Get Fit Family Appreciation Party! 5k/Strongman/Cookout = One Fantastic Day!

sunThe Get Fit NH End of Summer “We Love The Get Fit Family” Appreciation Party will be an event you don’t want to miss. Geared toward the whole Get Fit NH family and your whole family as well!

To start the day we are proud to announce that we have decided to sponsor, support, and promote a great local 5K for a great cause. Alex Hoeker is a senior at Bow High School who is organizing the “Running for Heroes” 5k. Read his story and sign up for the race here.

Next we will be holding our first annual Strongman/woman contest. We are looking forward to “getting our strong on” with some really fun events. Watch and/or participate, it’s up to you!

Finally we will be holding our “Super Side Dish” contest. During lunch you will get to sample and vote on your favorite, with fabulous prizes to be awarded!

There is fun to be had by all, with games for the kids and fun for the whole family. We would love if you could spend the whole morning with us, but don’t let that stop you from dropping by when you can. Participate in the 5k, the Strongman/woman contest, come to the cookout, or all three! ( just bring that side dish with you!) 🙂

Get Fit NH End of Summer “We Love The Get Fit Family” Appreciation Party

Saturday August 22, 2015


8:30am: Running for Heroes 5k
10:00am: 1st Annual “Get Your Strong On” Strongman/woman contest
11:00am: Fire up the grill and party!

During lunch y’all get to vote for your favorite side dishes, with prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. We’ll have games for the kids, Coach Dean’s famous pulled pork, and plenty of meat on the grill.

Please fill out the form below so we can plan the best day ever – We all look forward to seeing you there!

The Spotlights Continue to Pour in!

Maryann celebrates one year with Get Fit NH on July 24th!!  It has been a very exciting year!  Maryann’s changes did not happen overnight.  There have been some struggles but she has worked hard and it is paying off!  Maryann’s commitment and enthusiasm make her a very special part of the Get Fit NH Family.  I hope you all are inspired by her story!


Maryann after


“I came to Get Fit NH because I knew that I had to get fit or face potentially deadly health issues.  I always tell people “I went to GFNH so that I could live.” I was having some health issues related to my weight and stamina and I knew something had to change.  I remembered a friend had mentioned GFNH a long while back and it had stayed with me.   I was so nervous when I came in to test with Erin to see what my ability was.  There were so many things I couldn’t do!  Her response was that the first step is making the decision to do something positive!  The first two weeks were so intense!  I loved that at GFNH there was only positive energy. The people around me encouraged me and it gave me a lift. I was hooked! You do the things that are safe for you to do and are encouraged to do your very best 100% of the time!  Challenging yourself safely is the goal, but the expectation is that you will challenge yourself.  I leave the gym feeling powerful and that I’ve accomplished something for myself and my health!

What I’ve learned at Get Fit NH is that the passion you feel for your health and wellbeing should be greater than your passion for what doesn’t benefit you!  Sounds crazy, I know!  But for someone who loves food and is willing to eat regardless of the consequences, it’s an important lesson.  Using the passion that I have for food in order to get comfort from the stressors in my life has not worked for me. It has led me to health problems, stress and low self-esteem. Yet it was a behavior that I just couldn’t seem to change.  Through my many talks with Erin, Dean’s blogs, Nancy’s seminars and more, I have learned to focus on my accomplishments and remember that the feeling I get from meeting my goals, is more fulfilling than that ice cream sundae on a bad day!  I also learned that when I do fall down and make choices that do not benefit me, that is not the time to get discouraged and quit!  I have learned that when I fail or don’t meet a goal, that is the time to work harder! 

A few years ago on fb, there was some kind of a list where you put down a wish.  I remember I put “I wish I could be athletic again.”  I was a very good athlete in high school and college.  Now, I am a nurse and like many nurses, I have a bad back.  I also injured my shoulder moving a patient and the injury put me in physical therapy for a year.  I constantly took the elevators at work because I didn’t have the stamina to walk up a flight of stairs!  How do I feel a year after joining?  Like I’m athletic again.  I can do push-ups.  I can lift weights.  I ran/walked a 5k.  And I have not felt this good in about 15 yrs.   Since I joined GFNH, my back doesn’t hurt, my shoulder is stronger and I feel great!  At the hospital, I can walk up two flights of stairs and I NEVER take the elevators anymore!  I just won’t do it!   

