Recovery Rules



Wait a second, is that Recovery Rules as in… “Yo Garth, recovery ruuuuuuulllllleeeeeessss dude!”

or as in

“Robert’s Rules of Recovery?” (If you are under 30 you may not get either reference, sorry…)

Actually it’s a little bit of both.

Recovery really does Rule, one way or the other, as in “If you don’t voluntarily take recovery time off your body will MAKE you take time off when it gets sick, tired and run down.”

But there are also Rules for Recovery, as in “What are some things  I can do to make sure my body is ready for the training cycle ahead?”

With apologies to Tyler Darden, here is the first rule of recovery.

No whining about taking recovery.

Here is the second rule of recovery.

No whining about taking recovery.

A properly managed training cycle insures you get adequate training stress and adequate recovery in order to make progress, which is why we write our training cycles the way we do.

August 25th through 29th is our next recovery week.

This is part of your training program, and is a necessary deload to keep you healthy and moving forward. Those who follow the training plan, including this part of it, are the ones who make the most progress. Those who ignore it are much more likely to get injured and not be at their best. I have seen it over and over again. Deload is a necessary part of the training cycle.  Take some time, read these articles, and remind yourself why. You’re welcome! 🙂

Recovery, Deload, and Getting Better

Rest, Recover and Regenerate, It’s Not Optional

“I HATE Recovery Weeks!”

Minimum Effective Dose

Recovery Is Where The Magic Happens

Last but not least you will want to note our schedule change for Monday September 1st, which is Labor Day. We are going to be having an “all family” training session at Get Fit NH Concord from 8:00am to 9:30am. This will be our only training time of the day, so come on in, get an incredible training session in, and then enjoy the day with your family and friends – you earned it!

That’s it for now guys.

You want it, you gotta Make It Happen!

Coach Dean


Learning (Relearning?) to Eat

partner250About 129,000,000 results.

That’s the number of sites that “The Google” spit back at me when I typed in the word “diet”.

One Hundred Twenty Nine Million.

Is is any wonder confusion reigns when it comes to what we put in the hole under our nose?

The truth is that there is “no one size fits all diet plan” whereby we all have the lean, healthy, high performing body that we think is the answer to all our problems.

BUT (there is always a but)…

But there are principles of nutrition which apply broadly that if adopted lay the foundation for health, fitness, productivity and perhaps even longevity.

And that is where Whole9 comes in.

I am a big believer that you need to know why you are making certain food choices, or you won’t keep making those choices when it gets hard.

It’s not just a matter of of putting together a bunch of great recipes for a few weeks.

It’s about learning and applying the principles of nutrition, meal after meal, day after day that is going to make the difference over the long haul.

So run, don’t walk to one of our nutrition seminars this week.

This is not just another thing to “try”.

I have personally witnessed Coach Nancy read, study, and pretty much dissect the guide we are going to put in your hands. She has put dozens of hours into recipe preparation. But none of that matters to you unless you make it matter to you. (ponder that for awhile!)

We have continually worked hard to provide our clients the best that science and real world experience has to offer through our fitness practice.

We WANT you to succeed, to reach your goals, and achieve your best health.

Make an appointment to be there this Wednesday or Saturday, or both.

Make It Happen!

Coach Dean

Whole 9 Nutrition Seminar 1
Get Fit NH Epsom
Wednesday July 30th
6:00pm to 7:00pm

Whole 9 Nutrition Seminar 2
Get Fit NH Concord
Saturday August 2nd
9:00am to 10:00am




Get Fit Games – Rocking The Results!

winnerWhat a great morning at Get Fit NH.

Not content to sleep in in a Saturday, we had a great crew show up and participate in the “Get Fit Games”, where we come in, have some fun, and confirm we are getting better.

By my count our athletes set 23 personal bests, 3 new overall top 3 scores, and 1 gym record. Not a bad mornings work!

Here’s the results of this mornings games.

Proud of you all!

