Ski Erg World Sprints are HERE

We’re about 2 weeks away from the 9th Annual Ski Erg World Sprints

What are the Ski Erg World Sprints? Great Question! It is an opportunity to see where you stand against other men and women your age in the Ski Erg world. All you have to do it ski erg 1000 meters sometime between Thursday November 9th and  Saturday November 11th. You can do this before or after training. We might recommend before or on that Saturday as the goal is to complete 1000 meters as fast as you can!

The times will be posted into the Concept2 log book and your time will be ranked amongst fellow ski erg lovers around the world. You will be able to see where you rank based on gender and age. 

Did we mention there are prizes involved? It's true. The winners of each age group will earn prizes and if we (Get Fit NH) submit 20 or more individual results we will be entered in a raffle for a new SkiErg. Which we will then raffle off to those who competed. A couple of years ago our own Karl Edelmann won that prize – this might be you year.

We are going to open the Concord gym up from 8:00am to 9:00am on Saturday the 11th, and we want to get at least 20 of y’all into the books.

Who's in?

Tell Your Friends!