Starting Slow To Finish Strong

Happy Monday and first day back from recovery week! 

I hope everyone is feeling energized and ready to get back into some great training! I thought it would be helpful to write this blog about important things to remember coming back from recovery week and how you might feel starting off:

  1. Start Slow! If you remembered we deloaded our training the two weeks before recovery week and then had recovery week. The purpose of that we to let our body recover and rest after spending a lot of time training with heavy weights. There is a good chance that you may not be able be able to lift the same weight as you could before recovery week but that's ok because you will build that strength back and then some!
  2. Embrace The Training! You are all rock stars when it comes to training! You all always crush any challenge we throw at you which makes programming so much fun for us! A thing to remember in the first couple of weeks is that we are focused on getting the body moving again so that at the end of the training phase you are performing the best you can!
  3. Wellness Is Peaks And Valleys! People will ask us why we would deload if it makes us weaker for a short amount of time. The answer is because your body needs it! Not even professional athletes train 7 days a week 365 days a year, they take time to deload and rest too! As awesome as it would be our bodies can't handle the stress of lifting heavy all the time. It needs rest and recovery so it can grow more especially as we get stronger and need more energy to keep getting stronger!

We are super excited about this training phase and to see all the progress everyone makes! Welcome back and remember to keep making it happen!

-Coach Brian

Charity Training for Fellowship Housing Opportunities is Coming to Get Fit NH

Having a presence and being active in our community is VERY important to us here at Get Fit NH. We know together we can make a big difference and that is why we choose to host a charity training each quarter. We are lucky enough to train some fine individuals who work hard for these non-profit organizations and Fellowship Housing Opportunities has an advocate right here at this gym! 

She asked us if we would be willing to host a charity training on their behalf and we were more than happy to make a difference for this amazing organization. 

We are going to shake up this charity training, though! We usually host these trainings in the morning on a Saturday, but this time, given the nature of this organization, we decided to do a sunset training and call it "Get Fit NH Helping Concord Get Out of the Darkness"

Mark your calendars for Saturday, August 3, 2019 at 8PM! This will (weather permitting) be an OUTDOOR training! Friends and Family are welcome and we would ask for a donation of $10.

Here is some more information about Fellowship Housing Opportunities for the advocate herself!

Fellowship Housing Opportunities Inc., founded in 1966, is a private nonprofit organization located in
downtown Concord, NH. We are dedicated to promoting recovery from mental illness as a provider of high quality, affordable housing and client-centered behavioral services. Our mission is to “Provide decent, safe, affordable housing with support to members of our community who live with a mental illness. We envision a community in which people with mental illness are able to manage daily lives, be good neighbors, access resources, and find acceptance”.

Fellowship Housing Opportunities owns and maintains and manages seven multi-family properties in Concord, NH all within walking distance of downtown. These seven properties allow us to provide needed housing for over 60 individuals. Three of our independent apartment properties are subsidized by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) which allows our tenants to receive government assistance in paying their rent. Our tenants receive on average about $900 a month for their disability payments. Very difficult to live in Concord on $900 a month.

Tenants in these apartments only pay 30% of their income for rent. Our three remaining independent properties are unsubsidized but housing vouchers (Section 8) are accepted and rents are below fair market value. Our seventh property is a 24-hour staffed, licensed community residence that is also subsidized by HUD. This residence houses twelve individuals who require 24-hour assistance in caring for themselves and managing their medications. Residents in this home are learning how to care for themselves and their home, how to shop for needed supplies and how to interact appropriately in public in the hopes that they will someday be able to move into one of our independent apartments where they can live with or without assistance from our staff.

Your donation to Fellowship Housing Opportunities will help us continue to provide affordable housing options to people in need in Concord and beyond. Our goal is to expand our reach in the next few years by purchasing additional properties so we will be able to help even more people.

Performance Health is Coming to Get Fit NH for a Body, Active, Mobility Class

We are so excited to bring Sarah Coulombe to Get Fit NH for a very personal and focused mobility class. Sarah is a Physical Therapist at our our favorite Chiropractic Office, Performance Health. She has helped many of our clients and Coach Adam battle some serious, chronic pain. I asked her to do a write up about the class she will be offering and her and Coach Adam took it one step further and included a video! This class will be held at Get Fit NH on Wednesday mornings from 7:30-8:30AM. Payment will be handled through Performance Health NOT Get Fit NH. So you can choose to call them and pay via credit card or write them a check directly! Here are the details from Sarah herself!

