A Spotlight Read Through Tears

fingerprint-with-question-mark_318-42454 copyI don’t like to cry. I also dare you to have read this and not shed a tear. A tear because this is real life. This is a life shared with me. A life that has hurts and pain, struggles and shadows, along with joys unspeakable. This story is laid out openly for us to feel, see, and experience as we read the pain of struggle for years. The life is real, but for now the identity is secret.

“It’s complicated. My relationship with food, exercise, and general health has always been complicated and exhausting. I was one of those kids who, one day realized I was different. I had no idea until I went to school and I was called names and was ostracized because I didn’t look like my peers. I was fat. I didn’t even know why I was fat – I was only 5 years old at the time! But I was, and it gave people license to focus on my appearance and comment without any regard for how that might make a child feel. My parents started me on my first diet at the young age of 6. I ate eggs, bacon and wheat germ each morning and for the rest of the day drank some kind of concoction with nutmeg in it. I lost weight quickly – almost as quickly as I lost interest in this crash diet. I still can’t stand the smell of nutmeg and it’s been 54 years. They wanted to help me and did the best they could, spending lots of their hard earned money on weight watchers, diet centers, exercise programs, etc. My weight became a focal point for them and an obsession for me. My life consisted of dieting, starving, binging, losing weight, gaining weight, exercising in a healthy manner and exercising compulsively. My weight and body sized fluctuated greatly and my self-worth was associated with my appearance and the number on the scale. It was a hard life and as I aged, I kept losing the battle. I didn’t think about my health and to be honest, just didn’t care. When I would lose weight, my father would ask me if I felt better and I would tell him that I did, but I really didn’t. I just felt a frenzied need to not be fat so I could be as good as everyone else. Otherwise I was different and a walking target for people to verbally shoot at.

As I became older I began to look at things differently. The obsessive thoughts of weight and dieting began to lose its fuel and I became somewhat hopeless about my situation. I didn’t know what to do – I couldn’t stick to a diet for very long and if I did manage a short time and lost weight, I would immediately regain the weight and increased body size. It was exhausting and disheartening at the same time. I began to struggle with blood pressure and blood tests indicated the need to monitor my cholesterol and triglyceride numbers as they were above normal. I was challenged with significant body pain and attributed it to arthritis or I thought I might have something like fibromyalgia. I don’t like to go to the doctor in spite of having to go every 6 months for my blood pressure, so I never said much about the body aches. When I did mention it, I was told that it was to do with aging and arthritis.

Several years ago I walked into Get Fit NH in Epsom. I did my 2 week introduction and thought I was going to die. Nancy greeted me with a chipper good morning and a broad smile at 5 am and I immediately thought she must be crazy. I looked around at these people and thought that they were looking at me and judging me. I also could not understand why they were smiling and talking to me. I just wanted to do this and get it over with. Within minutes I realized how out of shape I was and how hard this was going to be for me. I had no idea what planks were and thought that a squat thrust was something indecent! But, I hung in there, even after I threw up out of my nose one morning. I cleaned it up quickly and pretended nothing happened! I also realized that these people were kind and supportive and that Nancy’s positive interaction was genuine and caring. That was interesting to me, but still not enough.

I slipped in and out of Get Fit for a few years and finally returned about a year ago. I still struggle with training consistently and the physical and emotional issues around my weight, but I am beginning to understand what Get Fit is offering. It’s up to me to accept it. There are so many classes and groups that provide a support system and assurance that I am not alone in this struggle. The focus on health has been a huge shift for me. I still struggle with my weight, but at this point I actually care about my health. I am taking my test results more seriously – something my doctor is happy about and something my dad would be relieved with. Last August I had a blood test and the results were concerning. For the first time, I saw the word Pre-diabetes in the results. My glucose levels were at a 110 and although it did not suggest Diabetes, it did indicate that if behaviors were not changed it is likely that I would be dealing with this in a few years, if not sooner. That scared me. No-one in my family has ever had diabetes and I don’t want to be the first, if it is something I can avoid with life style change.

