Cold & Flu Doesn’t HAVE to Happen To You!

Cold and FluThis seems to be an especially challenging year when it comes to cold and flu. There is a lot of “stuff” going around.

But is getting sick inevitable? I mean if I am hanging around all these sickies all the time, I am gonna get it, right?

Actually it is my belief that you can do more than you know to keep the bugs and viruses away, and I also think it is possible to feel better sooner if you do get sick.

Now I am not a doctor, but I am scientist. And sometimes my laboratory is my own body. I do my best to stay as healthy as possible, because being out of work is really not an option. I think both Nancy and I have missed one day each in 5 years of being in business. That doesn’t happen by accident, but by design.

Now I am not saying what works for us is going to work for you, and we do occasionally get sick. But I am convinced the frequency and intensity of the illness can be mitigated by your lifestyle, and doing what it takes to have a healthy immune system.

From what I have seen I think the biggest killer of a healthy immune system is the two ‘S’s.

Sugar, and Stress.

Or maybe I should say sugar AND stress, because those two often go hand in hand. And while there is argument whether excess sugar alone suppresses the immune system (though there does seem to be some good evidence), it is the effects of eating sugar that can cause the obesity, inflammation and diabetes that is known to be a factor in compromised immune function. And there are many studies that show that chronic stress weakens the immune system and leads to more colds and flus.

Stress eat that chocolate cake, and you really have a double whammy!

Now I don’t live in a bubble, and I know that stress is part of life. But it’s really the response to the stress that determines how it affects our health. Exercise is a big stress reducer, so don’t miss your training. Getting the proper sleep, reading instead of TV, journaling, and listening to music are all activities that can reduce the stress response.

Eating a healthy diet (PPW anyone?), good sleep habits, and exercise go a long way to keeping that immune system functioning at a high level.  And don’t forget your vitamins, especially your Vitamin D. While there is no evidence that taking Vitamin D reduces the duration or severity of a cold or flu, research does show that Vitamin D is crucial to proper immune system function. In talking to many physicians there is no doubt in my mind that a lot of us are walking around with a Vitamin D deficiency. Why? Because the body produces it as a by product of exposure to sunlight, and I haven’t seen too many sunbathers in NH over the past few months. Vitamin D is also found in foods such as fish oil, eggs, and fatty fish such as mackerel and herring, or can be taken as a supplement. If you don’t take a multi (and sometimes if you do) you are probably not getting enough D.

I would highly recommend that you ask your doctor to be tested for deficiency if you are getting sick often (more than 1 or 2x a year), as Vitamin D is a powerful prohormone that has a crucial effect on cell and gene function. Vitamin D toxicity is possible, so ascertaining the proper levels is important. I have seen more than a few of our clients overall health dramatically improve when proper Vitamin D levels are restored.  By the way the RDA of 600 iu per day is the minimum required to prevent rickets, and is not even close to the optimal amount. Some of our clients have been on 5,000 to 10,ooo iu’s per day over a period of weeks and even months to restore normal levels!

But I’m Already Sick!

Don’t consign yourself to a week or 10 days of misery. I firmly believe there are things you can do to help relieve and maybe even shorten the symptoms. I felt like garbage on Saturday, and I am feeling just about 100% here on Monday. Now again I am not a doctor, but these are some things I do to feel better quicker.

1. Nasal Irrigation. I actually use a Neti-Pot almost every day in the winter. Never heard of one? Well I hadn’t either until my mom, who is a nurse, told me how one had helped her cut down on her frequency of colds. They only cost about $15, so I thought I’d give it a try. The first time I used it I thought mom was trying to get revenge on me for all the hassle I caused her growing up, because it really hurt. But once I got the hang of it, and once I started seeing the positive effects of regular use, I am convinced it is a great tool in your arsenal. The most common objection I hear is that it’s “gross”. Ok, so what’s “grosser”, irrigating the nasal passages and getting all that mucus, phlegm and bacteria out of there, or letting it fester in there until it starts eating your brain? Ok, maybe that was over the top, but you get my point.

2. Hydrate. Now the next few suggestions are things that you should have been doing all along, but sometimes getting sick focuses your attention back where it should be. Dehydration is also not good for the immune system, but I am always amazed by how much I can drink and not have to use the bathroom when I am sick. Shows me I was probably dehydrated before/as I was getting sick. Clear liquids like water and green tea are the best, but I also have been known to drink diluted Gatorade or sugar free green tea.