Steven Meier
Personal Best:
Long Jump
1000m SkiErg

Alice DonnaSelva
New 2nd best overall ladies score
Personal Best:
Deadlift, Get Fit Fit Level Achieved
Pushups, Bronze Level Achieved
Vertical Jump
Chinup, Bronze Level Achieved
1000m SkiErg

Rachel Maccini
Personal Best:
Deadlift, Silver Level Achieved
Inverted Row, Get Fit Fit Level Achieved
Long Jump
Front Plank, Bronze Level Achieved
1000m SkiErg

Susan Moseley
Personal Best:
Deadlift, Susan Moseley
Inverted Row, Get Fit Fit Level Achieved
Long Jump
Front Plank, Get Fit Fit Level Achieved
1000m SkiErg

Cristy Bresson
Personal Best:
Deadlift, Silver Level Achieved
Inverted Row
Front Plank, Silver Level Achieved

Jayne Millerick
Personal Best:
Long Jump, Ladies gym record, Get Fit Fit Level Achieved
Ski Erg, 3rd overall Ladies score

Terry Reed and Darlene Drew were first time participants and ROCKED IT! Can’t wait to see what you do next time around!



Rock Climbing Day Trip Coming August 16th

On Saturday August 16th at 11:00am we will be headed across the parking lot to Evolution Rock and Fitness. We reserved a time for Get Fit NH student’s to  learn how to climb and spend some time as a family.

Evolution Rock + Fitness provides the most modern and extensive climbing walls in northern New England. They have 16,000 square feet of climbing surface, there is something for everyone at all levels of ability, and they were kind enough to build the facility in our neighborhood – you’re welcome! 🙂 There is enough fun in this place for the whole family- make it a family fun day and bring your kids along!

Check out some of the pictures from our trip over there last year. We all had a great time (even Coach Dean, who kinda despises high things). If you have a fear of heights let’s conquer that fear together on August 16th.

The best part is we worked out a great price for you guys- just $20 will get you a climbing class, rentals, and the rest of the day to climb if you’d like. The climbing class will also teach and certify you how to belay. That means you could go to Evolution Rock and Fitness anytime and not have to pay the staff to belay you- score!

We went even further and worked out a membership discount with them. So if rock climbing is your sport or if you want to make rock climbing your sport, then ask us about the discount Evolution has offered our clients!




And the Student Spotlight Goes to…..

Patti Johnson!

Patti has been training with us for about a year and half and has made some incredible progress. One of the great things I love about Patti is her drive and motivation to achieve her goals. Here are some of the fantastic goals she has met since training with us:


  • Tested out of her red functional movement screen band
  • She absolutely rocks solid push-ups all the way to a tennis ball
  • Conquers the chin bar with her jumping OVERHAND chins- let me go further and give her extra props for staying after almost every single day to work on her chin ups. Now she absolutely destroys the chin bar and she STILL stays after to work on getting even better!
  • Tested out of her white functional movement screen band

These are only a handful of her achievements. Patti is dedicated to her goals and she is dedicated to herself.  I am so proud to be Patti’s coach. Here is what she has to say about her Get Fit NH experience so far.

When I first came to Get Fit NH I was simply pursuing a healthier lifestyle, but honestly I had no “fitness goals.” As I trained I became aware of my deficits through FMS then I decided to work towards getting out of my bands. As I became stronger I realized that I was in the best shape of my life. I think it was hard to have goals at first because I was unaware how “fit” I could be. Somewhere along the line I nixed my life long sugar addiction and during detox I said goodbye to coffee … I am still astounded when I peer into my fridge and see so many veggies staring at me … Nutritionally my diet is the complete opposite of what it was when I came to Get Fit … Now I eat like a weirdo 🙂
I stay at Get Fit because I cannot imagine training anywhere else. I feel like it is a big extended family whose support surrounds you and encourages you to be your best self on more than a physical level. The Get Fit family is a friendly, caring, encouraging, positive group that exemplifies excellence and integrity from the coaches to the clients. I cannot say enough about the coaches; challenging, encouraging and gently (mostly) pushing me to do things that only I doubt I can do. Their belief in me has really allowed me to see my potential and then train to reach it I have ditched both bands, can hold my own during chin variation training and am working on increasing the amount of push-ups I can complete. I am definitely in the best shape of my life and living the healthiest lifestyle all thanks to Get Fit NH.