In November I participated in the 21 day detox. I found it challenging but I learned a great deal and continue with many practices from it. Dairy is nearly nonexistent in my diet now. I drink lemon with water each day and I drink a great deal of water daily. I try to stick with a Protein Produce & Water template, but will be the first to admit that I am not as disciplined as I should be. I try to go to training at least twice a week and I try to walk on the other days. I do the best that I can. I don’t go on diets anymore; I work on habits with Nancy and my group.

My body aches have diminished and it is so much easier for me to move than before. I just received my newest blood test results and would like to share the comparison from August 2015 to February 2016. In August my total cholesterol was 237 and it is now 194. My LDL Cholesterol was 152 and it is now 124. My Triglycerides were 177 and they are now 112. Best of all, my glucose was 110 and it is now within a normal range at 88. Although the glucose surge had been new, the cholesterol and triglycerides were an ongoing problem and I am shocked and delighted to see the changes.

Get Fit NH, Nancy, and my peers are the stable force in the craziness of my weight and health issues. They are unwavering, dependable, and supportive. I can bounce back and forth, but I can always come back to their unconditional acceptance and understanding. There is no judgement or criticism. For me, Get Fit NH is a safe place.

As I said at the beginning, it’s complicated. But today I am hopeful and not hopeless. I am energized and not exhausted. I am empowered and not victimized. And if my dad were alive today, I would delightfully say “Yes Dad, I REALLY do feel better!!””

Read this again. Do you see yourself in any of this story? Encourage this person, encourage yourself, encourage me, and encourage others. Share your story. There is strength in numbers.

Coach Nancy




What Else Can I Do?

I want to address a rather common question we hear…

“What else can I do when I am not at Get Fit NH to get results faster?”

This is a long answer. Often the question is in regards to training. Should I be running and training on my own on Wednesday and weekends? The answer to that is NO. Absolutely not. You hired a coaching service and you participate in a training program that doesn’t require any additional training to get results. It works.

Ready for the long part?

Here is what you could be doing and should be doing to get your results in gear…meal plan, grocery shop, meal prep. That will always be my answer if you are wondering what else you should be doing outside of these walls. You will never out train poor (or pretty good) nutrition. Wednesdays and weekends are your opportunity to set yourself up for success for the next 3-4 days. If your goal is fat loss and all you’re doing is training, then you are probably getting pretty ticked off with your results. Sure, you can lose some weight and get stronger without changing your nutrition, but it won’t last. Coach Nancy talks about the bicycle. The front wheel is nutrition and the back wheel is training. If one wheel is rolling and the other is not, where are you going? Not very far, if anywhere, right?

No one likes that answer when I tell them that. So if you are frustrated with your results and you just don’t know where to start, then jump on the next 21 Day Jumpstart. We are always running a detox. If you are not willing to change your nutrition, then you are not willing to change your body.

Do you want to make it happen?
Coach Meagan

Take Charge of Your Heart with Dr. Madalyn Otto

Love is the language we all want to speak in February. Some of us do it better than others. But here is my shot to make all the puns about love and hearts since On February 17th, Dr. Otto will bring her passion of helping our hearts gain health and stay that way. What better time is there to talk about heart health than in February when we are in the mood for love. This workshop is open to anyone who has stole a pizza of your heart, your significant otter, or when words can not espresso how much they mean to you. But if you like them a latte you should ask them to join you. At Get Fit NH our goal is that our clients achieve their best health – that’s no big mystery. But sometimes there is something going on inside of us that makes achieving optimal health more challenging.

And that’s where Dr. Detectives like Dr. Madalyn Otto from Whole Health Concord come in. Health is her passion as well. Solving medical mysteries and giving people the tools they need to reach their ultimate potential is an exciting and rewarding experience that she feels privileged to have on a daily basis. Let Dr. Otto tell you her story.

