Six Week Sprint to Summer – Build Your Habits

sssWe all have habits.

There are things we do, every time we do them.  We drive to work, put the toothpaste on the brush, and put the pillow under our head – the same way – every time.

When it comes to the way we eat we have built habits as well. We like certain foods in certain ways. We like to eat at certain times. We plan and prepare our food or we don’t. We have a set point at which we are full. We salt our food without tasting it first (guilty!) We may grab a glass of wine after dinner. We may eat dessert. These things are all habits.

Food has so much power over our lives. We have to eat to survive. But eating is also enjoyable. There are so many wonderful tastes, textures, colors and smells. The problem is when we let food overpower us and control us to the point our health suffers.

The good news is that habits can be built, and habits can be broken. Our Six Week Sprint to Summer is all about building habits that support good health. It is not deprivation. There are no calorie counts or restrictions.

There are replacements however.

We replace poor habits with better ones. We control our food, we don’t let it control us. We take one day at a time, doing specific things that will help us replace our poor nutrition habits with ones that will support our goals of losing fat, getting lean, and looking and feeling great.

Over the years we have been consistent with these habits. There is nothing magical here. We are making a conscious decision every meal to do what it takes to build good health habits. For those of you who have been with us awhile these will be familiar. Kinda goes along with the “Habits” theme, wouldn’t you say? 🙂

Take some time to click the links and read the articles that go along with each habit. These are from past challenges and will be a big help. Don’t just blindly follow. Knowing why you are doing something is an important part of building the habit.

Let’s get started!

Six Week Sprint To Summer Habits

Habit 1: Did I plan and/or prepare every meal I ate today?

Habit 2: Did I eat vegetables every time I ate today?

Habit 3: Did I eat lean, complete protein every time I ate today?

Habit 4: Did I eat healthy fats every time I ate today?

Habit 5: Did I drink only zero sugar beverages today? (Exception: post-training)

Habit 6: Did I avoid all added sugars when I ate today?

Habit 7: Did I eat/drink complete lean protein within 1 hour after resistance training today? (n/a = not training day)

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