Thank you


Patti has earned her results. She has been faithful to training and has made the necessary changes in her nutrition to meet her goals. I am so proud to be her coach!

Keep making it happen!

Coach Meagan

P.S.: If you have a win to celebrate please share it with us!

Wow! Over Halfway There!

Get Fit NH Training TimeWe are two week into July, which means we are OVER halfway through this calendar year – crazy!

Are you halfway to your yearly goals? If you have lost track of what those goals are, or you are a bit behind, you have a little less than 6 months to get it going.

As Coach Alwyn Cosgrove likes to say, “The Time Will Pass Anyway.”

I say we use that time to Get Better!

You have heard me say it before.

The best time to start is always NOW.

Every day you wait is a day you will never be able to reclaim.

50% of the year is gone, and there is nothing we can do about that, and frankly it doesn’t really matter.

What DOES matter is what you do today.

I have the privilege of seeing people every day come in and work hard to reach their goals. I know for a fact that there is not one of them that doesn’t have SOME obstacle in their lives that wants to get in there way. But that doesn’t stop someone who really wants it, now does it?

So let’s make it count – today and every day.

Time to Make It Happen!

Coach Dean

Get Fit NH Games Coming Soon! Sign up now

It is that time again! On Saturday July 26th we will be hosting our quarterly Get Fit Games event. This will be hosted in Concord at 8 AM.GFG

This is a great event for anyone who is interested in:

  • Measuring and testing their strength and endurance
  • Looking to set a gym record
  • Looking to beat a gym record
  • Looking to set a record for themselves
  • Looking to set a record to beat next time
  • Having fun on a Saturday morning and seeing what you are capable of!

This is event consists of 7 tests which include:

  • Maximum Deadlift
  • Push up/Incline Push up
  • Front Plank
  • Pull up/Inverted Row
  • Vertical Jump
  • Long Jump
  • Ski Erg

If you have not done this before this is the perfect time to learn where you are at with your strength and endurance. This will help you in your daily training program. You will know where you are at physically and how much you are capable of. When we do this again in 3-5 months you will see where you have improved and have the knowledge to set specific goals. I highly encourage you to participate if you are looking to improve (which of course you are!)

If you have participated before it is time to get back in here and see how far you’ve come and maybe break some records along the way!

Space is limited to 25 students so sign up now!

See you there,

Coach Meagan

Who is in the spotlight this week?

Hi All,

Coach Meagan here. I have new and exciting news! For the next few weeks I am going to be putting some of you in the “spotlight”.  I hope you have already noticed, but in case you haven’t, at Get Fit NH we really pride ourselves on being a family. In our family we believe it is crucial to celebrate each other when they achieve something great. Which is why over the next few weeks I am going to be sharing some “Win Stories.”

Starting with The Bucknam’s!

The Bucknam’s have been apart of the Get Fit NH family for over two years. I have had the joy of not only watching their bodies change drastically, but also watch their training ability sky rocket. I am so proud to coach this family. The Bucknam family is the perfect example of how having a solid support system impacts great success.

Check out this note Linda wrote last week:


I wanted to let you know that I thought today’s class was great and so glad to be back after our recovery week.

On another note,

I just wanted to say thank you for being such an amazing coach and motivator.  I had some doctor’s appointments over recovery and I am happy to say that I have lost weight, cholesterol is down 32 points, my sugar levels are great (I worry about these since my Mom is a diabetic) and all my other ultrasound and other tests came back negative.  My doctor was really happy with everything. I told him how I have been going to boot camp 4 days a week for 2 years now. bucknams

If it was not for Get Fit NH and its wonderful and encouraging staff, I would still be going to Planet Fitness (boring) and not seeing any results.  But between the classes, detox, summer slim down challenges it makes things fun and easier to understand why I am doing what I do by attending classes at Get Fit NH.  I feel better, stronger and healthier.  I have also made some great friends at the gym.  I also love when I train with my husband and daughter.  I know that Lindsay wishes she could do it all year round but do to college and lacrosse it is impossible.  But I know once she graduates from college she will be joining me.  I also appreciate your support with Mark and his back issues and with trying to find ways to help him get better and stronger.