3. Wash your hands. Now it may seem like I am being a snob, but I cut down my hand shaking to a minimum this time of year. There is hand sanitizer in the gyms for a reason. Soap and warm water is the best. And especially wash your hands before you eat.

4. Go to bed. Turn the TV off and get some sleep for crying out loud. Honey Boo Boo will be just fine without you, the Stars will still dance, and the news will still be (mostly) bad.

5. Take your vitamins. When I have a cold I usually take 1000mg of C and D with each meal. That’s what I do, not saying that’s what you should do, although I have not heard or seen evidence that it will do anything but help.

What About Training?

Now I know you guys are hardcore, and don’t want to miss training, but how sick is too sick to train?

If you have flu like symptoms, don’t share the love. Please just get better If you are running a temperature, have achy joints and muscles, or just feel blah, get some extra rest. Your body is telling you it needs some extra TLC. Same thing goes for a chest cold.

If you have allergies or a head cold you can probably get some light training in with no further damage. This is not the time to be setting PR’s or going on 10 mile training runs. If you are in doubt, just rest.

So don’t be resigned to getting sick. Sure it can happen, but that doesn’t mean it has to.

Here’s to your health!



Eat Your Way Right Through The Holidays

There are two ways you can read that one.

“Eat Your Way Right Through The Holidays” – such as, eat everything in sight from Halloween to New Year’s and ensure yourself 10 new pounds of belly blubber for the new year.


“Eat Your Way RIGHT Through The Holidays”, as in eat correctly and supportively over the next few months, enjoying the seasonal treats in a planned and controlled way, continuing to focus on good habits and making progress.

Big Difference! (no pun intended)

Starting Monday October 15th we will be starting Phase 1 of our “Surviving the Season” transformation contest and seminar series.

Each “Phase” will be 4 weeks in length – long enough to make progress, short enough to keep us from being overwhelmed. Yes you’ll have some “stuff” you gotta do – but not so much that you will go crazy trying to keep up with “one more thing”.

Along the way we will be hosting nutrition and planning seminars to help give you the tools you need to succeed.

More info coming in the next couple of weeks, so stay tuned!



Introducing Hilary Warner

Hilary Warner, MPH, RD, LD
Nutrition Works! LLC

Many people resist seeking help from a nutrition professional thinking, “what could they possibly tell me that I don’t already know?” The truth is that most of us do know what to do and we need a kind, knowledgeable person to help us make it happen. Hilary Warner is a Registered/Licensed Dietitian, Wellness Coach, and ACSM Health and Fitness Specialist. She has a degree in nutrition from UVM and a degree in public health from UCLA. She helps people of all ages, shapes, and sizes be successful with food and live healthier lives. Her areas of expertise include:

  • Helping people reach and/or maintain a healthy weight without hunger or deprivation
  • Cholesterol and blood pressure management
  • Celiac disease and gluten sensitivity/ intolerance
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome and metabolic syndrome
  • Eating disorders/ disordered eating
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Prevention (or delay) of diabetes and other chronic diseases
  • Sports nutrition
  • Optimizing health with state of the art nutrition- “food as medicine”
  • Motivational interviewing, coaching, and other tools that help people change behaviors

Many of her services are covered by insurance.

For more information, call Hilary at (603) 223-8119 or visit online at

September Client Success Workshop

The next Client Success Workshop is on the calendar for September! All clients are welcome to come find out how to get the best possible results at Get Fit NH, but we especially encourage those who are new with us or have never attended to come on out. You’ll want to invite your social support to join you. Whether they are family, friends, or co-workers, the more everyone knows about what you are doing, the more help you have.

We’ll talk training, nutrition, accountability, goals and more. We always have a great time, so come on out!

Date: Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Time: 6:00pm to 7:00pm

Place: Get Fit NH Bootcamp Epsom



Why You Need A F.L.A.G.

After talking with many of our Get Fit NH Bootcamp clients we’ve realized that some of you want more personal attention and accountability to help you reach your goals faster.

So with that in mind, we’ve decided to launch a private accountability group to personally work with you to help you reach your goals.

This group is what our Gold Level access at is all about. The Fat Loss Accountability Group (F.L.A.G.) is specifically designed to make you more accountable, give you plenty of opportunity to work more closely with us to troubleshoot your lifestyle to accelerate your progress and ultimately help you lose fat faster than you are now.

This group is for those clients who have had challenges sticking with a nutrition plan beyond a few weeks in the past, and need regular accountability and group support to make sure their plan is being followed consistently.

