About 129,000,000 results.
That’s the number of sites that “The Google” spit back at me when I typed in the word “diet”.
One Hundred Twenty Nine Million.
Is is any wonder confusion reigns when it comes to what we put in the hole under our nose?
The truth is that there is “no one size fits all diet plan” whereby we all have the lean, healthy, high performing body that we think is the answer to all our problems.
BUT (there is always a but)…
But there are principles of nutrition which apply broadly that if adopted lay the foundation for health, fitness, productivity and perhaps even longevity.
And that is where Whole9 comes in.
I am a big believer that you need to know why you are making certain food choices, or you won’t keep making those choices when it gets hard.
It’s not just a matter of of putting together a bunch of great recipes for a few weeks.
It’s about learning and applying the principles of nutrition, meal after meal, day after day that is going to make the difference over the long haul.
So run, don’t walk to one of our nutrition seminars this week.
This is not just another thing to “try”.
I have personally witnessed Coach Nancy read, study, and pretty much dissect the guide we are going to put in your hands. She has put dozens of hours into recipe preparation. But none of that matters to you unless you make it matter to you. (ponder that for awhile!)
We have continually worked hard to provide our clients the best that science and real world experience has to offer through our fitness practice.
We WANT you to succeed, to reach your goals, and achieve your best health.
Make an appointment to be there this Wednesday or Saturday, or both.
Make It Happen!
Coach Dean
Whole 9 Nutrition Seminar 1
Get Fit NH Epsom
Wednesday July 30th
6:00pm to 7:00pm
Whole 9 Nutrition Seminar 2
Get Fit NH Concord
Saturday August 2nd
9:00am to 10:00am
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