3 Simple Ways to Lose Fat

Tis the season to get back on track, am I right? The holidays are over and we want to be able to
comfortably button our snow pants for all of this imaginary snow! I am going to share three of
the most basic and simplest ways to lose fat as we jump into 2024.

1. Do not miss strength training days or if you’re not in a program find one that works for
you. This is not a hard sell on Get Fit NH, this is scientifically proven over and over. You
can run all you want on the treadmill, but the calories you burn on that machine stop
there. The beauty of strength training is that you burn calories while you are training and
CONTINUE to burn calories throughout the day as your body works hard to recover the
muscle and tissue that you tapped into through resistance training.

2. Prioritize protein. If you are an adult and you are not getting at an absolute MINIMUM of
100 grams of protein per day (and I can emphasize that minimum enough) then you’re
not eating enough protein. I hear all the time, “100 grams of protein! I can’t eat that

  1. You can’t have one more egg or a ½ cup of egg whites more?
  2.  You can’t add an extra ounce or two of protein to lunch and dinner?
  3. You can’t have any afternoon Oikos greek yogurt or protein coffee?
  4. You can’t throw a scoop of Vital unflavored collagen in your morning drink (coffee, tea, water)
  5. You can’t have a tuna packet for a snack and replace the apple and peanut butter?

My point is ... .you can. If fat loss is a goal of yours and you just decide you can’t eat that
much protein then you’re going to struggle losing weight and struggle to be in a calorie
deficit which scientifically is the way to lose fat.

3. Move more. I don’t mean train more. I mean move your body more often. For starters, it
is a waste of time to spend hours in the gym trying to out train poor habits or think that
you are making up for lost time. It doesn’t work like that. We are all busy people. 45
minutes to one hour of focused training 3-4 times a week gets results and is
sustainable. If your goal is fat loss then THAT cannot be your only intentional movement.

Our most successful fat loss clients also:
a. Walk 3-5 miles per week
b. Many are runners (not advised for those with joint pain)
c. Hike
d. Bike
e. Dance

As we take on the new year and we consider how to make this year happier and
healthier we need to be realistic. It is not realistic or sustainable to add hours and hours
of exercise and extreme or fad dieting into our life. That is a recipe for burnout.

**Ps: If you’re looking to lose some fat in a localized area then I recommend checking
out our CoolSculpting option. Scientifically proven to compliment the habits stated

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