Another Couples Edition Spotlight

Our next Spotlight Couples Edition is Dan and Kelly Gauthier. Dan recently started with us at 5 AM and it has been super fun to have him join the family. Kelly has always been a joy to coach and seeing them together now is so special. There is really something special about couples who train together. It definitely makes for a fun training hour! Here is what they have to say about their experience.

Who started training here first?
I (Kelly) started training here first, it was 5 years in June!

How long did it take you to get your spouse on board?
Dan mentioned “maybe” wanting to try it out a couple summers ago. At that time my
thoughts were, “well…you see honey, that’s kind of MY time”. That was the end of
that (very brief) interest. He jumped board with me back in November 2014 for a 21
Day Detox, lost (a lot) of weight, and then decided it was time to tone up! He
joined “another” local gym when they opened last May, he soon lost interest and
phased out of that. So, I guess it’s taken me/us almost 5 years to get him on board!

What was the break through moment that made him join?

Having successfully lost weight, and turning the big 5-0 in February, he decided
it’s time to get in the best shape of his life! He also figured that if I’ve stuck12932645_10154121888413410_1382056796008168453_n
with Get Fit for this long, it must be good! 🙂 #becauseitoldhimto

How has training together affected your home life?

I think I’ve told him every day since he started, how much I love that we get up and train together. It makes such a difference getting out of bed at 4:15am, and being able to turn the light on to get dressed! It’s always fun to re-cap the training together and give each other a hard time about who lifted more weight.

What do you love most about training together?
Training together makes it easier to have similar goals. We support each other 24/7,
now both inside the gym, and out!

I love this little interview! It is so special to see these two supporting each inside and outside of the gym. I am so proud of Kelly for finally letting Dan rain on her hour a little bit and I am so proud of Dan for making this move and getting here to train with us. 5 AM is even more special with these two
Keep making it happen,
Coach Meagan





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