Dr. Madal

“I studied natural medicine because I was intrigued with the expertise and resilience of the body and realized that there is a tendency in the medical community to underestimate both this expertise as well as the power of “nature-made” solutions. I use a multi-dimensional, integrative approach with my patients to achieve long-lasting effects. My goal is to exceed your health need – help you feel younger, more energetic, pain-free and motivated so you can do all the things that you do best!

I am originally from upstate New York (Automatic Bills’ fan by geography…) and earned my undergraduate degree from University at Buffalo. I earned my naturopathic medical degree at SCNM in Arizona and completed a naturopathic family medicine residency thereafter. A rain-and-snow lover at heart, I recently decided to uproot my East Valley practice to transfer to this beautiful state and join Whole Health Concord.”

Chances are, you either personally suffer from or love someone who suffers from a form of heart disease – high blood pressure, high cholesterol, plaque build-up in the arteries, heart attack,and/or stroke. Heart disease is incredibly common in the US, and the numbers continue to rise. What is your cardiac risk, and what can you do about it?

The problem:
1) The standard tests physicians use to assess cardiac risk are out-dated. Newer, comprehensive, insurance-covered tests provide brilliant insight into what’s really going on with your biochemistry and how it’s affecting your risk for heart attack. This is usually a complex interplay between genetics, lifestyle and biochemistry. With these in-depth analyses, Whole Health can accurately assess your true risk factors and see real progress with treatment.

2) The standard medical treatment used is uni-dimensional and largely palliative. When the body’s biochemistry is “off”, it’s because it’s adjusting to an internal problem. High blood pressure and high cholesterol didn’t happen by chance – They are a consequence of an underlying imbalance that needs to be corrected!

Dr. Otto wants to share with you the 4-1-1 about heart health. What’s really going on in your arteries? And what steps can you make to take charge of your heart and keep it happy and healthy? What can you do now to take charge of your heart? Of course we want you to share your love and this information with your Loved Ones, bring them along for a date. “Wood you go with me” and “Stick with me” are both pick up lines I highly recommend using this Valentines Day. If that doesn’t work let them know you Wheely like them and that you are fondue them too. But seriously Ewe are one in a million and I’ve taken a Viking to you so we want you to be your best.

Mark your calendars now – this seminar is sure to be packed. And Yes, I will be there sharing more punny words of wisdom.

Take Charge of Your Heart!

Dr. Madalyn Otto
Wednesday, February 17th
6:00pm – 7:00pm
Get Fit NH Concord (Click for Directions)




21 Day Jumpstart Challenge: February Edition

“When you can make lemonade from life’s lemons, your glass will always be full.” Coach Nancy 

(I’m not sure if I was the first one to say that but boy is it true)

Life always throws us curveballs. We are not in control of so many things that each day we have to adjust and make new plans. In the long run, most of these are just small irritations. But these small irritations can have a big affect on our waistline!

You have heard us say it before – all of us are emotional eaters on some level. We eat when we are happy, we eat when we are sad, we eat to be social, we eat when we feel like being anti-social.cover-785x1024.jpg

On the purely foundational level, we need to eat to survive – to keep the biochemical reactions in our bodies functioning at a high level.

And for the next 21 days, starting on February 15th, we will be eating to Jumpstart our bodies back into health.

If you have never done one of our 21-Day Jumpstart Detoxes before, you are in for a treat. Here is what some of our past participants have had to say when we asked the question “What did you learn from the 21-Day Jumpstart Detox?”:

“If I fuel my body with healthy food, it’s so much happier with me than if I feed it junk! Amazing how simple it is!” – Paulette

“That I really don’t need or miss sugar!” – Mary

That there is tremendous strength and endless possibility in a group effort!” – Mae Lynn

“Don’t accept that quality food isn’t worth the time; that waking up w/occasional achiness is part of aging; asthma-type congestion is only resolved w/medication; Sugar or coffee are necessary afternoon pick-me-ups; that getting everything done requires more hours (as opposed to more natural energy)….” – Rayne

“I have learned that eating well is easier than I thought! I definitely can eat this way forever! I am stronger than I thought” – Debbie

And those are just a few things that Detox participants have shared with us!

