It’s Not Too Late

We are quite a few weeks into the New Year now. At the start of a New Year, we are eager to change our ways and talk about how we are going to get better this year. How are those New Year’s resolutions working out for you? If you are still holding on strong, good for you! If your resolution is long lost, then don’t worry, you are not alone and it isn’t too late to change your ways. More good news – you don’t have to wait until next year to give it another go (phew!).

If you have successfully made the change of writing 2016 rather than 2015, then I am confident you are capable of making other small changes. At the start of a new year, most of us accidently write the wrong year, but over time it becomes second nature. That’s like any change. There will be some “oops” moments, but you fix it and you move on. No matter what your goal is, don’t let that oops moment ruin your day, your week, your month and definitely not your year. Making changes takes patience and it is a skill. Keep working at mastering that skill. We are here for you every step of the way.

Make it happen,
Coach Meagan

Coach Meagan Here: HELP!

hippo2016We are LATE to the voting game!

The Hippo Press “Best Of” awards started February 1st, which means we only have 20 more days to cast our votes- yikes! We are requesting your vote in 2 categories.

Question #8 Best Gym: Get Fit NH Concord

Question #96 Best Fitness Instructor: Coach Nancy Carlson Get Fit NH Concord

The Hippo Press Best of awards is another way for us to get the word out to our fellow NH neighbors who want to start their journey too. There are over 100 different categories to vote for. The minimum requirement for your vote to count is 15!

Here’s another suggestion:
#99 Friendliest Dentist: Dr. Ray Orzechowski! We love our 5 AM dentist, and he really is friendly! Check out the other categories and give your suggestion:

Visit To Vote and Share With Your Friends!

Thank you so much for helping us win 6 years in a row! Here’s to year 7!

Coach Meagan

Training for a cause is right around the corner!

On Saturday February 27th we will gather as a family at Get Fit NH Concord to have some weekend fun! Training will start at 9 AM sharp. We welcome you to bring your family, friends, and co-workers to come see what we are all about. Training for a cause is our quarterly fundraiser event. We get together, donate $10 to a great cause ($15 if you want a sweet custom Get Fit NH/OHT hat), sweat a little, laugh a lot, and have some fun. group

Wondering what exactly you are donating to? Operation Hat Trick (OHT) is a New Hampshire based Veteran’s program who help support wounded Vets. This is different than Wounded Warrior Project, because all of the money raised stays right here in NH to help our very own heroes. To learn more about how their funds are disbursed you can check them out here

This program has our ongoing support as we hold active military and veterans near and dear to our hearts.
We look forward to seeing you there!

Date: Saturday, February 27, 2016
Time: 9 AM
Where: Get Fit NH Concord
Cost: $10 or $15 if you want to sport the hat

The Blueprint for Lasting Success

This is how education works: you don’t sit down with a five-year-old and show them piles of books, assignments, and papers they are going to have to devour, finish, and deliver by the time they’re done. The five-year-old just ‘shows up’ and day by day the work gets done.” -Dan John

I read this quote and it is a great way of categorizing the “trying to do it all at once” idea which often doesn’t have real results. When we look at the quote above, it’s just another way to realize how much work may have to eventually be done, but that it doesn’t have to be done all at once.

Let’s fast forward this a few years and, for the sake of argument, say it’s your first year in college. You’re a freshman and you walk into your advisor’s office. Your advisor looks at you and says, “Good morning, welcome to the university” (it is your first day, after all, so pleasantries are being exchanged), after which she drops a booklet down on the counter. On the front, the booklet says “A Four-Year Degree in Two Semesters” with a picture of a group of smiling college students on the cover playing Frisbee out on the quad. You look at the booklet thinking “Wow, they look stoked, and I can get my degree in 2 semesters?!?! Sweeeeeeet”.

You open to the first page, and as you read you realize this isn’t some expedited curriculum, its four years of material that you are expected to finish in under a year. The first page lists all the books you would need to buy over your college career, but you need to pay for them all tomorrow since this is only one year. There’s a few thousand dollars right there. On the next page is a list of every assignment you will ever be assigned…let’s revise that, on the next 6 pages is a list of every assignment you will have. That’s followed by 4 pages of all the papers you will be assigned, then by another 3 pages of finals you have to take and senior research projects and papers you have to write. Its rounded out with 4 pages about what you have to do for graduation and oh by the way, the day after you graduate you begin a career in your field for the rest of your life. All while you have to find a way to squeeze out 100+ hours of internship. How many people are going to succeed on that system?