Body. Active. Mobility. B.A.M. Course

Do you wish you had more mobility and flexibility? Do you constantly feel stiff and immobile? Or do you feel very unsteady like you don’t have control over your own body? The purpose of this course is to increase body awareness through active mobility using body weight exercises and minimal equipment. Learn your joint limitations and how to best promote optimal movement and health of your joints. 

Come join Sarah Coulombe, a Physical Therapist from Performance Health as a guest instructor to bring you this unique 6-week body control class. The class is based on recent course work including Functional Range Control and Kinstretch. Due to her background as a Physical Therapist and Certified Functional Strength Coach, she can help you reach your goals!

A free introduction class will be taking place on July 24th from 7:30-8:30am at Get Fit NH. Each class builds on the previous.  If you would like to continue with the 6-week course, you will have the opportunity to register for the final 5 sessions on July 24th.  The classes will be held each Wednesday from 7:30-8:30am from July 31st - August 28th. Cost for the 6-week course is $130.  

Survey Says…

Hey team,

Recently we sent out a survey to see how we are doing and the response was FABULOUS and overwhelming. We send out surveys on a quarterly basis to see what we can be doing better and to make sure you are happy. Without your honest feedback we can't get better and grow professionally. We appreciate you taking the time to tell us how you really feel!

I did a Facebook video the other week in response to the survey, but I know not everyone is on Facebook so I am going to hit up some of the questions and concerns right here! The tricky part about surveys is that they are anonymous so we can't respond to you individually. So we will just hope you are reading and of course if you say it then someone else is likely thinking it so let's talk about it! 

1.) More personal attention. 

Hey, you have our ears and our hearts. We hear you, we talked about it and we are on it! 

2.) More time for stretching.

We do our best to fit it in, but sometimes we definitely run out of time. Please know you are ALWAYS welcome to stay and stretch and we can give you stretches to do while you stay We will always respect the one hour rule, but know that there are 10-15 minutes before the next class begins and we will never kick you out for stretching!

3.) More trainings times.

Honestly, with 8 hours of coaching available on training days we have exhausted our coaching bandwidth. Our coaches all have very important pieces to the Get Fit NH team that keep us in business (what a beautiful thing!) Each coach spends 4-6 hours on the coaching floor as it is and that is the fun part for us! We did just hire another full time coach! You have each met Dylan. He is now a permanent member of the team! This was mostly so that our coaches can grow professionally in their specialities - like kettlebell for Brian and Athlete Academy and sport specific training for Adam. Our team is the bomb diggity and I have to protect them to keep them 🙂 

4.) Trainings I can do outside of the gym for when i can't make it!

We did those a while back! Here is an example. If you follow our vimeo you can find even more. Check it out here

5.) One on one time with a coach to talk about injuries, aches and pains

Ask and you shall receive. We don't offer that verbally, but if you need us we are ALWAYS here for you. We also refer out to Performance Health for those consistent aches and pains. If you have never been to them and you have pain then boy are you missing out! They specialize in Active Release Therapy. Check them out here. Every PT and Chiropractor is unbelievable. We also offer gentle yoga and a mobility class with Nicole Detellis. She also specializes in pain management and moving through a pain free range of motion. She also offers 1:1 sessions every Wednesday. We have her business cards at the gym! She is fabulous. 

6.) Follow through on various programs like bands and goals 

We will definitely be better about this , you are heard. We still do Functional Movement Rescreens every 4 months. In fact the next one is when we return from recovery week. We will discuss as a team how we can do better on goals boards!

7.) More Community Involvement

I am definitely working on this! We do Rock N Race every year as our big race and charity trainings once a quarter to support our community. We are now working on getting Autism Fitness up and running which is an exciting project and a HUGE project. We also sponsored Soup Fest this year and gave away over $600 worth of free training to local school raffles. We can't do it all, but we certainly want to be involved! Maybe we just need to be more vocal about what we do 🙂

Thank you so much for your feedback, keep it coming!

Coach Meagan 

Importance Of Sleep

How important is sleep to you?  Many people struggle with sleep or sometimes even neglect it.  I think we all know it is important, but do we know the effects of not getting enough?  According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), “Sleep deficiency can lead to physical and mental health problem, injuries, loss of productivity, and even a greater risk of death.”

I was listening to a Ted Talk given by brain scientist Matt Walker. He presented a study in which one group of participants stayed up all night and another got a full 8 hours of sleep.  In the morning both groups were asked to learn a list of new facts.  Their brain activity was analyzed by an MRI. The results showed that the sleep deprived group had a 40 percent deficit in the brain’s ability to make new memories.  That has huge implications on learning.