Here’s what you get when you sign up for the 21-Day Jumpstart Detox Challenge:

  • Jumpstart Detox Meal Plan That Eliminates All The Guesswork
    Discover the right way to detox
    3 levels to personalize your detox
    Get an easy-to-follow, step-by-step plan
  • 21 Day Jumpstart Rundown on February 13th in Concord to answer all your questions and get your Jumpstart going strong from Day 1
  • Learn how to transition to a long-term plan and still enjoy the foods you love
  • 21 Delicious Recipes That Your Family Members Will Love – your cookbook will grow as more recipes are shared through out the detox!
  • Grocery Lists to Make Shopping Quick & Simple
  • 21 Days in our Online Support Group to Ask Questions, Share Ideas, and Get Feedback – this was a favorite component of past detoxers!
  • 21 Daily Tips and Accountability Messages to Keep You on Track to Your Goal – everybody loves these, too!

In a nutshell you get Accountability, Access To Expertise, and Association with a group of like- minded people committed to success.

** The recipes in this detox are fantastic, and you’ll get more as we go through our online support group. **

***By the way, you do NOT have to be a Get Fit NH client or even live in the area to register… Anyone, anywhere can participate!***

On Monday, February 15th, 2016 we will be jump starting our nutrition! This Jumpstart will go through March 6th, 2016. Let’s take 21 days together to dial in on our nutrition skills. Its going to take focus but we are with you all the way.  Who’s joining us?

21-Day Jumpstart Detox Challenge Dates:

The 21 Day Jumpstart Rundown Live Workshop: Saturday, February 13th @ Get Fit NH Concord 9-10 am
Registration Cut-Off Date: February 12th, 2016
Official Start of Challenge: February 15th, 2016
Official End of Challenge: March 6th, 2016


The spotlight is on…

The spotlight is shining bright on 5 AM superstar, Marky Mark. If you have ever been to a 5 AM class then you know Mark- he is the one with the “Fox Fancy Pants” and adds a rock n’ roll jump to every squat jump. Mark has the ability to make a whole room full of people laugh and brighten your door all before 6 AM. Aside from an awesome personality, Mark also works his butt off. You can also count on him working through every second of every set. I am thrilled to put the spotlight on Mark. Here is what he has to say!


“I started at Get Fit NH January 2011, just earned my 4 year strong shirt. My wife was enrolled about 1 month before me and said this is something I would like. I was running in the early hours and I needed something instead of the run in the winter. I’m an active person, I play baseball in an over 40 league, I play softball, I play indoor soccer. All activities are afternoon or at night. So I wanted an early morning class to get me motivated, build some muscle and lose some unneeded belly. Well the 5am class is just what I needed, every day is different (just like my own job). You get to train and work with different tools. Some items work small areas on your body and some items work big areas. Each day is as important as the
next. I found that, yes I was sore some days, but always push myself to get into the training and get myself better.

I love the fact that this is available and I go in with an open mind and know that the trainers
will provide an hour of work with fun mixed in to make me a stronger, fit and a better
person. The group who have been with me for the past 4 years I consider all close
friends including the trainers past and present, they all encourage and laugh and
give feedback in a non stressful environment.

I personally have seen many changes- from having my food log just tossed in the trash
and getting the right food to eat, to going from a 34 waist to a 32 waist, and
shirts down from a XL to a Large. When I went through kidney cancer, that was the
longest month of my life. I couldn’t train and I can’t sit still, I need to be active! I
lost all my strength and my weight was wicked low at 165. I pushed myself to get back
into the training and all has been fantastic since. I have noticed that since I’ve
been in this training I have not been as sick as I have in years past.

My weight has been up and down started at 185 and has been as low as 165 but with
added body mass, running around 175. I know I have work to do and I know my BAD
HABITS, that’s what keeps me going. I enjoy the challenge and will work hard, and
I know the training and trainers at Get Fit NH will provide the way to get me there.
Thanks again for ALL YOUR work.” -Mark “Marky Mark” Dartnell

Mark is 4 years strong and I couldn’t imagine not getting to see him everyday. He is such a special part of this family. Thank you for choosing to train with us, Mark and thank you for sharing your story.

