Introducing Coach Adam

tough mudder (1)Please join me in giving a big Get Fit NH welcome to the newest member of our team, Coach Adam Gray. Adam has a great story and I look forward to having you meet and work with him. – Dean

I grew up in Chichester and just recently finished up at Plymouth State where I really figured out exactly what it was I wanted to be a part of.

I have played sports in some capacity year round for my entire life.  Whether that was out on the field as a kid or playing 4 sports a year in high school, athletics and physical activity have always been a huge part of my life.  

It may be hard to believe but most of my life was spent as someone who was very overweight and it cost me major opportunities to do the things I loved on a larger stage when I was younger. To this point I have lost nearly 100lbs and feel better than I ever have in my life. This, along with my love for athletics, is what drives me to help you become the best you can be.

Whether that is getting in the shape you want to be in terms of weight and strength, or to increase speed and explosiveness for competition, I love it all. I am extremely excited for the opportunity to help any and all who want to make a difference in their life, no matter how small or how large the goal.  – Coach Adam

Adam Gray is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist with the National Strength and Conditioning Association.

Guitars, Gyms and Getting Gooder was reading an article over at StrongFirst written by Dr. B Ramana, and it really got me thinking about a good answer when someone asks me:

“What makes Get Fit NH different than any other gym?”

The article reminded me for the last few years I have wanted to learn to play the guitar. My sister is an excellent musician, but when I was a kid I never had the patience for it like she did, practicing for the hours and hours it takes to get really, really good.

Now imagine because I want to learn guitar I walk into a studio to get some instruction, and the teacher tosses a guitar to me and excitably says:

“Here’s a guitar. Start playing the riff from ‘Smoke On the Water’ for 30 seconds. Take a little break and then knock out some “Crazy Train” for another 30 seconds. Catch your breath and then give me some “Purple Haze” for 30 more. Half a minute of “Hotel California” and then take a 30 second break. Just repeat that over and over, and I’ll be back in an hour or when your fingers start bleeding, whichever comes first.”

My 60 minute lesson finishes, and the next day I come back (??) for some more. Except this time he hands me an electric guitar and four different song choices. When I protest and say I don’t think I did very well with yesterday’s music he enthusiastically shouts:

“You can do it. Don’t give up. It’s just 30 seconds. Anyone can do it!”

Only the reality is that I can’t do it, or as we like to say around here I am  “currently unable”.

Now imagine I venture into a different studio. The teacher asks me about any previous experience with the guitar and why I want to play the guitar. We talk about expectations for how quickly I might learn to play guitar and the work that will be necessary outside of the lesson time. He teaches me the basics first. Finger placement, strumming technique, chords, progressions. I go in every day and build on the previous lesson.

Now fast forward a year, and imagine the progress. Which studio helped me get closer toward my goal of being a good guitar player?

What’s that got to do with exercise and nutrition, you ask? More importantly what does that have to do with you?

Here’s a fact. Any gym or trainer can beat you up, and many gyms and trainers do. Come in, get smashed, drag your butt out the door. Mission Accomplished.

But what if there was a better way? What if you could sit down with someone who would talk to you about your goals, how to create change, and how to overcome obstacles? What if they assessed you to see how your body was moving and then helping you move better so you could reach your goals faster? What if the accountability and support helped you keep your goals in mind, even when life got in the way? What if the coaches cared about how you did each exercise movement and helped you master each one? What if you actually enjoyed going to train and felt better walking out of the gym then you did when you walked in?

I’d kinda like to train in a place like that. 🙂

When someone asks me (or you) why Get Fit NH is different than any other gym, pull out your guitar and give them some Hendrix. That’ll get ’em talking!

Thank-you for choosing to train with us, and keep Making It Happen!

Coach Dean

SkiErg World Sprints Are Here!

skierg-worldsprints.jpgJoin us this Saturday, November 8th 2014 at 8:00am as we go for the Gold!

Find out how you stack up against the World’s Best in a 1000 meter all out sprint – it’s gonna be awesome, so make your plans to join us at Get Fit NH Epsom starting at 8:00am sharp. Make It Happen!

SkiErg World Sprints
Where: Get Fit NH Epsom
Date: Saturday Nov. 8, 2014
Time: 8:00 until we are done! 🙂

One Stop Shopping

pamperedchefThe holiday season is creeping up on us. Who is ready for frosty windshields, snow, and slippery roads?

….No? Me either!

Here is what I am ready for, though! Holiday shopping. I love the holiday spirit and all the joy it brings. We want to help you out with your shopping list this year. On Saturday November 8, 2014 we are hosting a Pampered Chef party AND  a 31 party- that’s right- a double party! Men- if you have women  to shop for then you don’t want to miss this event! I can assure you there will be LOTS of ladies here to help you pick out something great for your lady and ladies, do you I even need to tell you that you don’t want to miss this? C’mon, we all know how awesome these products are.

