3 Ways to Tone

We are several months away from bathing suit season, BUT if you start focusing now then you
won’t have a panic situation in May! There is no training that can guarantee fat loss in a specific
area or guarantee to tone a specific area. Unfortunately, no matter how many knee grab abs,
planks, or hollow body holds will lead to a shredded 6 pack.

1. Strength Training: This is the foundation of muscle toning. That means using
weights or resistance to challenge your muscles.

2. Consistency: Regular exercise is crucial. Aim for at least 2 strength training
sessions per week, focusing on different muscle groups. At Get Fit NH we focus
on full body strength every Tuesday and Thursday.

3. Progressive Overload: Gradually increase the weight, frequency, or number of
repetitions in your strength training routine. This challenges your muscles and
helps them grow stronger. At Get Fit NH we adjust the timing or reps to make this
happen without our clients even thinking about it.

4. Cardiovascular Exercise: While strength training is key for muscle tone, cardio is
important for overall fitness and helps to reduce body fat, making your muscles
more visible. Activities like running, swimming, cycling, or brisk walking are
effective. We recommend this in addition to a solid strength training program.
We encourage our clients to move more!

5. Healthy Diet: Nutrition plays a critical role in muscle toning. Focus on protein
(essential for muscle repair and growth), healthy fats, and complex
carbohydrates. Stay hydrated and avoid excessive processed foods and sugars.

6. Rest and Recovery: Muscles need time to repair and grow after a workout. Ensure
you have rest days in your exercise schedule and get adequate sleep. At Get Fit
NH we program in rest and recovery. These are scheduled no lift days not to be
confused with no movement!

7. Proper Form and Technique: Using the correct form during exercises is important
to prevent injuries and ensure you are effectively working the muscles. Our
coaching team at Get Fit NH are well known for this.

8. Variety in Workouts: Changing your workout routine every 4-6 weeks can prevent
plateaus and keep your workouts interesting. Random workouts lead to random
results. Following a program matters.

9. Manage Expectations: Muscle toning is a gradual process and results will vary
depending on your starting point, body type, and genetics.

If you need help with this then be sure to check out our two week free trial!

**PS if you need some help with toning your abdomen then be sure to check out our
electromagnetic muscle stimulator!

Learn more about that service by clicking the link below! (Scroll all the way down on that page!)

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