The NHLBI states that “ongoing sleep deficiency is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and stroke. Sleep deficiency can also increase the risk of obesity.”  The hormones that regulate the feeling of being hungry (ghrelin) or full (leptin) are affected by sleep.   When there is a sleep deficiency the ghrelin goes up and the leptin goes down which results in an increased hunger sensation.  If your goal is to lose weight, then you want to make sure you are getting enough sleep.

Goals for better sleep:

-Try to get 7-9 hours of sleep a night

-Consistent sleep schedule.  Try getting up and going to bed at the same time every day

-Turn off electronic devices 30 minutes before bed

-Establish a relaxing bedtime routine

Make It Happen! 

-Coach Erin

New Kettlebell Class Session Starting July 10th!

A new session of kettlebell classes are starting July 10th on Wednesdays at Get Fit NH. The session will run for 8 weeks working on building kettlebell skills, strength, and mobility.

Why Train With Kettlebells:

People have been using kettlebells to burn fat, build lean muscle, and improve mobility since early 1700's! Using kettlebells has been a proven method of improving your health for so long, I would even argue it is one of the best methods of burning fat while building muscle. Another wonderful reason to train with kettlebells is they do not take up much space and for most trainings you only need yourself and one bell! 

What Will We Be Doing In Class:

This class is designed to build up the fundamental movements of kettlebells and create a strong foundation you can take anywhere to train with kettlebells! We use a mixture of Kettlebells, TRX, and body weight to bring complete trainings for anyone! We like to take our time and really focus on quality of a movement to maximize the results we get! This class is perfect for anyone of any fitness level, if you are trying to take your first step into fitness or you're a fitness vet trying to add some new material into training this class is for you! 

Is This Only Open To Get Fit NH Members:

NO! This class is open to Get Fit NH members and anyone who is not currently a member! So if you think this is something for you sign right up! 

*To keep classes running smoothly each class is capped at 10 people*

Class Times And Cost:

Class Times: The class will be held on wednesdays at 4 different times:

  • 5:30 AM
  • 6:30 AM
  • 4:30 PM
  • 5:30 PM


  • For The Entire 8 week session the cost it $119

If You have any questions please reach out to me at :

If you are interested in signing up and having some summer kettlebell fun click below!

Autism Fitness is Coming to Get Fit NH

It is my absolute pleasure to introduce Mae Lynn and her son Henry to you. Mae Lynn came to me a few months ago confessing her hopes and dreams to change the community of adults with Autism. Her passion and drive is truly inspiring and contagious, I just couldn't say no! I am going to let Mae Lynn share in her words the really exciting news...

My full time job for decades has been to make the best life I can for my son, Henry, 23. Because there is seemingly no place in the real world for those with autism once they leave school, his life is a lonely one, and I know he isn’t the only one. So I’ve been working hard to try to think of ways to include adults with autism in the community. I’ve discovered since Henry left the school system that there is a very big difference between being “in the community” and “included in the community.” Henry and I are out and about all the time. But there might as well be a giant bubble around us for all we are actually part of anything.

My dream is to eventually create a place where people like Henry can feel included. My gym, Get Fit NH, has always been that for me: a home away from home where people know me, look forward to seeing me, and genuinely care about me. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Henry and others like him could have the same experience?

I believe that people with autism cannot be included if their fundamental differences are not understood and accounted for. I’m happy and proud to say that I became a Certified Autism Fitness Professional this past November. This means that I am qualified to develop and provide fitness programs that are appropriate and empowering for individuals on the autism spectrum. The Autism Fitness approach uniquely takes into account the physical, adaptive, and cognitive deficits present in ASD. 

Fitness and physical activity should be fun, accessible, effective, and not overwhelming. I have learned that there are concepts and activities that work enormously well for athletes with autism. I’m thrilled to announce that the first step to making my dream happen is in the works. On November 2 at 9am at Get Fit NH I will be presenting “Try This @ Home” - a workshop for parents and caregivers of individuals on the Autism Spectrum. This workshop will be an introduction to the unique ABA-based Autism Fitness approach. At this workshop, proactive parents and caregivers can learn how to set up an environment for their athlete to achieve success in physical fitness. Believe me, your athlete will surprise you! I have been working with Henry for a few months now and his swim coach and physical therapist both commented on how much stronger he is.

As if that isn’t exciting enough, in January 2020, Eric Chessen himself, founder of Autism Fitness, will present a weekend-long Autism Fitness Level 1 Certification right here at Get Fit NH. This training is for fitness professionals, physical therapists, educators, anyone who is currently bringing physical fitness to the autism population. Autism Fitness education provides adaptive programming solutions that will enable support professionals to deliver fitness programming to anyone with developmental deficits to create powerful daily living outcomes that last a lifetime. 