My experience at Get Fit NH has been life changing.  Although I still have a long way to go, I know I can make it happen!  I have met wonderful people and made friends who support the positive changes that I’ve made in my life.  I love to walk into GFNH and see the friends I have made all gathering to work out and have fun!  I love the encouragement, competition and positive energy every time I walk through that door!  And I am grateful to Dean, Nancy, Meagan, Adam and especially Erin-who has walked beside me every step of the way!  They have all created a place of acceptance for all people no matter how they look, or what their abilities are.  I love GFNH!  BAM!”

And we love you too, Maryann! Thank you for your continued hard work and dedication! We are SO proud of you!

Keep making it happen,

Coach Erin

And the Answer Is……

maelynnWhen you walk into a gym you usually don’t think, “How is this place going to help me to eat better?” Get Fit NH strives to help you with just that. The first time I talked with Mae Lynn, she wanted to know how Get Fit NH could help her with running. Once she started and now over three years later, Mae Lynn gives us a little insight into more of the things Get Fit NH has helped her to change.

I asked Mae Lynn one question after our Sizzlin Summer Slimdown Challenge ended.

What do you find was the easiest new habit to change and which one was the hardest?

“Easiest? I found changing my cooking and shopping habits to be very, very easy. It simplifies the shopping process so much when you don’t have complicated recipes and long lists of ingredients to deal with. I go in, grab eggs, bacon, one or two big cuts of meat and 5 or six fresh veggies and fruits and that’s it. Maybe a package of salad and grape tomatoes. I always keep cans of olives and roasted peppers and artichokes in the pantry, and frozen peppers and onions in the freezer. It’s easy to stick with shopping this way when you find you are eating leftovers a lot and therefore cooking less! One big roasted chicken or a pot roast and two big pans of roasted veggies? Boom. Several meals.

Hardest? At first, probably the no added sugar beverages. I never drink soda anymore, I gave that up cold turkey years ago before I even did Weight Watchers. But when I gave up soda, I would still enjoy sweetened iced tea or lemonade especially in the summer. Now I have lemon water, unsweetened green tea, etc. I think people don’t realize real change takes time and often needs to be gradual. I quit soda in something like 2009, did the other sweetened stuff for a few years, and eventually got here.

I think that once you have the basic habits ingrained, having some treats once and awhile isn’t the end of the world.

Once and awhile I still have a sweetened iced tea and I almost always have chocolate milk after a long run. But it’s all about balance, and I feel okay with that as long as what I USUALLY do is a good habit. I have to remind myself it wasn’t always this way! I used to have soda or a sweetened beverage with every meal! Those things add up. When people ask me what they can do I always say change that one thing first. Now I always have water with my meals, and drink a lot of water during the day. If I do ever have a sweetened iced tea I’ll water it down, or ask for half sweet half unsweetened on the rare occasion I’m getting one at Dunks. A little sugar goes a long way for me now.

By the way, I love the new accountability idea. One comment I made on Facebook is that I will probably end up asking for more body fat assessments because my scale really hasn’t moved all that dramatically since I started with you guys, but I have gone from a size 12 to a size 4. Every summer, without exception, I have to buy new summer clothes. The lady at Eddie Bauer couldn’t believe it when I told her I lose weight over the winter.”

Keep on surprising all of us Mae Lynn!

How would you answer that question? 

What do you find was the easiest new habit to change and which one was the hardest?

Another noteworthy piece Mae Lynn added was,

“For as long as I can recall, my cholesterol has been high, and every health professional who ever had the opportunity has ‘strongly urged’ me to get on Lipitor. One stress test technician, after I ran the equivalent of Heartbreak Hill on the treadmill and passed with flying colors, was still downright nasty to me when I told her I intended to continue trying to handle it with diet and exercise and that I simply didn’t agree that statin drugs, designed to indiscriminately remove all fat from the blood, are a good thing for anyone. She said I was being irresponsible and that ‘some people are genetically predisposed to high cholesterol.’ Given that many relatives were on Lipitor, I might have had to concede that point.

