Living Out “Make It Happen”

I was given “Robert Ringer’s 20 Life- Guiding Principles” to read. He compiles a list of 20 sayings that he uses to focus his life and direct his activities.

There were a few on this list that hit home.

His number 12 fits right in with Get Fit NH’s motto – “Make It Happen”

It states“Never fall into the trap of waiting for something to happen. Make it happen.”

The first time reading through the list, I paused only because he used our saying. Get Fit NH embraces the fact that we can all make it happen, no excuses.

But as I read over the list again, I really had to stop.

The first part of this principle has us not falling into the trap of waiting.

Do I do that? What does that look like? How can it be avoided?

Yes I do that, and I think we all do.

We’ll start an activity or set a goal and for the first few days, maybe even weeks we strive and work at it. We might see some progress. But then for some unknown reason to us, we slowly let go of that passion. Eventually a month or two down the road we figure that avenue didn’t work so we try something else.

We start something new, see some progress, and then let it pass into oblivion.

And we do the same thing over and over, expecting a different result – “this time”.

This phenomenon could be related to our business growth, our job, our training, or our nutrition.

I’ve worked with many clients who for a week maybe even two will log food, eat PPW3, and drink plenty of water. They really are making it happen! They see some changes in their energy levels, their body composition improves, and they might see the numbers on the scale move.

The momentum should cause us to kick it into high gear, but only a few do.  In fact many of us do the opposite, we get distracted and our progress slows, and we are left wondering what went wrong.

In our minds, because there is still activity going on, we expect things to keep progressing.

I mean I am not doing it exactly like I was that was giving me these great results, but it’s close enough, right?

Just going through the motions won’t help. It is consistent application of what I know, over a period of time, that is going to get me to where I want to go.

We can read all the books, monitor all the blogs, and go to all the meetings, but I can tell you first hand our continuous quest for more knowledge is a trap.

The trap of seeing but not doing, of knowing but not applying.

Don’t believe me? Ask your co-workers, family, or friends; to see how many of them have a cookbook relating to some particular diet plan? Ask them if they read the basic principles and did the diet.

It’s human nature not to like being told what to do, at least for very long.

Before I was a trainer I remember this “diet” I was on.

I went shopping for all the specific foods, cooked everything just like they said for one week. The second week, I kind of did the plan but tweaked it to suit my needs, the third week I continued to tweak it myself because the family needed me too. The fourth week looked nothing like the first but I was still doing it. And slowly I fell into a trap. I thought I was doing it but I wasn’t.

It really had nothing to do with the plan – it had everything to do with me.

So how do you continue to make it happen? How can I stick to the plan?

With your training at Get Fit NH we do the planning for you. As long as you continue to come you will move forward in your fitness goals.

The “Other 165” are a bit more difficult.

How do you continue moving forward at breakfast, lunch, the times out with friends, and on the weekend?

Its all in the plan and the planning.

  1. Keeping our goals in front of us so we see them daily.
  2. Writing out a plan to reach our goals.
  3. Bringing others to your aide to hold you accountable and motivate you.
  4. Admit you need help and ask a professional is a site we have created to help you. We’ve put tools at your finger tips. Tons of information, videos, and testimonials are a button away.

You have to make it happen. Each day doing what it takes to get there. Don’t stop when you reach the 1/2 way point.

Keep getting better – keep moving ahead.

Have you enrolled in our Goal Achievement Program yet? The only cost is 5 or 10 minutes of your time to write down what you want to achieve over the next 4 weeks, and submit an action plan to get there. Don’t underestimate the power of written goals. This program will move you forward, but so don’t wait for it, Make It Happen!

But we don’t want you to fall into the trap that because you signed up for TheOther165, you will magically transform in 2 weeks or less.

Enroll in the Goal Achievement Program Here

To your best health,

Coach Nancy

September Client Success Workshop

The next Client Success Workshop is on the calendar for September! All clients are welcome to come find out how to get the best possible results at Get Fit NH, but we especially encourage those who are new with us or have never attended to come on out. You’ll want to invite your social support to join you. Whether they are family, friends, or co-workers, the more everyone knows about what you are doing, the more help you have.

We’ll talk training, nutrition, accountability, goals and more. We always have a great time, so come on out!

Date: Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Time: 6:00pm to 7:00pm

Place: Get Fit NH Bootcamp Epsom



First Notice: October Mini-Recovery

Hi guys, wanted to get the word out early so you can get in on your calendars.

