PPW3 Habit 7: Eat Whole Foods

This is the habit that ties the other 6 habits together.

Basically it can be summed up this way:

The Less Ingredients The Better.

We humans are such an arrogant lot.

We take what was created and try to make it better by taking things out, putting different ones back in, mish-mashing it all up until it becomes Frankenfood.

Have you looked at the ingredient list on your average food item lately?

It’s crazy!

Here’s a good rule of thumb. If it has more than 5 ingredients on the label, don’t eat it.

One ingredient foods are even better.






Black Beans


You really don’t need labels for these, now do you?

When you eat whole foods, you are getting all the vitamins, minerals, fiber, even water content that is in there and is designed for your optimal health.

Your body doesn’t want to deal with all the chemicals, preservatives and other nastiness that is prevalent in so much of our food supply.

There are also studies that show that whole foods are better utilized than their individual components. This could apply to grains, vegetables and even fruit. Eating an apple is way easier on the system than drinking apple juice, because the fiber of the apple slows down the glycemic response, as just one example.

So put down the boxes, bags and wrappers, and pick up those healthy, tasty and just plain better whole foods.

Make It Happen!





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