What A Difference A Year Makes!

Lori passed me this note yesterday, and I just had to share it with you.

It demonstrates the power of consistency, determination, and of course training at Get Fit NH!

You see Lori just went to her doctor for her latest check up, and the numbers from last year to this are nothing short of phenomenal.

In the last year Lori has:

Lost 59 Pounds

Reduced her LDL (bad cholesterol) by 29 points

Increased her HDL (good cholesterol) by 26 points

On top of all that she reported her triglycerides and other numbers are excellent, and her doc is pretty happy about it.

Lori didn’t make all these improvements because she is “lucky”, or has “great genetics”.

She did it one day at a time, one meal at a time, one training session at a time.

And all those “at a time’s” really add up over the course of a year, don’t they?

Great job Lori, we are proud of you.

Keep Making It Happen!

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