The week of October 10th we will be holding training Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday only. Nancy and I are headed to Kentucky for business on that weekend (I know you guys love the great stuff we find out down there!)

This is one of two “mini-recovery” weeks we will be having this fall and into winter. The next will be the week of Thanksgiving. This is a good thing, as our next full recovery week is the week after Christmas.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you!

Have a great day,

Coach Dean


Reflections of a FFB

Yesterday I celebrated my 45th birthday.

For some reason I have been thinking about turning 45 for awhile. We tend to focus on the “tees”, like when we turn for”tee”, fif”tee”, six”tee” or seven”tee”. (Get real – 30 isn’t really that traumatic)

But for me 45 holds some real significance.

A lot has happened in the last 10 years.

When I was 35 I had two kids, Tim and Jeff. One a sophomore in high school, the other in eighth grade. Those two boys are now both married, one living in Vermont and the other in North Carolina. 10 years later, Nancy and I have had added four more; Derek, Andrew, Karalynn, and Amy. Derek was with us only 11 months when he died of S.I.D.S.,  Drew is 8, KJ is 7 and the precocious Amy is 4 going on forty. How things have changed!

When I was 35 I had a different career. I was a structural draftsman sitting behind a computer all day, and while I was very good at what I did I didn’t love it, and I was pretty miserable to be around at times. That company treated me well, but ultimately I knew it was not what I wanted to do with the rest of my life.

When I was 35 I was miserable in other areas of my life as well. I stopped weighing myself when I hit 260 on the scale. I couldn’t shop for pants in the “regular” stores any more as my waistline passed 46 inches. There is a picture I still have of a church picnic where I won a couple ribbons for a pie baking contest. What you don’t see is the humiliation from that same picnic when I tried to play some relay games and couldn’t begin to keep up. That was the first time I remember feeling “old”, but in reality age had little to do with it. I had high blood pressure, my blood sugar was crazy, I lived on Pepto-Bismol, and was a picture perfect couch potato.

I had a beautiful wife, 2 great kids, good friends. But I was well on my way to an early grave, and while in the back of my mind I knew it, I was too apathetic to do anything about it.

But then…

In March 2002 life changed forever for Nancy and me. I still remember we were pretty shocked to discover that we were going to be parents again, 14 years after the last time. We used to joke with our friends that we were going to be empty-nesters by the time we were forty; we had to adjust that time line by oh, about 20 years or so. God has a funny way of letting you know He is in control sometimes.

Nancy was 5 months pregnant with Andrew when Derek, our “surprise” baby that had brought much renewed joy into our lives, died at age 11 months. What started out as an ordinary Monday morning started bringing the brevity and uncertainty of life into my daily thoughts.

We live with choices every day.

Some are little, and some are big. But each choice we make is significant, and determines the course our life is going to take.

There are things in life we cannot control, as we were recently reminded with the 10th anniversary of 9/11.

It’s not what “happens” to you that determines the course of your life, but the conscious choice you make in response to it.

Nancy and I had to make a choice. Let the circumstances of our life tear us apart, or bring us closer together. The daily choice to drag ourselves out of bed and move on was not easy, but our faith, family and friends brought us and continue to bring us through.

So why am I telling you all of this?

Because those circumstances changed my life forever in other ways as well.

I really understood for the first time that life does not go on forever. That I was given the gift of life, and I was in the process of taking that precious jewel and flushing it down the drain with my lifestyle.

I was making bad choices, and it showed. When you are 35 years old and can’t walk up the stairs to go to bed without getting winded, there is something seriously wrong. Keep up with the kids? I figured if I didn’t do something about it I wouldn’t be around for the kids for very long.

And that’s how my journey started to where we are now.

With a choice.

A choice to be better today than I was yesterday.

Make that choice every day, and pretty soon you get somewhere pretty big.

Many of you have heard and read my personal journey and how Get Fit NH got started, so I am not going to make this note any longer than it already is.

Just know that I am grateful for all I have and all I have experienced, both good and bad.

These past 10 years have been a pretty wild ride.

My weight has been under control and under 200 pounds for going on 8 years.

I have girls in the house – now that’s different!

I have a wife that has stood by me through all the ups and downs who I fall in love with more and more every day.

I get to do what I love to do every day in a career that I am passionate about. I have the privilege of helping our clients accomplish things they never dreamed they could do.

Helping others make good choices that get them where they want to go.

I’d say turning 45 is pretty cool.

Thank-you for being a part of my life.

