Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown Awards – Concord Edition

Hey guys, just wanted to share a few shots of our first and second place individual winners in our 3rd annual “Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown” transformation contest as they were awarded their prizes.

The “Epsom Awards” will be coming soon, as Katie receives her prizes and the crazy 6:15 gets their shirt designed for winning the team competition.

In the meantime:

First place winner Susan Perry knocked out the competition with a total of 23 pounds (15.02%) lost over the 8 weeks. Sue has promised to share some thoughts about the past 8 weeks and how the “4 Habits” made such a big difference in the way she looks and feels.

For winning Sue got a gift certificate from our friends over at Chichester Massage, 12 months membership to our F.L.A.G. program, a custom “Get Fit NH” jacket, and a new iPad!

Frank Muller, our 2nd place winner with 27 pounds (12.41%) lost was throwing around some golf terminology this morning (net low vs. gross), but the fact of the matter is Frank is literally a changed man. The way he embraced the habits and kept strong throughout the contest was fantastic to witness.

Frank also received a gift certificate from Chichester Massage, 6 month of F.L.A.G., and his own custom Get Fit NH pullover.

Congratulations and well done Frank and Sue!

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