Now, let’s say that somehow you do finish in a year. Let’s say after burning four different candles at three ends for a year, you graduate. Do you think that the brain can really take in that much information in that short of a time period and be able to sort it and apply it rationally? Heck no.

Now apply that to your health. If you have bad joints, or you need to loose excess body fat, or you want to run a marathon, there is no “cheat code”. It is achieved by gradually learning how to change parts of your lifestyle that are not conducive to your goal, and amplifying the ones that are. Also, a progressing exercise regimen will help get you there. If you came in tomorrow and Coach Dean gave you every piece of information available to him or gave you 500 steps to be healthy the rest of your life, how successful do you think you would be? I know I wouldn’t be successful. That’s way too much information to apply at once.

Health and habits are something that have to be learned and applied over time. If you are 80 pounds overweight and you try to implement 25 habits or steps the first day, you probably aren’t going to be successful. It’s about building a habit, then once its ingrained, building another. Continually learning more and applying more over time. So don’t expect everything to click at once, don’t expect to be able to apply 15 life changes tomorrow. Just come in, exercise, work hard, and make those small incremental changes. That’s the blueprint for real long lasting success and health, not trying to lose 60 pounds in a week.

Make it Happen!
-Coach Adam


IMG_2590Chernobyl, The Challenger, Iran-Contra, Mad Cow Disease, Rutan Voyager, The First Laptop, The Mir Space Station, Nintendo, Chuck Norris Action Figures, Thundercats, Top Gun, Crocodile Dundee, Platoon, Magnum PI, Dynasty, Hill Street Blues, The Bears crush the Patriots in the Super Bowl, Celtics win the NBA Championship, Bill Buckner boots the ball.

All those things made the headlines in 1986.

What didn’t make any headlines is that two 19 year olds got married on February 8, 1986.

30 years later I am still madly in love with my best friend.

The stories she could tell you about me strikes fear in my heart, and yet here we are.

The ups and downs, the joy and sorrow, the laughter and tears. I am sure any couple who is married 30 years has those.

But I am the luckiest man alive, because I got to experience all those with the woman who loves me unconditionally, who puts up with me no matter what, who not only tolerates all my flaws but covers over them with grace and dignity. What man could ask for more?

Who knows what the future holds? God has graced me with a wonderful marriage for 30 years. Statistics say there won’t be 30 more, because one or both of us won’t be here anymore. That is a sobering thought. How many days have I wasted by letting pride get in the way? How many times have I said or done hurtful things? More than I can bear to recall. I think anytime you have a chance to reflect it’s a good idea to do so. I can truly say that she is the glue that has held this thing together, who has reflected God’s love and grace, and without whom I would not be the man I am. I want to be better because she deserves it, I can’t imagine living without her. Married above my station? Biggest understatement ever.

Happy Anniversary Nancy Carlson

I love you, now and always.


Making Up For Lost Time

My family recently suffered a tragic loss. My grandfather died unexpectedly after complications of a car accident. He left behind his wife of 65 years, 7 children, 20+ grandchildren and 20+ great grandchildren. As I cried through his ceremony, I couldn’t help but think about the time I could have spent with him. The time I didn’t spend with him. All I could think about was lost time.

Time goes by fast. Life goes by fast. Are you living the way you want to live? Are you as active as you want to be, as healthy as you want to be, as happy as you want to be? Tomorrow is not promised, but time is not lost. You still have today. Today is the day you get back to training. Today is the day you plan your next meal and the next one and the one after that. Today is the day you start making up for lost time.

Today is not too late.

-Coach Meagan

Who Is Going to Win MARCH MADNESS, Get Fit NH Style?

marchmadFebruary 29th we will kick off our first and very own version of March Madness. Whether you watch college basketball or not, you have most likely heard of March Madness. March Madness is college basketball’s crazy playoff tournament where the winner is the national champion. We have decided to give into the fever. So beginning the first week of March (the week of 2/29/16) teams will compete for ultimate bragging rights as well as some sweet CUSTOM T-Shirts (and did we mention bragging rights??)


Here’s how it works! Every week two teams will go head to head, whichever team has the most MEPS by the end of the week will advance to the next round until only two teams remain. Additionally, running at the same time, will be a consolation bracket. If you do not make it out of the first round you can keep it going. If you don’t have a MYZONE, but you love March Madness and want to have some fun. Sounds like a perfect reason to take your training to the next level.

For this challenge we are selling the new MZ3 MYZONE belts for LESS than what we pay! That’s right- $60! If you have one of the older belts, those are great and work fabulous. The upgraded belts (MZ3) record activity in real time. So let’s say you are out skiing – if you have you belt on then your MEPS will update immediately rather than recording on your bean until the next time you return to the gym. Also you will be able to see your effort stream (meaning your tile) in real time rather than going back to see how you did.