Coach Dean

F.L.A.G. F.A.Q. – Deadline Wednesday

We have had a number of questions from you, our fantastic clients, about the Fat Loss Accountability Group we are currently enrolling (cutoff Wednesday at Midnight)

How do I know the F.L.A.G. is right for me?

F.L.A.G. is for those Get Fit NH Bootcamp clients who need input into their daily nutrition habits, have had challenges with sticking with a nutrition plan beyond a few weeks, and need regular feedback and accountability to make sure they are staying on track.

When and where are the weekly meetings?

F.L.A.G. is designed to be as easy as possible for you to do, so the weekly check-ins are all done on a private online forum. It’s as easy as sending an email.

What is a check-in?

At the weekly check-in, you will share your victories, your challenges, and what your goals and action plan is for next week.

Here’s an example:

This week was a great week. I ate breakfast every day, and got to all 4 of my training sessions. I wasn’t as hungry as I used to be at about 10am, so I am guessing that breakfast thing is working.

My challenge this week was snacking right before bed. I usually have the TV on and it’s just a mindless thing. Can you give me some help on this one?

My goal for next week is to make all 4 sessions again, and limit dessert to 2 days. I am going to do that by not keeping dessert in the house, but by picking up what I want for that night on the way home from work.

It can be as long or short as you want, but it should contain all 3 elements every week:

Goals & Action Plan

Will you look at what I am eating?

Every week by Friday you will be responsible to turn in a minimum of 3 days of your food log. This can be done via email or there will be a bin in your training facility. Your coaches will review the food log, comment and return to you by the following Monday.

What else is involved?

Upon registration you will be enrolled in our Goal Achievement program, where you will be setting and reviewing your goals on a monthly basis.

You will also be responsible to track your body weight on a weekly basis. Next to the food log bin is a file with log cards to record your weight and measurement. You may also choose to have your bodyfat tested using our Bodymetrix Ultrasound scanner for an additional testing fee.

How long should I do this?

The initial commitment to join the group is 3 months. For some clients that is all the time they need to get and stay on track. Others will want to keep active in the group in order to make sure they continue moving forward. Both Coach Nancy and I belong to accountability groups, and I can tell you they are a powerful way to make progress, because you know someone is both helping you forward and keeping you accountable.

How do I get started?

Simply click the “Subscribe” button below to begin the enrollment process. Your account will be reviewed, and upon approval you will receive an invitation to the private forum and be enrolled on the Goal Achievement program. You will also be sent further instruction on keeping your food log and the weekly check-in.

Registration deadline is Wednesday September 14th at Midnight. It is unknown at this time if and when we will open the group or start another one. Love to see you there!

Please Welcome Coach Sue!

It is an exciting time here at Get Fit NH Bootcamp and Fitness Revolution! We are pleased to announce the latest addition to our world class coaches, as the amazing Susan Tardif joins our staff. Sue has been involved in fitness for many years as a personal trainer and group instructor. As you will read in her biography, she is a living testament to the power of exercise and the will to overcome obstacles. Her high energy and constant smile is contagious, and we know you will love being coached by her.

Welcome Coach Sue!

Sue in her own words:

I have been involved in health and fitness in one capacity or another since I graduated from high school (a long time ago). I started as a participant and moved quickly into instructing!

I spent many years as a certified group instructor/personal trainer teaching all levels and varieties of aerobics before I was fortunate enough to open my own gym where I spent a very fun ten years teaching and training all levels of fitness participants.

I particularly enjoyed helping women feel comfortable in the weight room and realizing how great strength training is! I was unable to continue after a serious back issue kept me from training to the level needed to operate a fitness facility.

After a long journey of physical therapy and being told I “would not be able to train, hike, bike, etc, again”, and here I am doing all of those things. I am extremely excited to be back in this environment and helping others to realize their potential – there is nothing like it for me! I have missed it! Get Fit NH Bootcamp is a great environment for all of us who need to work around injuries and other obstacles in a safe manner.

I’m very excited to be on board, and look forward to helping you reach your goals!

Sue is a Certified Personal Fitness Trainer with the National Exercise and Sports Trainers Association

Why You Need A F.L.A.G.

After talking with many of our Get Fit NH Bootcamp clients we’ve realized that some of you want more personal attention and accountability to help you reach your goals faster.

So with that in mind, we’ve decided to launch a private accountability group to personally work with you to help you reach your goals.

This group is what our Gold Level access at is all about. The Fat Loss Accountability Group (F.L.A.G.) is specifically designed to make you more accountable, give you plenty of opportunity to work more closely with us to troubleshoot your lifestyle to accelerate your progress and ultimately help you lose fat faster than you are now.

