TFW Small Group Has a Spot – Apply Now!

tfwshirtOur large group (Smart Group Training) is as popular as ever, and is arguably the best program of it’s type that can be found anywhere. We continue to work hard to bring you the most effective fat-loss training through this format, and are looking forward to continuing to do so for a long time to come. And while Smart Group helps you lose fat, get lean, and look and feel great, we can only load you up so far.

One of the great benefits of TFW Small Group is the ability to get under the bar and up your horsepower. Some of y’all really enjoyed the barbell courses we offered, and this will allow you to do that more often. Foundational in this training will be the deadlift, squat, and bench press.

Another advantage of Small Group is that it is, well, small! We currently have 5 students in each training time (4:15 & 5:30) We are opening 1 spot for each training time. Keeping it small allows more personal attention from your coach and a laser focused environment.

TFW Small Group meets at Get Fit NH Concord on Monday and Thursdays at 4:15pm and 5:30pm, mirroring the times of our Smart Group Training. For training Tuesdays and Fridays you get to join back in with Smart Group – giving you the best of both worlds!

For current students the investment is only +$60 over your current contract, which is incredible for this specialized training.

There is no doubt that these 2 spots will fill up FAST so if you want in – do not wait to apply! And if you on edge and cannot decide whether this is the right move for you talk to your coach now and let Cara’s Story inspire you to try something new and step out of your comfort zone!

Make it happen,

Coach Meagan

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