So this past week, after three years of training at Get Fit NH and not a lot of change in my blood results and absolutely no change in my feelings about drug therapy,  I was beginning to run out of things to say to the doctors, and I was dreading my yearly physical and ‘the talking to’ from my doctor. Imagine my genuine surprise when the nurse presented me with results she said needed ‘to be bronzed!’
My good cholesterol, or HDL, target level more than 39, once 40, is now 61! My triglycerides, which many consider one of the better indicators of heart health, target level less than 150, previously topping out at 256 pre-GFNH, are now 82! As long as I’m throwing numbers around, my weight has not changed dramatically, but my clothing size? I’ve gone from a size 12 to a size 4.
I am so happy to finally see these results, and I wanted to share them because It demonstrates that real change takes time and consistent effort. I’ve been running since 2011 and training hard twice a week at Get Fit since 2012. In February 2014 and again this past year I did the Detox challenge and have been following the Whole 9 habits consistently. It took that long for me. Imagine if I had decided two years of hard work was enough, I was never going to see results, and thrown in the towel?
What kept me going, besides my addiction to running and desire to get better, stronger and faster? You guessed it. Being a part of the Get Fit NH community! As my training buddy Mark put it on Facebook, ‘I ask you, who wouldn’t want to be a part of the Get Fit family?”
We could not be more proud of Mae Lynn for following through and earning great result! You can make it happen too!

Embrace the change and commit to greatness

accountabilityDo you know the number 1 reason why people just like you choose Get Fit NH?


After our recently completed Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown, we asked “What helped you the most with your success?”

In a landslide the number one answer was…

“I was being held accountable.”

We listened. If our awesome students want more accountability, we are going to keep that momentum going all the time. Since we know this is what you want and more importantly what you need we decided to take action.

Our mission at Get Fit NH is to help you lose fat, build muscle and look and feel great. That’s why you came to us,  and from now on we are going to be more proactive in measuring your success.

Starting in our August session we are going to be weighing you in on a monthly basis. Simple as that. The first week of every month you just need to hop on the scale and we will write down the number. Leaving it to when we “feel like it” is not a good idea. If your body weight is higher than it should be, step on the scale. If the scale is not your friend then you will have a better opportunity of being reminded to get your body composition measured. These are tools that are available to you to be sure we are taking you from where you are to where you want to go.

We don’t want you to dread this each month. Our hope is that you embrace this change and embrace your journey toward a fitter more healthier you!

If we didn’t love you we wouldn’t hold you accountable – lucky for you we do love you all very much!

Here’s to making it happen!

Coach Meagan


The Get Fit NH Summer Challenge is On!

Our July challenge has begun!

The best part is as the winner of this challenge you decide if you are Tropical, Bananas or Just (plain) Nuts.


Training is important. We all know that. Get Fit NH wants to reward you for doing something we all know is important consistently. Every week you have perfect attendance in July your name will go in a prize jar. The more you’re consistent, the more chances you have to win. At the end of July there will be a name drawn in Concord and another name in Epsom. The winner will choose their prize.

What are the prizes? Shhhhhh……. It’s a secret. I love secrets. Here’s a hint. One prize has something to do with coconuts, actually the whole prize has to do with coconuts. Another prize has everything to do with nuts and you’ve got it the third prize is a little of everything.

It’s the Summer of Fun at Get Fit NH, so get on in here!

MYZONE Match Training- Space Limited!

TilesMark your calendars! We have our next MYZONE Match training scheduled for Saturday July 18th at 8:00 am in Concord. Those who attended last time would probably agree that this training hour was quite the learning experience as well as a challenge. During this hour there will be a prescribed zone that we will want you to train in. For many of us we can easily jack our heart rate up into the red zone (90-100% of our maximum heart rate) while others have a challenge getting out of the green zone (70-80% M.H.R). Still others have a challenge getting back into the recovery zones. The purpose of the match training is to learn to control your exertion, control your recovery,and control your breathing. This type of control is and maintaining these zones is not easy and it is the optimal way to train your heart.

If you haven’t picked up your belt yet, you will want to make that happen before this event!  There is limited space available, so you MUST register for this training ahead of time, no exceptions please. Space is limited to 28 students, so please do not sign up if you are not 100% sure you can be there – Thanks!

After this fantastic sweat-a-thon we will have our monthly Whole 9 seminar with Coach Nancy- so don’t miss out. It is 2 for 1 Saturday at Get Fit NH!

Make it Happen!
Coach Meagan

MyZone Match Training
When: Saturday July 18, 2015
Time: 8:00 AM Concord
Location: Get Fit NH Concord


Another Field Trip to The Loft Coming Your Way

loft4Back by popular demand!

