Training for a cause is right around the corner!

On Saturday February 27th we will gather as a family at Get Fit NH Concord to have some weekend fun! Training will start at 9 AM sharp. We welcome you to bring your family, friends, and co-workers to come see what we are all about. Training for a cause is our quarterly fundraiser event. We get together, donate $10 to a great cause ($15 if you want a sweet custom Get Fit NH/OHT hat), sweat a little, laugh a lot, and have some fun. group

Wondering what exactly you are donating to? Operation Hat Trick (OHT) is a New Hampshire based Veteran’s program who help support wounded Vets. This is different than Wounded Warrior Project, because all of the money raised stays right here in NH to help our very own heroes. To learn more about how their funds are disbursed you can check them out here

This program has our ongoing support as we hold active military and veterans near and dear to our hearts.
We look forward to seeing you there!

Date: Saturday, February 27, 2016
Time: 9 AM
Where: Get Fit NH Concord
Cost: $10 or $15 if you want to sport the hat

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