-Coach Meagan

Are You an Apple or a Pear?

What I mean is are you shaped like an apple or a pear?

Do you have a round belly (apple) which is more common in men, or do you carry your weight around your hips and thighs (pear), which you see more in women, or a combination of the the two?

Long term studies have shown that “abdominal obesity” is strongly associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease and death. (1,2)

Two ways to measure abdominal obesity are by measuring waist circumference, and also waist-to-hip ratio. Following are some of the health risk guidelines from different health organizations (3):

OrganizationMeasurementDefinition of Abdominal Obesity
American Heart Association
National Heart Lung and Blood Institute
Waist CircumferenceWomen: >35 inches
Men: > 40 inches
International Diabetes FederationWaist CircumferenceWomen: > 31.5 inches
Men: >35.5 inches
World Health OrganizationWaist-to-Hip RatioWomen: >0.85
Men: >0.9

According to the Harvard School of Public Health (3), even if you are not overweight having a large waist may mean you have a higher risk of health problems than someone with a trim waist.

You can measure your waist and hips with a cloth tape or a MyoTape, and then calculate your hip-to-waist ratio to find out where you are at.

But I have a better idea!

When you are get a scan done with the Fit3D, your waist measurement as well as your hip-to-waist measurement is automatically recorded and the data saved to your record.

Here are some screen shots of what those charts, as well as your full measurement chart will look like:

Screen Shot 2015-12-09 at 5.55.48 PM

Screen Shot 2015-12-09 at 5.55.34 PM

Screen Shot 2015-12-09 at 5.56.00 PM

The Fit3D scanner is not just about appearance, but an important tool in assessing health risk. We have been rolling the Fit3D out on a limited basis until we are at full staffing again, but if you just can’t wait, let a coach know and we will do our best to schedule you in.

Thanks for your patience, and see you on the scanner soon!


1. Ohlson LO, Larsson B, Svardsudd K, et al. The influence of body fat distribution on the incidence of diabetes mellitus. 13.5 years of follow-up of the participants in the study of men born in 1913. Diabetes. 1985;34:1055-8.

2. Larsson B, Svardsudd K, Welin L, Wilhelmsen L, Bjorntorp P, Tibblin G. Abdominal adipose tissue distribution, obesity, and risk of cardiovascular disease and death: 13 year follow up of participants in the study of men born in 1913. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed). 1984;288:1401-4.

3. “Waist Size Matters” http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/obesity-prevention-source/obesity-definition/abdominal-obesity/

Great Spotlights shining in!

becky3As if training isn’t challenging enough? Here is another success story from the one and only Becky Lovell. Becky trained right up until the day she delivered! I am talking this woman training every single training day. This woman did not miss a day of training her entire pregnancy – 9 months! Perfect attendance in itself is impressive- perfect attendance while pregnant? Now that is something worth sharing! I am so proud of Becky. She has been an inspiration to me since long before she was expecting. Becky prides herself on “keeping up with the boys” at 6:15 AM! She can definitely hold her own and then some. Her story is so awesome and I am so excited to see what happens next!

Here is her story!

“I started training at GFNH in 2010 to help maintain my 40lb loss and have become leaner and stronger over the last 5 years.  I have set and reached goals in and out of GFNH that I never would have dreamed possible.   One goal that I achieved in October 2014 was to run and finish the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington, DC.  Ironically, if you had asked me 10 years ago if I would ever run a marathon, I would have laughed and thought you were crazy.   Last fall my husband, Garrett, began at GFNH and gave me a little friendly competition which helped me to set some new goals for 2015.

becky2This year I started out with my new goals, one of which was to get stronger, so I joined the small group training, Training for Warriors (TFW).   About a month into TFW training, I found out that I was pregnant.  I have always wanted to be a mom, so at 36 I was thrilled, but knew that I would have to make some modifications to my goals for 2015.  With my doctor’s approval I was able to continue with both GFNH and TFW.