This group is for those clients who have had challenges sticking with a nutrition plan beyond a few weeks in the past, and need regular accountability and group support to make sure their plan is being followed consistently.

As a member of the Fat Loss Accountability Group you will receive:

Members Only Coaching and Support Group: Having a healthy support system in place is crucial to staying on track. This is the place to share your challenges, get your questions answered, and find out what’s working for others.

Weekly Food Log Review & Coaching: According to a study by the American Journal of Preventative Medicine, keeping a food journal can actually result in doubling your weight loss – it’s that important! Each week your coach will review a minimum of 3 days of your food log and provide coaching feedback.

Weekly Accountability Check-In: In addition to your food log, you will be responsible to tell us about your successes and challenges for the week, and outline your plan for next week.

The Fat Loss Accountability Group is the perfect complement to your current Bootcamp membership and will keep you armed with all the knowledge and support you’ll ever need to reach your fitness and fat loss goals faster than ever before.

Please fill out the contact form indicating you are ready to enroll, and we will give you a call to get your account set up.

I look forward to having you take part in this first ever Fat Loss Accountability Group.

Coach Dean

10 Pounds – 1 Pant Size = 0 Excuses!

Right before recovery week Scott received his “I Survived Get Fit NH” gray T- shirt. Scott made a simple comment to the 4pm “Happy Hour” that everyone needs to hear.

“10 Pounds and 1 Pant size”. Short but oh so sweet!

I asked Scott to write down a bit of the story behind his fantastic accomplishment.

“I broke my ankle really bad in a fall from a ladder about 13 years ago and have lost full range of motion in my ankle joint.  This has led to bio-mechanical issues in my hip joint which suffers from arthritis today. 

However, this has not prevented me from committing to staying fit and active since turning 50 earlier this year. 

With the help of Nancy and Get Fit NH Bootcamp, I’ve lost 10 pounds and a pant size in 6 weeks.  The workouts and stretching we do at Bootcamp have actually reduced the pain and stiffness in my hip.  So don’t let an old injury prevent you from “making it happen.”  If I can do it, you can too!” – Scott Decker

Each of our individual goals are met with support at times and difficulties at others. It is the constant day to day activities over the course of time that form habits which lead us to meeting our goals.

Great work Scott. Keep making it happen!

Coach Nancy




Spicy Pork Stir Fry Recipe

Spicy foods are my favorite – I love the zing! Combine spice with a stir fry and you have one of my favorite meals to make (and eat). Don’t like spicy? That’s ok, you can tone it down as much as you want.

Stir fry is great because it so flexible. More ginger or chili sauce will add more heat, and if you like the crunch of celery add 1/4 cup more to suit your taste. Have unexpected company? Just double the recipe.

Here’s one of my favorites!

Spicy Pork Stir Fry


  • 1 pound pork tenderloin, thinly sliced
  • 1 egg white
  • 3 Tablespoons rice wine vinegar, divided
  • 3/4 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 3 cups spinach
  • 1/2 cup celery, sliced
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1-2 Tablespoon ginger, minced
  • 2 scallions, sliced thin
  • 3/4 cup chicken broth
  • 1 Tablespoon cornstarch
  • 2 Tablespoon soy sauce
  • 2 teaspoon chili sauce


Prepare marinade by combining the egg white and 1 Tablespoon of rice wine vinegar. Stir marinade into sliced pork, cover and refrigerate for an hour.

After the pork is done marinading, mix  3/4 cup chicken broth, 2 Tablespoons of soy sauce, 2 Tablespoons rice wine vinegar, 2 teaspoons chili sauce, and 1 Tablespoon cornstarch together to make the sauce.

Drain the excess marinade from the pork, then arrange the pork, vegetables and sauce close to the stove for easy access.

Heat the wok to medium. Spray with a light coating of peanut oil. Cook the pork for 30 seconds to 1 minute, stirring constantly. Transfer to a plate.

Clean wok with a paper towel. Heat to high and spray again with peanut oil. Add celery and stir fry for 30 seconds. Then add the spinach, tomatoes, garlic, scallions,  and ginger. Stir fry until the spinach wilts and tomatoes start to break down just a bit.

Add the pork and sauce to wok. Stir all items for another 3 minutes until sauce thickens.

Garnish with sesame seeds, sliced jalapenos, or chopped cilantro if desired.

Don’t be greedy, and share this delicious meal with someone you love! 🙂


Coach Nancy