that you are more likely to achieve your goals by writing them down. Once you have listed your goal on the form, as well as your name and email address, place it in the Goal Box. A coach will be in contact with you through email to review your goal and develop a plan to help you succeed. Once your personal plan is in place, your coach will check in with you regularly to make sure you are on track.

Let’s make it Personal.

Let’s Make it SMART.

Let’s Make it Happen!

Training With Pain

There are many types of physical pain that we can experience. It is important to distinguish what is causing the pain.  You may have screaming sore hamstrings and glutes from deadlifting more weight than you normally do. However, with proper recovery, hydration and nutrition this soreness will subside.  We encourage you to still train through this soreness because movement will often aid in the recovery process.

In contrast, there can be pain that you have been dealing with for an extended period of time; weeks, months or possibly years.  You may struggle with knee, back or shoulder issues and it can be extremely frustrating when they don’t seem to improve. I have witnessed some of you pushing through this type of pain. You believe, “I have been dealing with this issue for so long and it doesn’t get any better so I might as well just train through the pain”.  Believe me I can understand! You want to be able to push yourself. You know what you have been capable of doing in the past. It is very challenging when you are not able to do certain exercises. You may feel a sense of personal failure. However, pushing through the painful movement pattern will only exacerbate the issue.

There are always alternative exercises that will help you build strength without the pain.  Your coaches are here to help you. If you have knee issues, allow your coaches to make the necessary adjustments to your exercise selection. You can make a goal for yourself to work on improving your chin ups or push-ups. Most importantly, you want to remain positive and focus on what you are able to do. By focusing and improving on what you can do will result in positive feelings of accomplishment. This positive motivation will help to keep you committed to your fitness goals for the long term.

-Coach Erin 

Small Steps To Success

“This is how education works: you don’t sit down with a five year old and show them piles of books, assignments, and papers they are going to have to devour, Finish, and deliver by the time They’re done.  The five year old just ‘shows up’ and day by day the work gets done.”   -Dan John

I read this quote and it is a great way of categorizing the “trying to do it all at once” idea which often doesn’t have real results.  When we looks at the quote above its just another way to realize how much work may have to eventually be done, but that it doesn’t have to be done all at once.  Lets fast forward this a few years, lets say for the sake of argument that you are not five, lets say its your first year in college. So you are a freshman you walk into your advisers office and they look at you and say “Good morning, welcome to the university (it is your first day after all so pleasantries are being exchanged)” after which she drops a booklet down on the counter.  On the front the booklet says “A four year degree in two semesters” with a picture of a group of smiling college students on the cover playing Frisbee out on the quad. You look at the front thinking “wow they look excited, and I can get my degree in 2 semesters? Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet”. Now you open to the first page, as you read you realize this isn’t some expedited curriculum, its four years of material that you are expected to finish in under a year.  The first page is all the books you would need to buy over your college career but you need to pay for them all tomorrow since this is only one year, there’s a few thousand dollars right there. On the next page is a list of every assignment you will ever be assigned (let's revise that, on the next 6 pages). Followed by 4 pages of all the papers you will be assigned, then by another 3 pages of finals you have to take and senior research projects and papers you have to write.  Rounding out with 4 pages about what you have to do for graduation and oh by the way, the day after you graduate you begin a career in your field for the rest of your life. All while finding a way to squeeze out 100+ hours of internship. How many people are succeeding on that system? Now let's say that somehow you do finish in a year. Let's say after burning four different candles at three ends for a year, you graduate. Do you think that the brain can really take in that much information in that short of a time period and be able to sort it and apply it rationally?  Heck no.

Now apply that to your health.  If you have bad joints, or you need to lose excess body fat, or you want to run a marathon, there is not “cheat code”.  It is achieved by gradually learning how to change parts of your lifestyle that are not conducive to your goal, and amplifying the ones that are. If you came in tomorrow and Coach Dean gave you every piece of information available to him or gave you 500 steps to be healthy the rest of your life.  How successful do you think you would be? I know I wouldn’t be successful, that’s way too much information to apply at once. Health and habits are something that must be learned and applied over time. If you are 80 lbs overweight and you try to implement 25 habits or steps the first day, you probably aren't going to be successful, it's about building a habit, then once its ingrained, building another.  Continually learning more and applying more over time. So don’t expect everything to click at once, don’t expect to be able to apply 15 life changes tomorrow. Just come in, exercise, work hard, and make those small incremental changes. That’s the blueprint for real long lasting success and health, not trying to lose 60lbs in a week.