Not much changed with my training in the beginning other than the addition of a heart rate monitor with instructions to stay out of the red training zone.   Yes, I was a little more tired, and I did have some nausea, but I began to notice on the days I made it to GFNH I would feel better and have fewer pregnancy symptoms.  Over the past few months, I have continued to train at both 6:15 and TFW in the afternoon.  Depending on the day and how I was feeling I have not always been able to train as hard as I would have liked.  One of the big lessons I have learned with my pregnancy is to listen to my body, and not be hard on myself if I physically couldn’t do some of the more advanced work I am used to doing.  The added pregnancy weight and my changing body with baby bump have made a lot of things much harder than before.  Yes, it has been frustrating to have to do some of the regressions, or even ask for modifications, but it would be more frustrating to not be at GFNH at all.

pregobeckOver the months I have only missed a couple of classes and my plan is to train right up to birth.  There have been plenty of days that I have not wanted to go to work, let alone walk through the doors of GFNH.  Those are the days I had to dig deep and know that I have friends who would look for me and wonder where I was.  Right, Stacey Haggett?  When I needed some motivation, I just look to some of the other people in my 6:15 or TFW classes.  I watched Sarah Smith make it to training everyday of her pregnancy at 6:15, and she is now working hard post-pregnancy.  Not to mention training at TFW with a pregnant Coach Meagan who has helped to push me to get better.  Both have been a source of inspiration. 

My due date is nearing, in fact I am 39 weeks, and still trying to train as hard as I can.  One goal I had during my pregnancy was to be able to do a chirpee at 9 months, crazy I know, but when you are handed a challenge by a fellow classmate… I was able to perform one at 8 months however I am sad to report that as of last week I could not get my chin over the bar.  I have spent the last 9 months training hard for a different kind of Marathon in mid-October, with a goal to maintain my strength and deliver a happy, healthy baby. 

Now it’s time to set some new post-baby goals for 2016!”

Pregnant or not- you can make it happen too! I am so proud of Becky and all of her accomplishments. Some of the accomplishments she is too humble to share are 2 Reach the Beach events, a lot of half marathons, maximum deadlift of 225 lbs, 6 unassisted chins, and so much more. This woman is strong. She is not afraid to pick up the heaviest weight in the gym and squat with it! You too can make it happen!

RTB 2013

Marine Corps Marathon 2014


RTB 2014


Indoor obstacle course 2015 (yes, she was pregnant here!)


Are Your Hormones Holding You Back?

“The first time I met Dr. Jones, I was immediately drawn to her easy to listen style of teaching. She made technical medical lingo simple to understand. I learn something each time I hear her talk. Now working with Dr. Jones on several different occasions I appreciate her even more. Beyond making our bodies easier to understand she gives practical tips to help ourselves. She also offers a more intense look into how your body operates to get it to run even better at her practice in Concord. This seminar is the first step to making you an even better you. Dr. Jones is a naturopathic doctor at Whole Health in Concord.”
– Coach Nancy

Estrogen, Progesterone and Testosterone – Balancing hormones for weight loss and health

Doing all the “right” things with diet and exercise and still struggling with tummy fat?  Stubborn weight issues can be caused by hormone imbalances. High estrogen, low testosterone, low DHEA, high insulin and high cortisol are all potential culprits in weight you just can’t shake. Abdominal fat sets a risky stage for aging, increasing the risk of heart disease and diabetes.  Shedding the pounds becomes essential to attain the greater health.  Come learn more about the hormonal players in weight loss, as well as nutrition tips and supplements that allow for greater success in reaching your weight loss goals.

Dr. Laura A. Jones


Balancing Hormones for Weight Loss and Health

October 14th

6 P.M.

Concord – Get Fit NH


21 Day Detox is Back!


Registration is closed for the September Detox. Stay tuned for November Registration

Are you due for an upgrade? I just received an email from Verizon trying to get me to upgrade to a new iPhone 6xyz or something or other – seems like I just get this one!

