S3 Results Are In: Cause and Effect!

SizzlingSummer13LogoMuch thanks to Coaches Meagan and Nancy for compiling all the data we needed to see who actually won this thing!

And while I am not going to tell you until tomorrow (booooo!) I am going to share the results of my own number crunching.

You see it is very important to us to be able to demonstrate the effectiveness of our training and nutrition strategies through data and evidence, not just ask you take our word for it.

The 2013 Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown gave us the opportunity to get a large sample of data on our clients compliance with S3 and the ensuing results.

Would it surprise you that the teams with the highest compliance lost the most body mass?

While it didn’t surprise me, I was very pleased with the confirmation.

We often talk that no matter how great the nutrition plan, you actually have to DO IT to see results. We know that the habits instilled in S3 lead to both short term and long term results and body composition change.

If and when you actually do them consistently.

Our benchmark is 90% -as in – keep the plan at least 90% of the time to see the greatest results. The less you do the plan, the slower your results. Kinda makes sense!

I hope the following chart excites you as much as it excited me.

The plan works, if you work the plan.


2013 Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown
Time Frame: 7 Weeks (49 days)
Team Format (4-5 member teams)
Self Reported Compliance Average Body Mass Lost
90%-100% 4.01%
80%-89% 2.87%
70%-79% 2.44%
60-69% 1.35%
<60% 1.42%


There is no hiding and there is no denying what you know to be true.

There is a big difference between knowing and doing.

We all had the same information, at the same time.

It’s what we did with that information that made the difference.

It was the consistent application of the “knowing” that led to better results.

So my challenge to you is to stop looking for “something else”.

Get off the internet looking for the latest fad, pill or shake.

Forget the pseudo-science and marketing hype.

You know what to do.

  1. Eat regular meals. Find a schedule that works for you and do it. All the time.
  2. Eat Complete, Lean Protein – every time you eat
  3. Eat Your Veggies – every time you eat
  4. Eat “Other Carbs” only after you train
  5. Eat Healthy Fats Daily
  6. Don’t Drink your Calories.
  7. Eat Whole Foods whenever possible.

Now Keep Making It Happen!

Coach Dean






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