Every Tuesday you can check out the team board to find out your result and which team you are taking on next.

So find your team members, get your team registered by filling out a team card located next to the MYZONE leader board, and start the smack talking! Registrations are due by February 23rd.

Did you think we forgot about you? WRONG! You guys have a special March Madness challenge too. It’s so special that Coach Nancy won’t even share with the rest of us what it is! If you want to know what it is then you gotta show up to training to hear her talk about it 🙂

Start Date: Monday February 29, 2016
End Date: Friday March 25, 2016
Cost: Just a little Blood, Sweat and Tears 🙂
Registration deadline: Tuesday February 23, 2016


Got a Young Athlete in the Family? – This Is For You!

Logo FIT IN-01-02-16-01Get Fit NH Athlete Academy is back and ready to take off, get your athlete signed up today!!!

Starting Saturday February 13th and running through May 21st we will be holding our Winter/Spring session of Athlete Academy. Whether your athlete is looking for some more in season work to help with mobility and flexibility to stay injury free or looking to increase strength and explosive ability leading into a spring or summer sport we are here to help.

It has been my distinct pleasure to run this Athlete Academy over the course of the last year working with some awesome kids. They have really enjoyed it and have gotten the most out of the program. I have thoroughly enjoyed coaching them and am excited to begin another semester this spring.

Training will be from 8:00am until 9:15am on Saturday mornings. Each athlete will have a program that is customized for their needs in addition to the Saturday training that they will do on their own. Examples would include an additional strength day, specific mobility work, or recovery training. Each athlete will have an online log as well as a private group the athlete, parents and coaches will have access to.

Space is limited, so please don’t delay getting in on the action.

Looking forward to it!
Coach Adam

GFNH Athlete Academy Winter/Spring Semester (13+)

Assessment: To be completed by Friday February 12th (New Athletes Only)
February 13th, 2016 – May 21st, 2016
8:00am – 9:15am
Place: Get Fit NH Concord
Tuition: $269

Please fill out the registration form below to hold your spot, and we will contact you shortly to complete the registration process.

Take Charge of Your Heart with Dr. Madalyn Otto

Love is the language we all want to speak in February. Some of us do it better than others. But here is my shot to make all the puns about love and hearts since On February 17th, Dr. Otto will bring her passion of helping our hearts gain health and stay that way. What better time is there to talk about heart health than in February when we are in the mood for love. This workshop is open to anyone who has stole a pizza of your heart, your significant otter, or when words can not espresso how much they mean to you. But if you like them a latte you should ask them to join you. At Get Fit NH our goal is that our clients achieve their best health – that’s no big mystery. But sometimes there is something going on inside of us that makes achieving optimal health more challenging.

And that’s where Dr. Detectives like Dr. Madalyn Otto from Whole Health Concord come in. Health is her passion as well. Solving medical mysteries and giving people the tools they need to reach their ultimate potential is an exciting and rewarding experience that she feels privileged to have on a daily basis. Let Dr. Otto tell you her story.

Dr. Madal

“I studied natural medicine because I was intrigued with the expertise and resilience of the body and realized that there is a tendency in the medical community to underestimate both this expertise as well as the power of “nature-made” solutions. I use a multi-dimensional, integrative approach with my patients to achieve long-lasting effects. My goal is to exceed your health need – help you feel younger, more energetic, pain-free and motivated so you can do all the things that you do best!

I am originally from upstate New York (Automatic Bills’ fan by geography…) and earned my undergraduate degree from University at Buffalo. I earned my naturopathic medical degree at SCNM in Arizona and completed a naturopathic family medicine residency thereafter. A rain-and-snow lover at heart, I recently decided to uproot my East Valley practice to transfer to this beautiful state and join Whole Health Concord.”

Chances are, you either personally suffer from or love someone who suffers from a form of heart disease – high blood pressure, high cholesterol, plaque build-up in the arteries, heart attack,and/or stroke. Heart disease is incredibly common in the US, and the numbers continue to rise. What is your cardiac risk, and what can you do about it?

The problem:
1) The standard tests physicians use to assess cardiac risk are out-dated. Newer, comprehensive, insurance-covered tests provide brilliant insight into what’s really going on with your biochemistry and how it’s affecting your risk for heart attack. This is usually a complex interplay between genetics, lifestyle and biochemistry. With these in-depth analyses, Whole Health can accurately assess your true risk factors and see real progress with treatment.