However I do admit my nutrition could use a little upgrade. Maybe you too are in need of a fresh challenge or hey let’s be honest- a kick in the butt after a short and “sweet” summer!

The exciting news is that this weekends Whole9 nutrition seminar is also going to include a “mini-detox seminar” or maybe better said an intro to your  21-Day Jump Start to Success.

If you have never done one of our 21-Day Detoxes before, you are in for a treat. Here is what some of our past participants have had to say when we asked the question “What did you learn from the 21-Day Detox?”:

[mk_blockquote style=”quote-style” font_family=”none” text_size=”12″ align=”left”]“If I fuel my body with healthy food, it’s so much happier with me than if I feed it junk! Amazing how simple it is!” – Paulette[/mk_blockquote]

[mk_blockquote style=”quote-style” font_family=”none” text_size=”12″ align=”left”]“That I really don’t need or miss sugar!” – Mary[/mk_blockquote]

[mk_blockquote style=”quote-style” font_family=”none” text_size=”12″ align=”left”]“That there is tremendous strength and endless possibility in a group effort!” – Mae Lynn[/mk_blockquote]

[mk_blockquote style=”quote-style” font_family=”none” text_size=”12″ align=”left”]“Don’t accept that quality food isn’t worth the time; that waking up w/occasional achiness is part of aging; asthma-type congestion is only resolved w/medication; Sugar or coffee are necessary afternoon pick-me-ups; that getting everything done requires more hours (as opposed to more natural energy)….” – Rayne[/mk_blockquote]

[mk_blockquote style=”quote-style” font_family=”none” text_size=”12″ align=”left”]“I have learned that eating well is easier than I thought! I definitely can eat this way forever! I am stronger than I thought” – Debbie[/mk_blockquote]

[mk_blockquote style=”quote-style” font_family=”none” text_size=”12″ align=”left”]“That the foods I was eating before was the major reason why I hurt so much… And I don’t have to accept that anymore!!! Change is good!” – Brooke[/mk_blockquote]

[mk_blockquote style=”quote-style” font_family=”none” text_size=”12″ align=”left”]“I’ve learned that no matter where I go I can make great choices. Also that I don’t really “need” any of the things that we have taken out of the diet” – Cara[/mk_blockquote]

[mk_blockquote style=”quote-style” font_family=”none” text_size=”12″ align=”left”]“I have learned two big things. Support means more than anything. And when I am hungry, a glass of water makes all the difference!” – Jodi[/mk_blockquote]

And those are just of a few things that Detox participants have shared with us!

Here’s what you get when you sign up for the 21-Day Detox Challenge:

Detox Meal Plan That Eliminates All The Guesswork

  • Discover the right way to detox
  • 3 levels for beginners, intermediate, and advanced detoxers
  • Get an easy-to-follow, step-by-step plan
  • Learn how to transition to a long-term plan and still enjoy the foods you love

21 Delicious Recipes That Your Family Members Will Love

Grocery Lists to Make Shopping Quick & Simple

21 Days in our Online Support Group to Ask Questions, Share Ideas, and Get Feedback – this was a favorite component of past detoxers!

21 Daily Tips and Accountability Messages to Keep You on Track to Your Goal – everybody loves these, too!

In a nutshell you get Accountability, Access To Expertise, and Association with a group of like minded people committed to success.

 ***By the way, you do NOT have to be a Get Fit NH client or even live in the area to register… Anyone, anywhere can participate!***


Starting Monday, September 28, 2015 we will be jump starting our nutrition! This jump start will go through October 18, 2015. Let’s take 21 days together to build strong habits and improve our nutrition skills.  These habits don’t form overnight- it takes time to master every skill! Who’s joining us?

21-Day Detox “Jump Start to Success” Challenge Dates:

Success Workshop: Saturday September 19 @ Get Fit NH Concord. 9:00am to 10:00am
Registration Cut-Off Date: September 25, 2015
Official Start of Challenge: September 28, 2015
Official End of Challenge: October 18, 2015



**If you plan to purchase an additional program for your partner please do so in a SEPARATE transaction. It’s critical that they’re registered separately with their name and their email so they get all the materials, access links, and daily tips. Thank You! **


What is a Detox Program and Why Should I Do One?