We had SO much fun at The Loft in Tilton a few weeks ago that we decided we HAD to go back for more! A few Saturday’s ago 43 of you guys came out and absolutely crushed this indoor obstacle course. It was so cool to watch some of you conquer your fears and step out of your comfort zone. The staff at The Loft is welcoming us back with open arms. They were pretty impressed with our crew!

On Saturday, April 25th we are headed back up to Tilton to give it another go. The first wave will go at 9 AM. All waves will be limited to 15 students, so don’t wait to secure your spot! We will continue to add waves as needed each hour. If you didn’t get a chance to go last time then make it a point to come hang out with us April 25th! The positive energy and encouragement will push you to try things you may have never thought possible!

Check out the pictures below from our last field trip and then sign up!

registernow.pngThe Loft Obstacle Adventure
When: Saturday April 25, 2015
Time: 1st wave begins at 9 AM
Where: The Loft 100 Autumn Drive Tilton, NH
Pay to Play: $15

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We’ve Caught Two in the Spotlight!

The spotlight shines on Jennifer and Mary, a mother daughter duo from Epsom. Jennifer started training with us back in 2012 and convinced her daughter to give Get Fit NH a shot. Mary loved it and has been training with us since! We asked Jennifer and Mary to share with us what their experiences with Get Fit NH have been like.

Jennifer describes how she felt after her first two weeks with us, saying: “At the age of 67, I couldn’t run, I had no stamina, and I couldn’t do a squat or pull a band. That was an eye opener as I had been doing water aerobics for several years and thought that was at least keeping me somewhat fit. WRONG. Although the water aerobics did help in many ways, I was shocked at how little I could really do and how much I had slid backwards over time. I remember seriously asking Dean after one particularly hard training session (at least then it seemed really hard) ‘Am I too old for this?’ He laughed but said ‘Of course not!’”

Jennifer R 1After some convincing on her mother’s part, Mary hesitantly decided to give Get Fit NH a try. Mary explains why she was so hesitant, saying: “I have a degree in exercise physiology and spent many years as a personal trainer. I was nationally certified as a fitness instructor. It’s always been very important for me to see and help people get the most out of their exercise and to help them to do their exercises correctly. After years of coaching and watching people at a typical “gym” do exercise incorrectly and with no guidance, I gave up going to the gym. I found myself looking around and cringing with some of the exercises and even stretches that I saw. It was not a relaxing experience for me.”

Jennifer’s convincing worked, though, and Mary came in for a trial. Here’s what she said about her first experiences with Get Fit: “I was FLOORED. Finally. A place which practiced what they preached. A program which was exciting and different every day. Coaches that inspired and pushed others to levels they never even knew they could accomplish. I felt athletic again (and sore). I felt challenged. I have never been more comfortable and supported in such a unique environment. I learned that such a place did exist and everything my mom raved about was true. And more.”


Mary d copyAfter almost three years training with us, Jennifer is thrilled with her improvement: “I still have a long way to go, mind you, but I wouldn’t even recognize the person who started the program back then. When I think about it, I can see a woman who has lost close to 40 lbs., can move and be more agile than I can remember being since I was in my 30’s; has the stamina to complete so many exercises with the class and not be too lost (still can’t stand bear crawls, though); and is not afraid to reach for things that I still can’t quite do. I am not giving up!”


Mary explains that she is challenged at every class and loves sharing the experiences of training with her family: “It was a strange experience actually exercising with my mom. I don’t know that we had ever actually done that before. She challenges me and it’s great to feel my athletic side coming back and to see her athletic side coming forth. I don’t think she ever believed she was athletic and it has been so fun watching her discover it. She even challenges her grandkids to doing planks and pushups. My dad has joined the Concord facility as well. There are many times that we make it a family experience when we can work it into our schedule. My sister Jen even came to class with us once while she was visiting NH from NC. 4 Ruffing’s in one room? God bless the coaches there that day. :)”

Jennifer shares similar sentiment about training with her family: “My daughter and I try to train at the same times when possible and she is a great encouragement to me. When my husband saw how good we were doing, he decided to join as well. He loves the training and the harder, the better. Every once in a while all three of us are at the same class which certainly makes for a level of competition. It is good to have other family members who can talk with you and understand exactly what you are doing and compare notes. Mary inspires me to work harder and longer and to try to keep up with her.”

