Push Yourself Mentally, Be Rewarded Physically

You want to lose that weight? You want to get stronger? Run faster? Run longer? Live forever? Whatever your goal is, you have to have the mentality that you need to push yourself to achieve it. Nothing in life worth achieving is easy.

We are constantly tested, constantly given that option that “Oh well, I really don’t feel like training, missing one day won’t hurt” or “It’s one double cheeseburger with bacon and ranch dressing, it’s not going to make that big of a difference, I’ll make up for it somewhere else”. Yes, missing one training in the grand scheme of things isn’t going to be dire. Yes, one cheeseburger by itself isn’t going to give you a massive heart attack (unless you have been having that one cheeseburger 2x a week for a while).

The problem we run into when we make these decisions is that we are mentally handicapping ourselves. You are teaching your mind to make it okay to skip training because you “don’t feel like it” and have that burger because “it’s not that big of a deal”. Guess what happens, though? Those choices become brain patterns and as we all know, once you do something once, it gets easier, and easier, and easier to make that decision again. So maybe the next time you want that burger or want to just stay at home on the couch, your brain already has that connection, that little voice that says, “You didn’t go the other day, and the world didn’t end, so I'll skip today too”. Before you know it you have missed 3 classes, then 4, then 5, and so on.

The good news - those brain patterns are also trainable in the other direction. You come in 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 times in a row, and you turn down that cheeseburger 3, 4, 5 times in a row… guess what happens? Think about it for a second…that’s right, your brain will pattern that as normal. Before you know it you will be halfway through your day thinking, “Man, I really don’t feel like training today” and all the sudden you will be on your way here in your car, without so much as a real second guess. Same with the nutrition. You keep saying no to that awful meal, guess what happens? Before you know it, you don’t even care that you’re not having it because your mind has already made that “burger bad” connection and it’s not even a tough decision.

This can be applied to anything, lifting heavy, or whatever you’re tackling. If you constantly underestimate yourself and think “I can’t lift that”, then you’re right, and until you push yourself in here (**points finger to head**) your fitness, nutrition, commitment, or the like, will never be as strong as it could be. So believe in yourself, and push yourself mentally and I guarantee you will get where you want to go.

Make it Happen!!!
Coach Adam

A Smooth Way To Eat – Smoothies 101

strawberrybananaThere’s no doubt there are many mixed messages on the food labels, fad diets, and in the media about how to eat healthy. Combine that with today’s hectic lifestyle that makes “grab and go” a lot more likely than “sit and relax” and you’ve got a mess.

“A Smooth Way to Eat – Smoothies 101” is being hosted by Coach Nancy at Get Fit NH Concord on Saturday September 17th from 9:00- to 10:00 a.m.

This “hands on” ‘Smoothie workshop’ will introduce you to the basic points of nutrition and what key elements our bodies need. We’ll be sampling a wide variety of your favorite recipes, from “Melissa’s Mean Green”  to “Chocolate Peanut Butter in a Cup” to “Almond Joy”.

You’ll walk away with enough smoothie information and recipes to fuel your body properly. You’ll be able to buy protein powder that night to get you started on your smooth way to eat.  Coach Nancy will also go over the different types of protein the Get Fit NH sells. UMP, SFH, or Plant Fusion all come in a range of flavors. We’ll be highlighting how to use Vanilla or Chocolate, so you can start creating your own quality smoothies right away. (Make sure you check out the bonus recipes below)

A Smooth Way To Eat 

Location: Get Fit NH Concord
Date: Saturday, September 17th
Time: 9 am to 10:00 am

Bonus Recipes

Post Workout: Chocolate Cherry Bliss 
Serves 1

  • 8 ounces unsweetened chocolate almond milk
  • 1 scoop chocolate protein
  • 1 cup frozen dark sweet cherries
  • 1 Tablespoon milled flax seeds
  • 1 Tablespoon cacao nibs
  • 2 Tablespoon walnuts

Mix all ingredients in blender until smooth and creamy. Pour immediately into a large cup. Eat with a spoon or a large straw.

420 calories, 26.5 g protein, 19 g fat, 36.5 g carbs

Anytime: Pumpkin Pie Smoothie
Serves 1

  • 1/3 cup pure pumpkin, canned
  • 1 Tablespoon extra virgin olive oil1/2 teaspoon Stevia
  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice
  • 2/3 cup water
  • Ice

Mix all ingredients in blender until smooth and creamy. Pour immediately into a large cup. Eat with a spoon or a large straw.

271 calories; 22 grams protein; 12 grams carbs; 15 grams fat (3 grams saturated)


Chris is Taking Control of the Spotlight and Much More

Chris and I were talking about age this morning. While age is just a number and doesn't define us, it is a part of who we are. We both agreed that if we knew what we knew now about health, we would have taken better care of ourselves earlier. Chris does a great job explaining it all for me. 

"My health was the last thing on my mind for most of my 20’s and 30’s. I was too busy with raising children, working and managing a household. I wasn’t raised in a family that made health and wellness a priority-but I’ve always considered myself ‘kind of’ in shape. I managed to walk 2 miles most days, mostly as a stress-reliever, but when I started to experience some medical issues in my 40’s I knew in the back of my mind that my physical health was going to need to be a priority someday soon. I managed to avoid that until I was 51 when I realized that the walking wasn’t cutting the mustard anymore. I was mad at my jeans, mad at my body, mad that I couldn’t eat what I wanted to any longer and mad at myself for being mad.