Make it Happen! 

-Coach Adam

Get Fit NH delayed open March 4, 2019! See you at 11AM!

It is a blizzardy morning in New Hampshire. We see about 4 inches out there with the heavy stuff scheduled to come a bit later. We need to be sure we leave time to allow  the parking lot properly treated! Operation no one falls! This morning we are closed for your safety and ours. We sincerely appreciate your understanding. We will be open for  the 11 AM training session and all afternoon and evening sessions. You are welcome to jump in on one of those sessions if that works in your schedule. Snow days do not take away from perfect attendance!

Stuck Inside? - Do This!

1) Spend some time on a foam roller, doing your correctives, and flexibility training. You have enough knowledge to make this time productive.

2) Do any additional nutrition planning and prep work for the week.

3) Jump on one of the training videos below. There are options for bodyweight only as well as band training.

4) Don't stress out! 

Training Options Here! If you don't know what you are doing - don't do it.  

No Band, no problem try this training - click here

Have a band at home? Try this "vacation training." Just pretend you are somewhere tropical -   click here

3 Steps To Pushing Through The All Or Nothing Mindset

The all or nothing mindset can be toxic and detrimental to your results. If this mindset describes you (or even if it doesn’t) then I have some homework for your to push through..

  1. Never stop when the timer says 3 (as in 3..2..1) Don’t do it. Always push for AT LEAST one more rep. Practice giving it your all. The whole time. Every time.

  2. Add training to your google calendar. Book it the same way you book a dentist appointment. You wouldn’t stand up your dentist so don’t stand up your body. It’s the only one you’ve got and I can promise you that getting new teeth is easier than getting a new body 😉 (Just so you know...we know life happens sometimes, but for the all or nothing mindset sometimes by missing Monday it means the rest of the week is blow, because one day didn’t work out.)

  3. Schedule 1-2 “Free Meals” each week to give yourself something to look forward to. This will help you to keep you on track with the rest of your meals

Make it happen

Coach Meagan

Facing Your Fears With The Floor

Facing your fear with the floor

The floor is your friend! You must become confident and friendly with the floor, for if you don’t the floor will win if and when you fall.

This is a tough topic to write about. Especially from the perspective of a 30 year old woman with no hip or knee challenges. Please don’t write off this blog, because my biggest hope and dream for you is to not be afraid of the floor and I know together we can get there.

So here’s a scenario…you had a knee replacement,  or a hip replacement or maybe you are 100 pounds overweight. The floor IS a scary place! Will you be able to get up if you get down? What if you can’t get up? Maybe it will cause you discomfort to be on the floor. Our encouragement to you is that you DO get on the floor at least once during the training hour. It is so important that you build the confidence to get down. You can use a bench or even a coach to help you off the floor. I understand this may make you uncomfortable or embarrassed, but what happens if you fall in a setting that is not controlled? And what if you are alone and your phone is not within arms reach? What are you going to do? My husband, who is a fire fighter, responds to these types of calls and it is call a lift assist. I have no doubt that everyone who is currently walking through the door is capable of getting down and getting up with some help…no doubt. This year I have heard of more falls than ever before. The beautiful thing is each story I have heard they were able to get up with minimal scrape, is that you?

The purpose of this blog is not to shame anyone, really. It is to encourage you and give you a different perspective. Falls happen. The floor can hurt you if you never get down there. Let us help you build that confidence in a controlled setting

Make it happen

Coach Meagan

Get Fit NH delayed open! See you at 11AM!

It is a nasty morning in New Hampshire. Snow does not scare us, but ice we don't mess around with! Especially when it is too early to have the parking lot properly treated! This morning we are closed for your safety and ours. We sincerely appreciate your understanding. We will be open for  the 11 AM training session and all afternoon and evening sessions. You are welcome to jump in on one of those sessions if that works in your schedule. Snow days do not take away from perfect attendance!

Stuck Inside? - Do This!

1) Spend some time on a foam roller, doing your correctives, and flexibility training. You have enough knowledge to make this time productive.

2) Do any additional nutrition planning and prep work for the week.

3) Jump on one of the training videos below. There are options for bodyweight only as well as band training.

4) Don't stress out! 

Training Options Here! If you don't know what you are doing - don't do it.  

No Band, no problem try this training - click here

Have a band at home? Try this "vacation training." Just pretend you are somewhere tropical -   click here

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