Thank you again for pushing me, you’re smiling face and energy.

See you on Thursday,


I am so proud of Mark, Linda, and Lindsay. This is a family that does not let anything get in the way of their goals. They consistently make it to training 4 days a week and they have results to show they’ve been making it happen on the training floor and in the kitchen. Great job guys!

Keep making it happen,

Coach Meagan

P.S.: If you have a win to celebrate please share it with us!

Optimal Shoulder Health Seminar Series

ShoulderWe had a great response from our first Optimal Shoulder Health Workshop so we are excited to be following it up with a 6 week program designed to get you feeling great!

You will benefit from this seminar series if you:

-Have ever had shoulder pain

-Lack shoulder mobility

-Sit at a desk all day

-Want to maintain healthy shoulders and reduce the risk of injury

During the 6 weeks we will focus on posture, muscle imbalances and mobility of the shoulders. We will be utilizing our PostureZone tools to assess posture before and after the 6 weeks to measure progress. This is valuable information and training that you can’t afford not to take advantage of. Your body will thank you!

As we know the body is intricately designed and one part affects another. You may have neck or elbow pain that is originating from your shoulder complex. You will also learn how the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine affects the way your shoulders function.

I look forward to having you join us as we look deeper into the shoulder and strive for Optimal Shoulder Health.

This Seminar Series Is Open To The Public, So Please Spread the Word!

See you soon,

Coach Erin


Optimal Shoulder Health Seminar Series
Date: Starts Wednesday July 16th, 2014
Time: 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Place: Get Fit NH Concord
Seminar Fee: $127.00


Did YOU S3? Here’s Some Superstars Who Did!

As we wrap up the 2014 Six Week Sprint into Summer (S3) Nutrition Challenge I feel it is absolutely necessary to congratulate some of your fellow teammates on their incredible success.For starters we need to congratulate the following students for faithfully turning in their nutrition card each week throughout the challenge:

  • Katie Jordan
  • Maura Carroll
  • Kate Fox
  • Carolyn Amrol
  • Donna Weilnau
  • Ronald Weilnau
  • Kristen Wolfe
  • Spencer Wilbur
  • Bob Magan
  • Sonia Cormier
  • Lyn Roberts and
  • Sara Withers – awesome job!

I am 100% confident that each of these students would agree that the habits we encourage our students to live by enhance results drastically. I can confidently say that because there is not one student on that list who did not lose multiple pounds. What are my famous words?

That’s right. You cannot and will not out train poor nutrition. Get all your wheels turning the same direction and you are going to be unstoppable.

I would like to take the time to individually recognize each of these champions for their outstanding achievements. These are real life people. Real people who train at the same facility as you. Real people who were provided the same tools as you. Real people who made it happen.

photo 2 (2)