As for her overall experience, Jennifer says: “How much better could it get? I have taken extra classes like the ones from Erin specifically geared for those with shoulder issues, and another with hip issues. I have done the two cleanses which helped kick my weight loss really into gear. It seems someone is always watching to make sure you are doing things correctly and not hurting yourself. You also would be hard pressed to think of two duplicate training day programs. There is a plan in place to challenge you in different ways to build certain things or work on certain areas. All in all, I am very pleased with what Get Fit NH has done for me, and by extension, for my family. I stand taller, walk straighter, bend and move with a certain amount of my younger grace. What is not to like?”

Mary agrees, saying: “My overall experience has been more than I could have ever asked for. It’s been great to get connected back to my athletic roots, to see my parents be more fit and active than I have ever seen them, and to experience the top notch coaching and guidance that the whole Get Fit NH family provides. It’s one of the most positive places I have ever experienced.”

As one of the coaches who see Jennifer and Mary together, it makes me wish I was closer to my mom so I could train right along side her. What a great connection they have. They are a true inspiration to those around them.

Coach Nancy

The Spotlight is Shining on June

 June has been a part of the Get Fit NH family since March 2014. She has an incredible story that I know many of you can relate to. June started off training four days a week at 5:30pm in Concord. After a few months her schedule became more challenging. Instead of throwing in the towel she decided to train two days a week in the morning in Epsom and two nights in Concord. June has remained committed and results speak for themselves! It has been a pleasure coaching June this past year and I am excited to see her continue to achieve her goals! I hope her story insprires you to make positive changes despite past or current circumstances. Just ask June, you won’t regret it!

I was very honored when asked by Coach Erin to share some of my story — so here it goes…. When you see me in my before picture please  know that I was at one of the many heavy times in my life (again).  I had been at that familiar place before … Lost and gained weight many, many times throughout my life– I was never an athletic type of person.  I was the bat and ball manager on the girls softball team in high school…. I hated the presidential physical fitness awards from Junior high— never could do those chin ups!! As an adult I would exercise on and off, but hated even the idea of being sweaty!!!    (Oh Boy has that changed)

 I always wanted to be a normal size, but loved the comfort of food too much and have wrestled with the whole mess my whole life.  Here is a list of some of the food programs I have used over the years; Weight Watchers ( 6 times ) TOPS ( Take Off Pound Sensibly )  Overcoming Overeating workshop, Over Eaters Anonymous, Aromatrim ( purchased on an infomercial )  The Neuropsychology of Weight Loss (another late night purchase) Free to be Thin,  YMCA fitness program, Atkins Diet, South Beach Diet, and probably many other home grown diets and exercise routines throughout the years… Even met with a registered dietitian before I found Get Fit NH .

I was battling migraines, stomach pain problems, joint pain, low self esteem and low motivation (living on Pebtobismol nightly and Prilosec  and Ibuprofen )  I was getting worn out with life, work etc….I remember trying to have some fun outside  with my grandchildren in the snow —  but by the 3rd trip up the hill pulling a couple of them in the sled,  I felt half dead!!    I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired and crappy, but I was so afraid to fail AGAIN at any attempt to be healthy—-that I had stopped trying—but I knew I  had to do something so I  decided to give it one more try. I found Get Fit quite by accident searching for a diet program in Concord, NH I heard advertised on the radio … I couldn’t remember the name so luckily my search online some how took me to the Get Fit website.  I read all the Coaches Bio’s and some of the student spotlight stories– they were all very inspiring……

The 2 week free trial really made me feel like ……Well…….what do I have to loose?

And  it hooked me in—

June before


June after



And then I tried

And I cried…..

And I tried again

And I cried again….

And during the 2 week trial I thought maybe I am way worse than I thought I was– I mean I knew I was in tough shape… but I didn’t realize how INEPT I felt till that 2 week trial— and 2 things happened that made me stay…. As I was walking to my car during that first week of trial training and crying my eyes out cause I was so sore and out of shape and felt sooooo incapable another fellow client in her kindness saw me sobbing my way to my car across the parking lot and yelled over to me  “ It gets BETTER ! “

(thanks Jill)  She was right— her timing couldn’t have been more perfect.

