Author Archives: gfnhoffice

Goals Board


Remember this board? This was one the first additions we added after the transition of ownership this summer. Some of you have never received the full low down on this board, so allow me to make that happen for you now!

This is the accomplishment club board. Everyone starts Get Fit NH on a mission. The goals may be different, but the overall mission is to get healthier and of course be happier with our new found health. The goals from person to person are not the same. Some come in looking to lose 10 pounds while others come in looking to lose 100 pounds. Some come in to perform better at their sport while others are coming in to fit back into their pre-baby clothes. This board is for everyone and it would bring me great joy to see more wins on this board. We have extra tiles on the board and hundreds in stock, so there is enough room for ALL WINS! Here is the breakdown in sections…

10 pound club

This is the first tier in the weight loss category. Once you lose your first ten pounds you get a tile and you stick your name in the 10 pound club section. Some of you have a goal of ten pounds so your goal would be to STAY there while others have a goal to lose more so your goal would be to make it to the next tier which is..

20 pound club

This is the second tier in the weight loss category. Once you lose 20 pounds you get to move your tile from 10 to 20 pound club.

30-40 pound club

This is the third tier in the weight loss category. Once you lose 30 pounds you get to move your tile from 20 to 30/40 pound club.

This trend continues through 100 pounds!


The last section of the board is called “Accomplishment Club” This is for all of the wins that are not scale related. Here are some examples:

  • Screened out of my red band!

  • Got my first chin up!

  • Climbed Mount Everest 😉

  • Ran my first marathon

  • Took 3 minutes off my 5K

  • Got up off the floor without assistance

There are SO many wins every single day and we want to hear about them. Not only is it important for you to remind yourself how great you are, but it motivates other people too. What a great way to show our family what is possible. You inspire more people than you even know and you have the power to change someone’s life positively.

Make it happen

Coach Meagan

Yoga Is Coming!

The rumors are all true, yoga is coming! We have found a fantastic yoga instructor who is SO much more than just a yoga instructor. She aligns beautifully with all that Get Fit NH believes in. She understands that yoga compliments a strength training program.

So ladies and gentlemen, meet Nicole Detallis. Nicole is a Master Fascial Fitness Trainer, Functional Movement Educator and a Yoga Teacher! We are so excited to bring her expertise to Get Fit NH.

At this time she will be offering yoga every Sunday from 9am-10am beginning February 17, 2019. She will skip February 24, 2019 (school vacation week!) and resume each Sunday on March 3, 2019.

The class on February 17, 2019 is FREE. This class is open to you as well as any others you wish to drag along ☺ Each class after February 17th is $10 per person. You do not have to sign up ahead of time, you can just show up!

We understand that this time table will not work for everyone. At this time it is the only time that works for her schedule and ours. We do plan to offer workshops in the future with Nicole.

We look forward to your feedback after meeting her


Make it happen,

Coach Meagan

Come Join Us For A Charity Training!


Charity Trainings are BACK! We are on a mission to reach and support local organizations and make a difference right here in Concord. Our first charity training is scheduled for Saturday, February 16, 2019 at 8AM.

This is a public event so please feel free to bring outsiders in! The training will cost $10 and 100% of proceeds will go to Concord Coalition to End Homelessness. We are lucky enough to have several clients who are very much associated with this organization and can really help us make a difference!

This is a great opportunity to sweat for a  cause, get a friend through the door that you’ve been working on and just smile knowing YOU are making a difference.

If you would like to learn more about this organization you can do so right here

Thank you for helping us make a difference,

Coach Meagan

SFH Supplement Tasting and Q&A

Mark you calendars for February 6th! 

One of our supplement providers is coming in to do a tasting and answering any questions you may have about their products. This will be happening on February 6th during the Wednesday accountability class at 5 pm. 

We are excited to have them in as we continue to bring the best products we can into the building and give you the best information we can! 

We look forward to seeing you there!

-The Get Fit NH Team

Three Ways To Crush Your Goals

We are one month into 2019, are you on course with the goals you set for the year? What is
your measuring point that determines if you are on track or off track? Setting goals is a skill.
Crushing goals is possible…here’s three tips to help you!

1.) Keep a journal. I am the queen of making lists. I can’t imagine what a mess my life would
be without my to-do list. I know some of you are just like this. Before you head up to
bed write down 3-5 mini goals for the next day (you know, right after you pack your
healthy lunch) Here’s an example:

a. Hit up training at Get Fit NH with all my awesome friends
b. Eat dinner by 6PM
c. Screens off by 9PM
d. In bed by 9:30PM

2.) Dial back on the take out. Not only will this save you lots of money, but it will save lots
of calories. Even smart choices add up to big calories. Take out isn’t going to derail you if
this is occasional, but if you find yourself at Panera Bread more than you find yourself in
your lunch box, we might have a problem! Add packing your lunch to your list!