As a member of the Fat Loss Accountability Group you will receive:

Members Only Coaching and Support Group: Having a healthy support system in place is crucial to staying on track. This is the place to share your challenges, get your questions answered, and find out what’s working for others.

Weekly Food Log Review & Coaching: According to a study by the American Journal of Preventative Medicine, keeping a food journal can actually result in doubling your weight loss – it’s that important! Each week your coach will review a minimum of 3 days of your food log and provide coaching feedback.

Weekly Accountability Check-In: In addition to your food log, you will be responsible to tell us about your successes and challenges for the week, and outline your plan for next week.

The Fat Loss Accountability Group is the perfect complement to your current Bootcamp membership and will keep you armed with all the knowledge and support you’ll ever need to reach your fitness and fat loss goals faster than ever before.

Please fill out the contact form indicating you are ready to enroll, and we will give you a call to get your account set up.

I look forward to having you take part in this first ever Fat Loss Accountability Group.

Coach Dean

Mary is getting her Cholesterol under control

Studies show that one of the many benefits of exercise include a reduction in overall and “bad” (LDL) cholesterol and increase “good” HDL cholesterol. We have had many clients be “threatened” by their doctor to put them on Cholesterol meds at their next checkup if their numbers didn’t get better, only to be pleasantly surprised to find out that was not necessary, as all their hard work has resulted in a drastic improvement in their numbers. And not just cholesterol, but blood pressure and thyroid meds as well!

There are many reasons you do not want to be on these drugs, not the least are the side effects (have you heard some of the disclaimers on the commercials? The drug side effects sound worse than what they are treating!) and the cost.

In most cases it is a choice – Go on the drugs, or change your lifestyle. Choose to go on the drugs, and it can be a never ending cycle. We have had clients that were on 7 or 8 different meds when they started with us, which just amazes me! The good news is when they put the effort into changing their lifestyle, the number of drugs they are on often go down or disappear entirely! Get Fit NH Bootcamp is an investment that pays off big time!

Thanks to Mary for sending us her success story, a progress report on the great work she is doing.

Keep it up Mary!

Mary is shy, so she sent Fox and Mulder Instead!

“Hi Dean, I’m writing to share a success story with you.  In August of 2010 I went to my physician for my routine wellness exam, which, of course, included the standard bloodwork. My results were less than favorable, as my cholesterol was pretty high at 275.  My triglycerides were 79 and HDL was 76 which were both really good, but my LDL was 183, which wasn’t.

Because my HDL was really good, my doctor told me to take a low dose aspirin every day, and plan on going on a low dose cholesterol medication upon my next yearly exam.  

Well, I went back this past week and was met with some very favorable news:  My overall cholesterol level has dropped to 234 and my triglycerides are at 60. My HDL, or good cholesterol is even better at 83, while my bad cholesterol has dropped to 139.  Although the LDL is still high, it is significantly lower than last year. I was elated when he told me that I would not have to go on the medication.  

This is just more proof that what I am doing in bootcamp is definitely working!  I want to thank you for all you do for us. I’ve come to you many times with questions and concerns regarding my health, nutrition, injuries etc and you are always happy to explain and enlighten me regarding these issues. I’ve been with Get Fit NH for two years now and am looking forward to many more.

Keep up the good work and Thank you for keeping me healthy!!” – Mary M.

Recovery Is Where The Magic Happens

Does your “gym” have a training philosophy?

Now I know bricks and mortar don’t philosophize about much of anything, much less even care if you show up, and unfortunately the guy that owns them probably doesn’t either.

But we do.

Care if you show up and have a training philosophy.

Beyond the sets, reps, exercise selection, intensity, frequency and myriad other factors that go into program design there is one that is often overlooked and misunderstood.


You don’t get stronger, faster, and leaner in the gym. That’s just the beginning of the process. It’s what you do after you train (and I am making the assumption you are training appropriately hard, not just going through the motions) that makes all those things happen.

  • Post-training and overall nutrition
  • Sleep
  • Other recovery techniques such as massage, myofascial release, ART – to name a few.

Which get me back to our training philosophy, which dictates that we take a week off from regular training about every 8 to 12 weeks.

It is part of your programming, and it is a big part of your ability to continue to be able to train with intensity and injury free.

So don’t ignore it!

Next week  (August 29th to September 5th) is our last full recovery week until December, so take advantage of it, rest and recover, and return with a vengeance!

Additional Recovery Resources:

I HATE Recovery Weeks!

Rest, Recover and Regenerate – It’s NOT optional

Recovery Nutrition

As always your coaches are here to answer your questions and guide you through your Get Fit NH Bootcamp withdrawals! 🙂

Make It Happen!