31It’s not just great for holiday shopping, it’s great year round. If you do a lot of holiday cooking these Pampered Chef products are going to help you out and 31 is going to make sure you are transporting those delicious dishes in style. The party starts at 5:30 PM in Concord. Our Pampered Chef representative, Sue Moulton, will be preparing a DETOX FRIENDLY meal!  Taste testing is encouraged! Epsom’s one and only Sonia Cormier will show us all of the great products 31 has to offer.

You DO NOT want to miss out on this so mark your calendars now for this Saturday, November 8th at 5:30 PM here in Concord. If you can’t make this event- don’t worry. We’ll keep the catalogs out until November 12th.

We hope to see you there!

Coach Meagan

Do You Have A Scale Obsession?

scale.jpgStop it.

If you weigh yourself daily- you have a scale obsession. I hope that wasn’t offensive, but it’s true and it really is not a healthy habit. I am going to share with you a little story about the Coach Meagan you know now and Meagan before Get Fit NH.

Pre- Get Fit NH Meagan was OBSESSED with the scale. I would weigh myself multiple times a day and OBSESS over the number that appeared. If it wasn’t under a certain number it would ruin my day or ruin my mood. I had completely convinced myself that this mysterious number pulled from who knows where was my “fit” weight. Now let’s fast forward a couple of years to Coach Meagan (and more educated Meagan) – she is here to tell you that that is just bologna. I have been coaching and training with Get Fit NH for the past 2 years and since then I have gained somewhere between 15-20 pounds depending on the day. There was not a day in the Marine Corps where I felt more fit than I feel now and I truly mean that. I am significantly stronger now and I actually eat protein now! My Marine Corps days is when I was really obsessed the scale and I lived off of rice, beans and steamed veggies. I won’t get into great detail, because it’s a distant memory now.

I just want you to remember that it isn’t healthy to obsess over the scale and like I said if you weigh yourself everyday then you’re obsessed. Your weight is going to fluctuate and you are going to drive yourself batty.  The scale doesn’t measure your lean weight versus fat weight, but I know how to find that out. You want to know the answer? Schedule a body fat with this girl or one of your other coaches. Don’t let the scale control you. You are in control of your results!

Big Changes Come in Small Packages

sfhBig changes come in small packages.

SFH, Stronger Faster Higher, is changing the packaging of their fish oil. The 6 ounce bottle Get Fit NH currently has for sale in the coolers will be soon be 8 ounces. In addition, SFH will be improving the flavor profile of each current flavor. The 8oz bottle will have 48 servings for $42.00. It will be available with and without 1,000IU of added Vitamin D3.

It’s that time of year where our days are getting shorter and there is less direct sunlight exposure. The value of Vitamin D relative to the immune system and prevention of seasonal diseases cannot be stressed enough.

  • Over 1 billion people are deficient in Vitamin D: Puts them at risk of osteoporosis, heart disease, MS and infectious diseases including season flu, tuberculosis and more
  • Over 90% of Vitamin D found in the body is produced in the skin. Factors such as season, clothing, sunblock and time spent indoors all affect Vitamin D levels. Levels can be significantly lower in Fall/ Winter
  • Vitamin D enables the body to produce over 200 antimicrobial peptides and is a leading factor in immune health
  • D3 can improve immune system function by as much as 60%
  • Vitamin D plays a vital role in the regulation of calcium needed for the contraction and relaxation of muscle during any athletic movement.
  • Vitamin D deficiency can have a significant impact on athletic performance
  • Fun fact: Vitamin D is a hormone, not a vitamin!

I’m a huge proponent of fish oil. The benefits of fish oil alone are staggering and now I can get some Vitamin D at the same time. Win Win!


What Kind of Role Model Are We?

sheildlogo.I read a disturbing statistic this week. Before I share it I do need to disclose that I do not have children, but it does not change the fact that this statistic is unacceptable. And if you are a parent please realize it is up to you to start making a difference!

This is a fairly recent survey that was taken in New Hampshire. This survey collected heights and weights from third graders around the state. These statistics were based off of 81 different public schools and a total of over 3,000 students.

The survey found that 33.4% of third graders were either obese or overweight. That means 1 in every 3 children! Breaking that survey down a little further found that children in the Belknap/Merrimack county region had the highest prevalence of obesity among New Hampshire third grade students. This is a scary thing.

Overweight and obesity are risk factors for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and countless other health problems. I am confident that nobody wants their children to be faced with scary health risks.

Guess who your children’s biggest role model is? Yep- you guessed it. Look in the mirror. Whether you want to believe it or not you are setting the example for your children.

  • You feed them
  • You cloth them
  • You nurture them

Without you what does life look like for them?