Join us! We are going to build a team of professionals first here at Get Fit NH and hopefully all over our state who “get” athletes with autism. The lives of those with autism and their families, as well as the community in general, will be better for it.

To register, click the links below.

Free Try This @ Home Workshop November 2, 2019 9am-12pm - Click here to register

Autism Fitness Level 1 Certification January 18-19, 2020 9:30am-5:30pm - Click here to register


It's that time of year again, challenge time!  We run TWO class challenges each summer. July kicks off the attendance challenge. This is a great way to be accountable to your training even when the weather is nice! 

Let me take this opportunity to remind you that long walks and bike rides are exercise, but it is not strength training. Training is the magic that keeps your bones healthy and strong and is what gives you the ability to get up and down off the floor and maintain your independence as you age. None of us are getting out of this world any younger, so we need to do our part now to make life easier later! 

Here is how the attendance challenge works...

For the month of July we are looking for 100% accountability from everyone in every class. This means that if you are NOT in training then you let a coach know BEFORE a coach reaches out to you! Your coaches email, call or text over 150 clients PER WEEK for not making it to training. This is a tool we use to keep you accountable and for the month of July (and hopefully moving forward) we want to work on building that accountability habit and put the ball in your court. So here is how you get POSITIVE credit for your either show up to training or let a coach know (in person, through call, text or email) that you are not going to be in training. If you need to come to a different training time then that is just fine- you will still get credit for your "home room" training time. This contact must be done BEFORE the coach gets to you- which should be within 24 hours of missed training. If you a coach contacts you first then that will NEGATIVELY effect your team- so just let us know!

The class with the best average will win a class party. To give you some examples of previous parties...we have done breakfast parties, glow stick parties, Taco Tuesday parties and more! The possibilities are endless! Each week we will update the average to show you which class is in the lead.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask Meagan or email us at

Looking forward to this challenge kicking off! It starts when we return from recovery week!  

Monday July 8, 2019 - Friday August 2, 2019

Let's Make it Happen!


We all have priorities in our everyday life. These are the things that are important to us like self-care, friends, family, religion, work etc.  


Things that we just have to do. The list might not be the same every single day, but week to week it is pretty similar with the occasional curve ball like “pay the dentist bill.” I know I am not the only one who thrives with to-do lists and constantly uses the note pad app in her phone to write out a plan. These are things like laundry, grocery shopping, paying bills, etc


These are things that are stronger than priorities and more than a to-do. These are things that we schedule into our life, because we need them to survive and thrive.  Things like sleep, exercise, food, water. Most of these things we do naturally, but many of these things we could be doing better. In order to support your non-negotiables, you need to have your priorities in order and shake up your to-do list.

You still with me?

Step 1: Define your non-negotiables. What are you doing or what should you be doing to live your best life and be the best version of yourself you could possibly be. Hint: I recommend using the examples I stated above (Sleep, food, water, exercise)

Step 2: Write out your current priority list and write out your “dream” priority list. Be brutally honest. A lot of us look something like this:





Note: it is OKAY to have work at the bottom! It is not okay to put yourself last. If you are not thriving then the rest of those areas will suffer! If you are a parent or if you have ever given any health related advice to someone you love then you have probably said something like, “You have to take care of yourself.” Take your own advice! Write out your “dream” priority list. Here’s mine:





Step 3: Write a to-do list every single day that supports your priorities and your non-negotiables. If you are not a list maker you are missing out on extreme satisfaction, organization and results! Each week I work off of a document  called my “weekly review”

I do NOT want to know a life without this tool. I update my weekly to do for the following week every Friday and then I add to it each night to plan out my next day. Here is an example day on my (current) weekly review:

When I complete the task I bold it so if I missed something on Monday then I could go back for it on Tuesday or later in the week. This to-do list can and should include things like

Training at 4:15pm

Make lunch for Tuesday

Prep dinner

Meal plan

Screens off by 9PM and in bed

Right now, one of my non-negotiables is to keep my body functioning with limited pain which is why if you saw the whole week worth of to-do’s you would see a chiropractor appointment on Monday, prenatal massage on Tuesday, Doctor appointment on Wednesday, etc.

Everyone has 24 hours in the day. You have a choice to make those hours productive and lead a satisfying and healthy life. Truth be told – I do take a break from a weekly review Saturday and Sunday, but Monday through Friday I am faithful to this tool and it has been life changing and helped me paint a clear picture of what is important to me. It also catches me when I slip.

Be in control!

Coach Meagan

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