3.) Practice stress management. You can’t expect to see results if your cortisol hormone is
constantly sky high then you are in for a whole slew of risks. Here is a great explanation
on cortisol and how it effects your system. 

Here are some examples of stress management:

a. Take a bath. Add some essential oils and candles. Hold off on the glass of wine 😉
b. Read a book! My favorite spot to read is in my hammock chair. In the summer it
hangs on my farmers porch and in the winter it hangs in the corner of my
c. Listen to motivational videos. Seriously, if you have never listened to Rachel
Hollis- do it! YouTube has a plethora of videos that will fire you up. Martin
Rooney is another one of my favorites.

-Coach Meagan

Why Wednesday 13: Deadlift Variations In Training

Yesterday we starting working on a more traditional style of deadlifting which has its differences for the RDL style kettlebell deadlifts we normally do. Coach Adam took some time to go more in detail of the differences between the two to give you the better understanding of them and why we do both.

FMS Rescreen

When I returned to Get Fit NH after being away for three years, I knew the training was going to
be challenging. First, I would be battling with the pain of Fibromyalgia. Secondly, for various
reasons, I did not maintain my training in those three years. I knew I needed to train smart, so I
asked Adam to take me through the Functional Movement Screen just like we do with all our
clients. To say that I was frustrated is putting it lightly! Due to the Fibromyalgia and inactivity I
had lost a significant amount of strength and mobility. During that very humbling 10 minutes
Adam accurately assessed that I needed a:

White band for my shoulder mobility
Green band for my tight hips (Hurdle Step)
Red band for my Trunk Stability Push up
Orange band for Rotary Stability.

Three years ago, I had only a white band and now I have three more! During those 10 minutes,
I voiced my frustration to Adam multiple times and he graciously listened and encouraged me.
At that point I had a choice; I could either stay mad, or focus on moving forward and getting
better. This opened my eyes to the frustrations of so many clients who struggle with the same
movement patterns. Three years ago, I had no problem with push-ups but now I am currently
unable to push my body off the floor. I refuse to let that get me down. I am determined to test
out of my bands. Recently, I have seen some of you screen out of your bands as a result of all
your hard work. I am so proud of you! For those of you that still have some bands, we are in
this together! We will work hard, train smart and screen out of those bands!

It’s a Terrible Thing…

“It’s a terrible thing, I think, in life to wait until you’re ready. I have this feeling now that actually no one is ever ready to do anything. There is almost no such thing as ready. There is only now, and you may as well do it now. Generally speaking, now is as good a time as any.” –Hugh Laurie

This quote is one some of you may recognize. I saw it in a few different places on Facebook, and it definitely caught my eye. I have talked about this before, but it is something I truly believe is important to keep in mind as well as something I have struggled with:

There is no perfect time. 

Life will always throw you a curveball when you least expect it. The question is whether you are going to hit it out of the park, or strike out swinging.

There is no perfect time to start eating healthy. There is no perfect time to chase a dream. There is no perfect time to step up. There can be no “Well, I’ll start eating healthy at the end of the weekend” or “Well, I’ll get a membership to that gym next week”. Anything worth doing in life is often hard. It means that it will always come with its own set of challenges that will present themselves no matter how perfect the timing is.

If you are looking to get in shape, to lose the weight, to be successful, the time to begin working on that is not next week. Its now, today, 5 minutes ago, as soon as you finish reading this blog. If you were thinking donuts and pancakes for breakfast, change that right now. Don’t have it because you were thinking about it and say Well, I’ll cook a healthy breakfast tomorrow”. Cook that healthy breakfast NOW!!!

When it all comes down to it, don’t wait. There will never be a perfect time. Think about it - where do most of those dreams end up? Those ideas, those when I get to a point where I’m making more money I’m going to __________”. Those things people wanted to try but never did. The changes they wanted to make but never did because they were waiting for the perfect time. All those people, all those ideas, all those dreams, and where did a majority of them end up? Most likely they ended up with them…..6 feet under.

So don’t delay. Don’t wait. You have a dream, you have an idea, you have a lifestyle you want to live, then live it. Don’t wait until tomorrow or you may get to a point where you waited too long and tomorrow never comes. All of you deserve to be as happy and as fulfilled as humanly possible. It may sound morbid, it may sound tough, but I care about you all and I don’t want any of you to have any regrets. 

Make it Happen!
-Coach Adam

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