Be Still My Beating Heart (Well not totally, but that what’s MyZone is for!)


Are you ready for a challenge?

Over the past few weeks you our Concord Crew has done such a great job adopting MYZONE into your training. It has been pretty cool to see what is really going on inside. Most of us have learned something new about our body’s  since implementing MYZONE, I know I have!

Here’s the challenge. We are going to hold a MYZONE Match Training on Saturday April 11th at 9:00am.  During this hour there will be a prescribed zone that we will want you to train in. For many of us we can easily jack our heart rate up into the red zone (90-100% of our maximum heart rate) while others have a challenge getting out of the green zone (70-80% M.H.R). Still others have a challenge getting back into the recovery zones. The purpose of the match training is to learn to control your exertion, control your recovery,and control your breathing. This type of control is and maintaining these zones is not easy and it is the optimal way to train your heart.

If you haven’t picked up your belt yet, you will want to make that happen before this event!  There is limited space available, so you MUST register for this training ahead of time, no exceptions please. Space is limited to 28 students, so please do not sign up if you are not 100% sure you can be there – Thanks!

Make it Happen!
Coach Meagan

MyZone Match Training
When: Saturday April 11, 2015
Time: 9:00 AM Concord
Location: Get Fit NH Concord



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