Strength Tracking Phase

We are headed into a strength tracking phase at Get Fit NH. We run this phase twice a year for 8-12 weeks so that we can measure strength gains and progress with our clients. This week clients will get a tracking card and every Tuesday and Thursday  we will ask them to record their reps and their weight on specific exercises. Those exercises will repeat every other week for the next 10 weeks. Each week the rep range will decrease, but the tracked exercise will remain the same. We do this so clients can remember how much weight they lifted, how many reps they did it for and give them the confidence to push for a little more weight. This phase is where major strength gains are made! 

Our rep range will start high at 8-10 reps and will gradually decrease all the way down to 2-4 reps.  Tracking cards are always optional, but we find most clients who like to measure success love this phase.

All new clients coming in will get a tracking card as well, so if you want to see how strong you can get between now and the end of 2023, you won't want to miss this opportunity.

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