10 Ways I Can Help You Now

Do you feel lost in your health journey? Or are you having a hard time just getting started?

There is so much out there on the internet and it is hard to read through what is real and what is not. How do you know what is right for you? 

Should you work with a coach?

Should you take a shot solo?

Maybe a workout buddy?

How about keto or intermittent fasting?

Crossfit or cardio?

Functional training? 

Am I too old? Too broken?

I don't want to get hurt.

I don't have time.

What about my kids schedule?

Who will get home to the dogs?

My doctor says I need to lose weight.

I am pre diabetic.

These are just a handful of the things I hear from clients and prospective clients. It can seem really overwhelming, but it really doesn't have to be. Here are ten ways we can help whether you choose to work with us or by yourself!

1.) Join of for a two week free trial. There is no risk and no pressure here. See if this is what works for your schedule.

2.) Get on a consult call with me.Let's get you  organized, talk through what is blocking success and set up some measurable action steps.

3.) Commit to 8 weeks of habit based coaching completely customized to YOU and what you need. Consult call to talk through your hurdles and 8 weeks of consistent check ins and problem solving. I will meet you where you're at and together we will come up with action steps that suit you, your goals and your current situation.

4.) Snag a recipe book with 50+  recipes completely broken down by serving size, calories and macronutrient information to keep you honest and satiated!

5.) Worried about starting a training program or continuing a training program due to pain? Check out these three courses to help you get out of pain!

6.)Join us for a pop up workout!No obligations or commitments, just come see who we are.

7.) Book a Styku body scan. Let's gather more information outside of just what the scale says and see how we can improve your health. This is free for clients and $25 at the time of service for non clients. Both clients and non clients can book a scan here.

8.) Have you been faithful to nutrition and exercise and you still have some frustrating stubborn fat that you need help budging? Check out our CoolSculpting services 

9.)  Follow us on social media for frequent motivation, tips and tricks!

10.) If you still feel overwhelmed, frustrated or not sure where to start, just simply email me! Meagan@getfitnh.com

You are guaranteed a response and I am committed to helping you find a way, even if it is not through Get Fit NH. 


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