What’s The Cost of Being Screened?

fms_certified_expertActually I’d rather you think of it this way.

What’s the cost of not being screened?

In pain, restriction, dysfunction, lack of mobility, or all of the above?

Now that may be dramatic, but I’d rather take 15 minutes and do the screen with an all clear than sit on an injury waiting to happen.

But let’s get down to brass tacks.

If you were to go out beyond the walls of Get Fit NH and be screened with the FMS, what would it cost you in cold hard cash?

To be honest I hadn’t thought about it because we are committed to helping our clients get better, and we strive to give 10x the value of what it costs to train here.

But then I was looking to attend a conference in southern NH being held at a training facility much like ours. I was perusing their website seeing what services they offered, what they charge, etc.

And during that perusal I found they (wisely) offer the FMS to their clients as well.

In fact they offer the FMS as a stand alone service.

$75 if you are not a client.

$50 if you are an active client.

And at $50 it is worth every penny.

What are we asking for the same service for our active clients?

15-30 minutes of your time.

Pretty sweet deal, wouldn’t you say?

Let’s keep Making It Happen!

Coach Dean



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