Why Programming Matters

Raise your hand if you have ever been this person (my hand is up high to the sky!)

  • Walked into the gym with no idea what you are going to train for the day?
  • Felt unsure about what to train or how to train it so just did the elliptical for 30 minutes, followed by some ab work and then left the gym.
  • Been afraid to try to exercises because you don't want to get hurt
  • Repeated the exact same exercises for same reps and sets day after day, week after week.
  • Avoided exercises that make you really sore.

Did I catch you on any of these?

I caught myself on a couple of these too and that is exactly why I work with  a coach. That's right, your coaches work with coaches. I will be the first to tell you that if it were up to me, I would never do another split squat as long as I live, because I hate them and they burn my quads lol. BUT I know they are a really important exercise to improve my strength therefore they are in my program almost every week thanks to my coach.

Whether your goal is to change your body composition, lose fat, gain muscle, improve strength, improve performance, etc you should be following a program not just winging it in the gym with the exercises you like or feel comfortable with. Results don't live in your comfort zone with your safety blanket. You gotta step outside of that and learn how to make training adaptations. if you are always doing 3 sets of 10 of the same exercises at the same comfortable weight, you're not getting stronger and your body already knows it can do that, therefore it does not need to change.

On another note, there is nothing wrong with doing the same exercises week after week for a training phase. Training phases can last anywhere for 4-12 weeks! We actually encourage this because it builds confidence in the lift. The catch is, that the reps and sets change throughout the training phase in order to build muscle, improve strength and improve performance. 

At Get Fit NH, we take our programming very seriously and it is not thrown together all willy nilly. It is created to make YOU better. 

If you want to get stronger and stop wandering around the gym wondering what to do then click that button below to get started on your free trial.

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