The second great thing that kept me coming was when I was almost ready to decide  (in the first 2 weeks) that this program probably wasn’t meant to be for me because I couldn’t even get to the training on time— I got tied up at work one night and arrived too late for the 5:30 class— Not to mention that I was sore, felt so inept, didn’t know anyone there, figured I would just fail again anyway , blah,blah,blah… why bother?  So I sat in my car, tears streaming down my face and wrote a little note for Erin that I was NOT going to continue— luckily she stopped me in the foyer area after I tried to leave her the note without being noticed…She has the eyes of a hawk you know! She stopped me in the Foyer— I don’t remember our whole conversation, but I know it involved a lot of crying on my part and apologizing for being late and explaining that this just wasn’t meant to be for me to get better etc…. and she told me — “June, I really think this program is for you. I want you to right now go get yourself a yogurt snack and some water and go relax for a bit and come back to the 6:45 training— we want you … if you want to…. “

At that moment it was like  she was throwing out the life preserver to the sinking soul on the stormy sea.…And I grabbed it!

And I am so grateful that I did! Needless to say I did come back for the 6 :45 class that day  and I haven’t stopped since. Get Fit NH has all the tools you need to save your life, but you have to be willing to grab on and hang on and listen and trust and believe your coaches and feel the support of the others around you who have been there or are trying just like you are.  I remember feeling so vulnerable, like the new kid in the class  and being so grateful to people like Sarah, another client,  who warmly welcomed me and shared her success story with me and kept and eye out for me when I wasn’t sure what to do next.   There are so ,so many good folks here.  I have seen so many changes in myself, my attitude, my health, the way I eat, my weight, my strength. No more headaches or stomach pains. No more prilosec. I am down 30 pounds now since joining last March— I cannot believe it has already been a year!

 I sure have come a long way from that emotional ball of jelly I was when I first started— don’t get me wrong— I still can be pretty sensitive and I still have some of jelly to loose, but I am certainly heading in the right direction .  I have learned that it is OKAY to put myself first. It does not mean I am selfish— it means self caring.  And if I take care of me then I will be around a long time, God willing,  for  my family  and friends whom I love so much.  This  spring and summer my husband and I will be expecting more grandchildren ….number 7, 8 and 9  — I want to be able to keep up with these kiddos— they are an awesome blessing that I want to enjoy for years to come and thanks to GET FIT NH and the coaches and the whole Get Fit Families in both Concord and Epsom I train with I feel awesome !!  I also feel happy and strong and confident and it seems I’ve found the answer to the battle— that there IS strength in numbers, accountability, fun, fitness, education, nutrition, support…….Don’t try to do it alone….. Grab a lifesaving rope when it comes to you and come get into the life boat at Get Fit NH !   

Love June

We are so proud of June and so thankful that she chooses to train at Get Fit NH!

You too can make it happen,

Coach Erin

Coach Meagan’s step by step meal prep


Step 1: Make a grocery list from your meal plan and hit the store. Stay out of the junk food aisles- temptation is cruel. Grocery shop on a day where you have some extra time to do some prep!  P.S. Extra credit farmer walk when you bring all your bags in at the same time! 


Step 2: Have your meal plan handy. Unload your bags and leave everything that you can prepare ahead of time on the counter.


Step 3: I like to take out every pot and pan so that I can cook as much as I can as quickly as possible. Mashed cauliflower was on the menu and that is what takes the longest, so I started there so that I could prep some more veggies while that boiled. Multi-tasking is a beautiful thing!


Step 4: Pre-heat the oven for roasted veggies and put those greens on standby until you hear the beautiful beep from the oven!


Step 5: Cauliflower is on the stove- check. Oven is pre-heated for roasted veggies- check. Next on the menu is cabbage noodles with peppers and onions. Chop up some cabbage and get that going on low while chopping up some peppers and onions.


Step 6: Cauliflower is boiling- check. Oven is pre-heated and veggies are in- check. Peppers and onions added to cabbage noodles on low- check. Time to get the protein cookin’.


Step 7: Brown ground bison. Stirring up veggies and meat as needed.


 Step 8: Cabbage noodles. peppers, and onions are done- toss those into a Tupperware and get the ground turkey on the stove. 







Step 9: As Coach Erin would say, “BAM!” There you have it. Easy accessible protein and veggies for the whole week. No excuses. You are prepped and ready tackle a great week.  This all took a tad bit over an  hour. 

Don’t say you don’t have time- you must make time. Results don’t just happen, they are earned with hard work, determination, dedication, and preparation!

So is it worth it? Well, I guess that depends if you want to feel better, look better, build muscle, and lose fat? If those things are on your to-do list then you better fit this piece into your life. You can make it happen, I know it!

-Coach Meagan

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