TRX Rows – Where should I feel them?!

“Where should I feel this?”

Our clients ask us this often with many exercises. Today I’m breaking down the TRX row.

The TRX row is a fantastic upper back exercise. Your upper back is made up many muscles and they work together to pull your body up from this horizontal position.

The video below is a close up of what muscles are working. You’ll primarily see rhomboids (picture 1) and rear delts (picture 3) working, but you best believe your traps (picture 2) and lats (picture 4) are assisting in this pull.

3 things to focus on next time you TRX row:

  • Relax your shoulders down out of your ears. “Put your shoulder blades in your back pockets”
  • Squeeze your glutes to help your body stay in a solid, strong position. You don’t want to let your hips drop out at the bottom.
  • Drive your elbows down toward the floor as you row up. This will help from shrugging at the top

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