Recovery – Your Body Knows!

Alternatively you can do burpees all week…

At Get Fit NH, our training system (you do have a training system, right?) dictates a recovery week every 8 to 12 weeks.

Next week, June 25th – 29th is our next scheduled recovery week.

As our long time clients know, the concept of taking time off from regular training is usually met initially with some level of bewilderment, confusion, misunderstanding, resistance, irritation, or maybe all of the above.

But after going through a couple cycles of training and recovery, and seeing and feeling the difference that a long term training system makes, most clients know when they are ready for a break – emotionally, mentally, and physically.

We have written quite a bit on the subject of recovery weeks and why they are important, so take a few minutes to read and understand the why’s and how’s.

Recovery Is Where The Magic Happens

I Hate Recovery Weeks

Rest, Recover and Regenerate, It’s Not Optional

Getting Better, that’s what it is all about!


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