I hear way too many excuses that sound a little like this…

“I didn’t buy those Oreo’s for me, I bought them for the kids”

“Eating healthy is expensive, I have to make two separate meals for me and my children”

These are just examples of things I have heard.  So what you are saying is that you don’t eat Oreo’s because you know they are not good for you, but you will buy them for your children each time you go to the grocery store? Now let me be clear- I realize this is a controversial matter I am discussing- I am not saying you should deprive your children of these things for their entire upbringing. I am just saying that it is up to you to lead by example.

  • Do mom and/or dad train?
  • Why do they train?
  • Do mom and/or dad eat clean?
  • Do they complain about eating well?

It is up to you to show them the way. Lead by example. Celebrate your success. Don’t down talk yourself. Be active and be positive about all of the exercise you are able to do. It is a blessing. Treat your body the way you want your children to treat theirs.

Make it Happen

Coach Meagan

Life is short, live it!


rp_dereksm-300x225.jpgIt has been a tough couple of weeks for some of our Get Fit NH family. My heart goes out to Laurie, Pattie and Linda, who all lost a brother over the last week or so. Patti J. had a bike accident and had surgery today for a broken collar bone. Sue, Carol, Deb and Scott are also out taking care of some long term health issues. Families in the Strafford area are grieving over the loss of a 13 year old boy. There are no doubt others out there with hurting hearts that we don’t even know about. This week is a challenging week for my family as we remember the anniversary of losing our little boy Derek.

And yet time, and our lives, march on. It’s been said it’s not what happens to us that matters, but how we react to it that defines our lives. Face it, life is not all sunshine, rainbows and unicorns, we know that. Stuff happens. For my part I am grateful for the support of my family, friends and for you all – my Get Fit NH family. Nancy and I never take for for granted the love and support you have shown us over the years.

At Get Fit NH we are physical preparation coaches, and it is our job to help you lose fat, get lean and look and feel great. But if that is the only impact we make I consider it a failure. To build the body and neglect the soul and spirit would be a great tragedy. There is more to life than bulging biceps and tight glutes (good thing, huh) 🙂 Health is an important thing for a rich life, but it’s not the only thing.

So when the junk is flying around you and it seems like life is about to crush you, know that you have a family that is here for you. We laugh together, cry together and love together. If that’s too mushy for you, too bad. I don’t say it enough, but you all mean the world to me.

My challenge to you today is to hug someone just a little harder, smile just a little wider, and remember that you make a bigger impact on the world than you can ever imagine.

Believe it, and then go Make It Happen.

Coach Dean


Something HUGE is coming…

oht It’s true, and you will want to be there!

Mark your calendars:

When: Saturday November 1, 2014
Time: 8 AM – 1PM
Where: Get Fit NH Concord
Who: You, your family, your friends, and some of Concord finest businesses
What: November Family Yard Sale & Fundraiser

This will be our first annual yard sale and vendor fair. We want this event to go down in history so we need your help! Here is what’s in it for you:

Get Fit NH students: Forget spring cleaning! Let’s spare ourselves some time this spring and do some pre-winter cleaning. We are inviting all of you to gather up any items that you would typically sell at a yard sale (ie: clothes, dishes, books, etc) and bring them to Get Fit NH on November 1st and sell away.

We are inviting the entire community to come shop around so if you have things you want taken off your hands we can help! And here is the bonus- You get to KEEP your profit. That’s right- keep it. All we ask is that you invite your friends and family to come check out the big huge yard sale at 287 South Main Street in Concord.

You do however have three choices if you wish to participate in the donation part of this event:

  • You can choose to donate 10% of your yard sale profit to Operation Hat Trick. Operation Hat Trick is a NH based organization dedicated to the support of our wounded warriors. (Read more here:
  • If you so choose- any items that are not sold will be donated to our local homeless shelter, Open Hands Resource Center.
  • Or you can keep your profit and bring any unsold items home with you 🙂

All we ask is for you to invite and share the good word.

So what else is in it for you, you ask? GREAT QUESTION!

We have invited some really great local businesses to come hang out with us as this will also be a vendor fair! We invited Amy Troy from Chichester Massage & Bodywork Center, Evolution Rock and Fitness, Runner’s Alley, and several other businesses to come out and talk to you all, so come join us in supporting these local businesses!

open_hands_resource_center_picture_logo_lol.9060906_logoIf you are planning on participating in the yard sale please contact Coach Meagan by October 25th.  If you are interested in donating to Open Hands Resource Center please bring your items to the gym by 1 PM on November 1st. We will be happy to donate them for you 🙂


Open Hands Resource Center mentioned they mostly need clothes, linens, food, and hygiene products. You never seize to amaze us with your generosity.

Thank you for reading and again please help us make this event HUGE!

Coach Meagan