  • Kristen Wolfe:  Kristen was prepared for results as soon as the S3 challenge began. She had her body composition test taken right at the beginning of S3 (June 3, 2014 to be exact) and again at the end of S3 (June 30, 2014 to be exact.) During the 6 week challenge Kristen averaged over 90% compliance. She admitted it was not easy, but maintained discipline because results were important to her. Kristen lost 8 pounds on the scale and after taking her body composition test we learned that every single pound lost was excess body fat! This is an incredible win. What do you think Kristen, is having discipline and self-control worth the way you feel today?
  • ktKatie Jordan: This woman has been flying down the road to success since she stepped through our doors. She has soaked in every ounce of knowledge we’ve provided and has attended countless workshops to continue toward her goals (which I’m pretty sure involve Coach Erin being decked out in pink from head to toe, right?) Katie participated in the S3 challenge and lost 15.8 pounds. That is all while maintaining about 90% compliance.
  • carolynCarolyn Amrol: Carolyn has such a contagious and encouraging attitude. She averaged about 90% compliance over the past 6 weeks and lost 13.5 pounds. Carolyn works so hard in the gym to continue making great progress.
  • ronaldRonald and Donna Weilnau: I have so many positive things to say about this inspirational couple. I remember last September having a conversation with Donna as she took on one of the most elite races in NH, Reach the Beach. I remember her saying that she wished she could get Ronald to join Get Fit NH. I also remember Ronald picking her up from the race and being so donnawproud of her accomplishment. We welcomed Ronald to the Get Fit NH family shortly after Donna’s huge accomplishment and he has made an absolutely remarkable change in his lifestyle. He has accomplished incredible weight loss, screened out of several functional movement screen bands, and has been an absolute inspiration to others. Together I am confident they will continue to make progress toward their goals. With the support of one another they have been unstoppable. Together they lost about 8 pounds during the S3 challenge
  • mauraMaura Carroll: Maura made great changes over the past 6 weeks. She has lost 5.8 pounds. Maura has such a positive and inspiring attitude. Her reception to coaching is absolutely admirable. She has been with the Get Fit NH family for 4 years and continues to seek improvement.
  • kateforelizabethKate Fox: What can I say about Kate? Who doesn’t know Kate Fox? She is a Get Fit NH celebrity in so many ways. Not only has she referred half of our clientele, but she is also the owner and originator of Fox Fancy Pants. Kate is a huge inspiration to our 5 AM training time. She is dedicated, engaged, and her results have proved that she is dedicated to herself and her health.
  • spencerSpencer Wilbur: I was pleased to congratulate Spencer on his great success today and even more pleased to hear about how he was able to fit into his suit from 25 years ago a few weekends ago. Since training with Get Fit NH he has lost about 25 pounds and continued to work toward his goals losing 6 more pounds during our S3 challenge.
  • sarawSara Withers: Sara has been apart of the Get Fit NH family for just over a month. She jumped on board for S3 right away and is already reaping the benefits. She said that she was upset when the scale did not go down as much as she wanted it to, but thanks to our trustee body fat system we learned that she lost 7 pounds in body fat! Which is a great win. Her immediate dedication to herself is inspiring. I see nothing but great success for Sara! She is no doubt a go getter.
  • soniaSonia Cormier is a rock star. She just earned her Hall of Fame red shirt. For the past year Sonia has taken advantage of every challenge. Six Week Sprint to Summer was another focal point Sonia used to make sure she kept making necessary steps to reach her goal. While being faithful to training she also makes appointments to have her body composition tested and takes time to make goals every four months. I applaud her for using the tools Get Fit NH provides to make the most of her nutritional changes. Dedication and Consistency describe Sonia to a “T”. Her team at 6:15, the scale, and her body composition all reflect the hard work Sonia pours into herself.  (Coach Nancy) 
  • bobBob Magan was a bit hesitant to start the Six Week Sprint to Summer. Coach Sarah and I had to push him a bit but as always he takes the little push and turns it into a chance to shine. The S3 Scorecard from Bob was always waiting for me at 5am for me to review. He used the information on the scorecard to make daily changes. Bob used the high percentages as a pat on the back for work already accomplished while he used the lower percentages as his focus for the next week. I’m proud of Bob for his dedication to himself. He is making the changes one step at a time for himself but for those in his family as well. (Coach Nancy)
  • lynLyn Roberts stayed true to S3 all six weeks but she isn’t ready to stop yet. Each week Lyn not only turned in her scorecard but also her meal plan. She wanted to have accountability to get that portion done. When I asked Lyn what she was going to do about meal planning for the week now that Six Week Sprint to Summer was over she wrote me to say, “Its easier for me with a plan.  I tend to stay more disciplined with it.  Even though they have been hand-written, it wouldn’t be that hard to  do a computerized version and just fill in the blanks.  Will see what I can come up with.” I’m proud to say Lyn is going to keep on Making It Happen! (Coach Nancy)

These results are absolutely amazing. I am so proud of everyone who participated in this challenge. The results speak for themselves. 12 participants and 67.2 pounds lost- fantastic!

But even more important than what was lost is what was gained – new habits which will KEEP us moving toward losing fat, getting lean, and looking and feeling great.

It’s not too late to get your nutrition under control. Your coaches are here to help you anytime, any day. Don’t wait for the next challenge to be a winner!

Make it happen,

Coach Meagan