Coach Dean

Used Book Store Sign – “Affordable Time Travel”

I’m out driving this afternoon and I see this sign near the road that was not there last week. You’ve all see similar signs, they are tacked up on a stick written in permanent marker on a thin piece of cardboard. This one had a catchy saying. “Used Book Store- Affordable Time Travel”. Books are in fact a way to ‘Time Travel’. You can go anywhere, be anyone, experience anything, whenever you want to. The possibilities are endless.

What would I put as a sign outside of Get Fit NH Bootcamp? “Make It Happen” of course. At the end of each training session we shout to each other – Make It Happen! You see it on our t-shirts and jackets. Make It Happen is a lifestyle. It’s how we live.

For each of us we’ve determined how many bootcamp training sessions we will make happen each week. This is an important time we set aside to help take care of ourselves. But what do you do beyond the 1, 2, or 4 hours of training? What about the other 165 hours in a week?

There are certain things we can control within our lifestyle. Our lives are impacted by the people we hang around with, they ‘ll help form our character. The things we do in life or don’t do impact our bodies. How much sleep we get and the amount of water we drink will touch the makeup of our life. Even the food we eat effects our lives.

All these and more make up our 165 hours outside of Get Fit NH Bootcamp. Do we still wear the ‘Make It Happen’ sign during the other 165? Do we eat supporting our training and our health? Do you plan for enough sleep? Most of us admit to not drinking enough water.

So what is the sign you hang up near your desk at work? “Be back in ten minutes”?

What sign do you hang around your neck while at home? “Do as I say, and not as I do”?

And when you are alone? Do you have a sign? What drives you to binge or not binge when no one is looking?

Think about it. Your Get Fit NH time is planned and designed to have the highest impact along side a supportive 165 hours outside of the gym. What sign do others see when they look at you? What sign do you want them to see?

With the ‘Make It Happen’ lifestyle sign the possibilities are endless!

Don’t just say it…live it.

Make It Happen!

Coach Nancy

Spartan Sprint Starts Recovery Week Off Right

Its not too late to join us in Amesbury, MA for the Spartan Sprint on Saturday, August 27th. Dean and I are in the 2pm wave. In fact here is a coupon code for $10 off your entrance fee – 2111  The Warrior Dash was held here in June and it forever changed the way I look at 5ks.

Recovery week is scheduled for Monday, August 29th – Monday, September 5. While we love to see each of you weekly we know for  your best health and training ability we design “Rest” weeks into the training calendar. For some of you who need a bit of convincing jump on over to I Hate Recovery Weeks!  If you’ve trained with us for any length of time you’ve discovered the benefits and joys of recovery week.

How can you best use recovery week?

You’ve already set aside the hour to train your body, here’s 20 different ways to use that hour during recovery week:

  1. Plan your meals and snacks for the week
  2. Find a new recipe and try it
  3. Have a massage at Chichester Massage and Body Works (remember Get Fit NH members receive a special price, just ask)
  4. Go for a hike with your family
  5. Roll on a tennis ball
  6. Spend extra time with your kids and spouse
  7. Prepare your ingredients to make next week’s mealtime easier and faster
  8. Sleep in (especially for those crazy 5am-ers)
  9. Stretch
  10. Take a bike ride
  11. Have game night with your family
  12. Invite friends over for dinner
  13. Foam roll
  14. The dog needs some attention too
  15. Stretch with a purple band
  16. Go dancing
  17. Catch up on  your reading
  18. Do some activity that has been on your To Do list for a while
  19. Go Fishing
  20. Miss Get Fit NH terribly 🙂

To your best health,

Coach Nancy



Thank-You For All You Do

Just want to congratulate all of you who participated in the Rock ‘N Race back in May. We had many clients run on many different teams, and I am especially honored that all of you are being honored as well.

Because of the generous support of all the members of the “Get Fit NH & Beat Cancer” team, who raised a total of $3967.00 for the Payson Center, we have the opportunity to inscribe a tree marker in the Tribute Courtyard at the Payson Center for Cancer Care.

This permanent tree marker will be inscribed as follows:

In Honor of All
Fighting to Win
Get Fit NH Bootcamp

Once again thank you for your generosity to this important cause and for being part of our lives.

Dean and Nancy

The Payson Center for Cancer Care makes a meaningful difference in the lives of people with cancer and their loved ones by providing complimentary care, financial and nutritional counseling, and social work through the HOPE Resource Center.



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