Do any of these things sound familiar?

– Sugar and carb cravings that are driving you nuts.
– A constant feeling of fatigue, lethargy, or anxiety.
– Just feeling like total garbage (brain fog, inability to concentrate), especially when you go on a “diet”.

If you answered “YES!” to any (or all) of those questions, you aren’t alone. Nancy and I are right there with you. And truth be told there are literally millions of other Americans who suffer the same symptoms.


Too much sugar in our diets is certainly a big part of the problem. Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, and Inflammation are just 3 of the results of eating too much refined carbohydrate. But sugar isn’t the only enemy.

Each and every day of our lives we are exposed to other harmful toxins in our food and environment. Food additives, pollution, skin “care” products, soaps, dry cleaning and hundreds of other things we don’t even think about (plastic bottles anyone?)

These toxins we are exposed to every day have been shown to contribute to:

Constipation or Diarrhea (which is worse, I don’t know)
Canker Sores
Difficulty Concentrating
Excess Weight
Difficulty Losing Weight
Fluid Retention
Food Cravings
Joint Pain
Muscle Aches
Sinus Congestion
Skin Rashes
Sleep Problems

More serious conditions that may benefit from a proper detox program may include:

Autoimmune Diseases
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Food Allergies
Heart Disease
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohn’s or ulcerative colitis)
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Menopausal Symptoms (mood swings, poor sleep, hot flashes)
Menstrual Problems (PMS, heavy bleeding, cramps)
Migraine Headaches

Now you guys know that I am a pretty down to earth guy, and I don’t want to seem like chicken little running around saying the sky is falling. But I am guessing if you could eliminate some of these toxins you would want to. It’s kinda crazy to think that the food we eat, the water we drink and even the air we breathe can lead to health problems. Oh and those lovely prescription drugs – while I would never tell you to go off them without medical advice, you have to wonder about all those disclaimers at the end of the commercials while they play beautiful music with butterflies and people dancing through the field. 🙂

Nothing is magic guys. Pills, potions, lotions, drugs, diets or even doing a detox. I guess I am not much of a salesman, but it’s true. You have to put in the work long term to reach your health and weight management goals. I will tell you though that a couple of years ago Nancy and I tested out the an elimination style detox plan (like this one) and it was what set me on my course to get to the lowest bodyfat I had every been measure at, at 9.2%.

So who is with us for the challenge?



**If you plan to purchase an additional program for your partner please do so in a SEPARATE transaction. It’s critical that they’re registered separately with their name and their email so they get all the materials, access links, and daily tips. Thank You! **


Reasonable Expectations?


While weight loss tends to be a major focus for people, there were some other awesome benefits as well. Let me share just a few of the things that participants shared upon completion:

  • Better Sleep
  • Eliminated Hot Flashes
  • Got Off Medication
  • Decreased/Eliminated Chronic Pain
  • Better Digestion
  • Flatter Belly
  • Reduced Acne
  • Improved Relationships With Food (Less Cravings)
  • Enhanced My Relationship With My Spouse
  • Never Hungry
  • More Energy
  • Had Fun Trying New Recipes
  • Pants Fell Off
  • People Notice More Happiness
  • Kids Got Into It And Want To Eat Healthy Now!!!!!

How Can I Be SURE This is the Right Program For ME?

Well, the fact is, this program is SCIENTIFICALLY-BASED & PROVEN TO WORK for regular folks (meaning you don’t have to be some hard-core athlete or professional that works out all day) just like you and me. So far over 2000 people have successfully gone through the 21-day Detox program. Now It’s Your Turn!



**If you plan to purchase an additional program for your partner please do so in a SEPARATE transaction. It’s critical that they’re registered separately with their name and their email so they get all the materials, access links, and daily tips. Thank You! **