2) The standard medical treatment used is uni-dimensional and largely palliative. When the body’s biochemistry is “off”, it’s because it’s adjusting to an internal problem. High blood pressure and high cholesterol didn’t happen by chance – They are a consequence of an underlying imbalance that needs to be corrected!

Dr. Otto wants to share with you the 4-1-1 about heart health. What’s really going on in your arteries? And what steps can you make to take charge of your heart and keep it happy and healthy? What can you do now to take charge of your heart? Of course we want you to share your love and this information with your Loved Ones, bring them along for a date. “Wood you go with me” and “Stick with me” are both pick up lines I highly recommend using this Valentines Day. If that doesn’t work let them know you Wheely like them and that you are fondue them too. But seriously Ewe are one in a million and I’ve taken a Viking to you so we want you to be your best.

Mark your calendars now – this seminar is sure to be packed. And Yes, I will be there sharing more punny words of wisdom.

Take Charge of Your Heart!

Dr. Madalyn Otto
Wednesday, February 17th
6:00pm – 7:00pm
Get Fit NH Concord (Click for Directions)




21 Day Jumpstart Challenge: February Edition

“When you can make lemonade from life’s lemons, your glass will always be full.” Coach Nancy 

(I’m not sure if I was the first one to say that but boy is it true)

Life always throws us curveballs. We are not in control of so many things that each day we have to adjust and make new plans. In the long run, most of these are just small irritations. But these small irritations can have a big affect on our waistline!

You have heard us say it before – all of us are emotional eaters on some level. We eat when we are happy, we eat when we are sad, we eat to be social, we eat when we feel like being anti-social.cover-785x1024.jpg

On the purely foundational level, we need to eat to survive – to keep the biochemical reactions in our bodies functioning at a high level.

And for the next 21 days, starting on February 15th, we will be eating to Jumpstart our bodies back into health.

If you have never done one of our 21-Day Jumpstart Detoxes before, you are in for a treat. Here is what some of our past participants have had to say when we asked the question “What did you learn from the 21-Day Jumpstart Detox?”:

“If I fuel my body with healthy food, it’s so much happier with me than if I feed it junk! Amazing how simple it is!” – Paulette

“That I really don’t need or miss sugar!” – Mary

That there is tremendous strength and endless possibility in a group effort!” – Mae Lynn

“Don’t accept that quality food isn’t worth the time; that waking up w/occasional achiness is part of aging; asthma-type congestion is only resolved w/medication; Sugar or coffee are necessary afternoon pick-me-ups; that getting everything done requires more hours (as opposed to more natural energy)….” – Rayne

“I have learned that eating well is easier than I thought! I definitely can eat this way forever! I am stronger than I thought” – Debbie

And those are just a few things that Detox participants have shared with us!

Here’s what you get when you sign up for the 21-Day Jumpstart Detox Challenge:

  • Jumpstart Detox Meal Plan That Eliminates All The Guesswork
    Discover the right way to detox
    3 levels to personalize your detox
    Get an easy-to-follow, step-by-step plan
  • 21 Day Jumpstart Rundown on February 13th in Concord to answer all your questions and get your Jumpstart going strong from Day 1
  • Learn how to transition to a long-term plan and still enjoy the foods you love
  • 21 Delicious Recipes That Your Family Members Will Love – your cookbook will grow as more recipes are shared through out the detox!
  • Grocery Lists to Make Shopping Quick & Simple
  • 21 Days in our Online Support Group to Ask Questions, Share Ideas, and Get Feedback – this was a favorite component of past detoxers!
  • 21 Daily Tips and Accountability Messages to Keep You on Track to Your Goal – everybody loves these, too!

In a nutshell you get Accountability, Access To Expertise, and Association with a group of like- minded people committed to success.

** The recipes in this detox are fantastic, and you’ll get more as we go through our online support group. **

***By the way, you do NOT have to be a Get Fit NH client or even live in the area to register… Anyone, anywhere can participate!***

On Monday, February 15th, 2016 we will be jump starting our nutrition! This Jumpstart will go through March 6th, 2016. Let’s take 21 days together to dial in on our nutrition skills. Its going to take focus but we are with you all the way.  Who’s joining us?

21-Day Jumpstart Detox Challenge Dates:

The 21 Day Jumpstart Rundown Live Workshop: Saturday, February 13th @ Get Fit NH Concord 9-10 am
Registration Cut-Off Date: February 12th, 2016
Official Start of Challenge: February 15th, 2016
Official End of Challenge: March 6th, 2016
