Did YOU S3? Here’s Some Superstars Who Did!
As we wrap up the 2014 Six Week Sprint into Summer (S3) Nutrition Challenge I feel it is absolutely necessary to congratulate some of your fellow teammates on their incredible success.For starters we need to congratulate the following students for faithfully turning in their nutrition card each week throughout the challenge:
- Katie Jordan
- Maura Carroll
- Kate Fox
- Carolyn Amrol
- Donna Weilnau
- Ronald Weilnau
- Kristen Wolfe
- Spencer Wilbur
- Bob Magan
- Sonia Cormier
- Lyn Roberts and
- Sara Withers – awesome job!
I am 100% confident that each of these students would agree that the habits we encourage our students to live by enhance results drastically. I can confidently say that because there is not one student on that list who did not lose multiple pounds. What are my famous words?
That’s right. You cannot and will not out train poor nutrition. Get all your wheels turning the same direction and you are going to be unstoppable.
I would like to take the time to individually recognize each of these champions for their outstanding achievements. These are real life people. Real people who train at the same facility as you. Real people who were provided the same tools as you. Real people who made it happen.
- Kristen Wolfe: Kristen was prepared for results as soon as the S3 challenge began. She had her body composition test taken right at the beginning of S3 (June 3, 2014 to be exact) and again at the end of S3 (June 30, 2014 to be exact.) During the 6 week challenge Kristen averaged over 90% compliance. She admitted it was not easy, but maintained discipline because results were important to her. Kristen lost 8 pounds on the scale and after taking her body composition test we learned that every single pound lost was excess body fat! This is an incredible win. What do you think Kristen, is having discipline and self-control worth the way you feel today?
Katie Jordan: This woman has been flying down the road to success since she stepped through our doors. She has soaked in every ounce of knowledge we’ve provided and has attended countless workshops to continue toward her goals (which I’m pretty sure involve Coach Erin being decked out in pink from head to toe, right?) Katie participated in the S3 challenge and lost 15.8 pounds. That is all while maintaining about 90% compliance.
Carolyn Amrol: Carolyn has such a contagious and encouraging attitude. She averaged about 90% compliance over the past 6 weeks and lost 13.5 pounds. Carolyn works so hard in the gym to continue making great progress.
Ronald and Donna Weilnau: I have so many positive things to say about this inspirational couple. I remember last September having a conversation with Donna as she took on one of the most elite races in NH, Reach the Beach. I remember her saying that she wished she could get Ronald to join Get Fit NH. I also remember Ronald picking her up from the race and being so
proud of her accomplishment. We welcomed Ronald to the Get Fit NH family shortly after Donna’s huge accomplishment and he has made an absolutely remarkable change in his lifestyle. He has accomplished incredible weight loss, screened out of several functional movement screen bands, and has been an absolute inspiration to others. Together I am confident they will continue to make progress toward their goals. With the support of one another they have been unstoppable. Together they lost about 8 pounds during the S3 challenge
Maura Carroll: Maura made great changes over the past 6 weeks. She has lost 5.8 pounds. Maura has such a positive and inspiring attitude. Her reception to coaching is absolutely admirable. She has been with the Get Fit NH family for 4 years and continues to seek improvement.
Kate Fox: What can I say about Kate? Who doesn’t know Kate Fox? She is a Get Fit NH celebrity in so many ways. Not only has she referred half of our clientele, but she is also the owner and originator of Fox Fancy Pants. Kate is a huge inspiration to our 5 AM training time. She is dedicated, engaged, and her results have proved that she is dedicated to herself and her health.
Spencer Wilbur: I was pleased to congratulate Spencer on his great success today and even more pleased to hear about how he was able to fit into his suit from 25 years ago a few weekends ago. Since training with Get Fit NH he has lost about 25 pounds and continued to work toward his goals losing 6 more pounds during our S3 challenge.
Sara Withers: Sara has been apart of the Get Fit NH family for just over a month. She jumped on board for S3 right away and is already reaping the benefits. She said that she was upset when the scale did not go down as much as she wanted it to, but thanks to our trustee body fat system we learned that she lost 7 pounds in body fat! Which is a great win. Her immediate dedication to herself is inspiring. I see nothing but great success for Sara! She is no doubt a go getter.
Sonia Cormier is a rock star. She just earned her Hall of Fame red shirt. For the past year Sonia has taken advantage of every challenge. Six Week Sprint to Summer was another focal point Sonia used to make sure she kept making necessary steps to reach her goal. While being faithful to training she also makes appointments to have her body composition tested and takes time to make goals every four months. I applaud her for using the tools Get Fit NH provides to make the most of her nutritional changes. Dedication and Consistency describe Sonia to a “T”. Her team at 6:15, the scale, and her body composition all reflect the hard work Sonia pours into herself. (Coach Nancy)
Bob Magan was a bit hesitant to start the Six Week Sprint to Summer. Coach Sarah and I had to push him a bit but as always he takes the little push and turns it into a chance to shine. The S3 Scorecard from Bob was always waiting for me at 5am for me to review. He used the information on the scorecard to make daily changes. Bob used the high percentages as a pat on the back for work already accomplished while he used the lower percentages as his focus for the next week. I’m proud of Bob for his dedication to himself. He is making the changes one step at a time for himself but for those in his family as well. (Coach Nancy)
Lyn Roberts stayed true to S3 all six weeks but she isn’t ready to stop yet. Each week Lyn not only turned in her scorecard but also her meal plan. She wanted to have accountability to get that portion done. When I asked Lyn what she was going to do about meal planning for the week now that Six Week Sprint to Summer was over she wrote me to say, “Its easier for me with a plan. I tend to stay more disciplined with it. Even though they have been hand-written, it wouldn’t be that hard to do a computerized version and just fill in the blanks. Will see what I can come up with.” I’m proud to say Lyn is going to keep on Making It Happen! (Coach Nancy)
These results are absolutely amazing. I am so proud of everyone who participated in this challenge. The results speak for themselves. 12 participants and 67.2 pounds lost- fantastic!
But even more important than what was lost is what was gained – new habits which will KEEP us moving toward losing fat, getting lean, and looking and feeling great.
It’s not too late to get your nutrition under control. Your coaches are here to help you anytime, any day. Don’t wait for the next challenge to be a winner!
Make it happen,
Coach Meagan
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