It was hard for me to make a plan to deal with my health. I had never joined any sort of gym, never been to a work out, and I struggle with issues around putting myself first. I hate asking for help. I was also worried about fitting something else into my busy life. But I kept going back and forth and finally I promised myself that if I could just fit into my old jeans I’d be happier and therefore my family would be happier and I could resume walking and everything would go back to normal.

I had a few friends who were going to this “Bootcamp” in Epsom. Just the word conjured up images of drill sergeants and crawling under barbed wire. One of them kept saying ‘you should try it’ but I was convinced I couldn’t do it. Plus it would be an expense that my budget didn’t welcome. But I saw one of those women one day, and she seemed to have this new attitude and looked amazing!

So I made the call and started my free 2-week trial of Bootcamp. I was scared walking through the door that first day, I saw a white board with a lot of writing on it that I didn’t understand, I saw big iron thingys with handles and some sort of crazy bar with straps hanging down. I felt like everyone was staring at me and I wanted to slowly back out the door and run. I remember doing some baseline tests and not being able to get off the floor one inch when trying to do a pushup. Then the class started and I followed along, with encouragement by others. I had no idea what I was doing, and at one point I was going to throw up so I walked outside to take a breath. I made it through.

I kept going for those 2 weeks and by the last day I knew I had made the right decision. I knew that because the bootcamp lady was genuinely interested in me and my reasons for joining. She talked to me and listened to my goals and encouraged me without ever being one ounce of pushy. In addition to the workouts, I was surprised that there was a whole other side to GetFitNH which is the nutrition aspect. I attended a free workshop and began to eat better. It didn’t happen overnight, but within 8 months I felt stronger, lighter, and more in shape than I had my entire life.

I recently passed the 2 year mark with GetFitNH and I continue to go 4x weekly. I love the variety of exercises and the consistent positivity displayed by my trainer Nancy. I appreciate that there is much thought and planning put into each session by professionals so that my entire body benefits. I’ve lost weight and inches, but what I’ve gained is more important to me. Ya I’m happy about fitting back into those jeans, believe me, but what I’m really grateful for is that I feel strong and fit. I feel in control again. By putting myself first for once, I’ve had a positive impact on my family. I recently signed my teenager up for the Athlete Academy run by GetFitNH and he actually likes it. I think he just doesn’t want his mother to be in better shape than he is! I don’t see an end to my connection with GetFit…infact I’m looking forward to the next few years and working more closely with my trainer on nutritional challenges. I have to say that the investment is worth every penny. As I continue to help my elderly parents with their substantial health problems, I know that every hour I train is one less hour my own children will have to spend taking care of my when I’m old."

Age is a number but as that number increases, there are undeniable results to our health and well being. Chris isn't going to be defined by that number. She is fighting it with all of her might. And she is STRONG so watch out age. Chris is here. 

A Unique and Special Spotlight

This spotlight is SUCH a cool story! I can’t say I have ever heard a story quite so unique. Katie Lyon-Pingree is shining away and we are BEYOND proud of this cool story. Katie is a harpist. I knew this about Katie from the start, but I never could have guessed what training at Get Fit NH could have done for her special talent. Check out the note we got from Katie a few weeks ago.

“I just wanted to say a HUGE THANK YOU to you all! As you may (or may not) know, I have been subbing down in Boston with the Ballet Orchestra for the past 2 years. This past June, they held their audition for the position of principal harpist and I WON! katie

My time thus far at Get Fit played an integral role in “making that happen”. What I have learned in a relatively short time from y’all is how to do hard things and not give up. This audition for me I consider the 2nd hardest thing I’ve ever done (2nd only to childbirth). It took all of my mental, emotional, and physical abilities to win. I know for sure that my “practicing” of doing that which is difficult on a PHYSICAL level helped tremendously with that.

This email can’t quite capture the magnanimity of what has shifted in me with your support.
So thank you!”

This note will forever touch my heart on so many levels. Katie has it right. Training is about so much more than changing your body. It is about training your mind too and teaching yourself that you CAN do hard things and not give up. Katie has simply wow’d us recently. She used to come to the 8:30 ladies training and then out of no where she came to 5 AM one day. Now she is faithful to 5 AM. She gets in, gets it done and gets on with her day. The change we have seen in Katie is so special and she deserves a HUGE high five!

Keep making it happen, Katie!
Coach Meagan


Are You Avoiding the Goals Board?

Cut it out! Each of you came to us for a reason. I challenge you to really think about what drove you in to Get Fit NH. Did you want to:

  • Look better
  • Feel better
  • Move better
  • Perform better

Are you exactly where you want to be now? I’m not. I don’t know that I will ever settle with where I am. There are always improvements to be made. Always more weight to be picked up. So where are you struggling the most? What do you KNOW you need to get under control?

Let us help keep you accountable to that goal. It is “easy” to say you want to lose 5 pounds this month. Anyone can say that, but can you put your money where your mouth is? That action step (or behavioral goal) is where the magic happens. Here are some solid examples of action steps- these are measurable and you can honestly say you did this or did not do this each day.

Action step examples:

  • Eat 3 meals/day
  • No eating after 7pm
  • Perfect attendance
  • Personalized warm ups daily
  • 80 ounces of water daily
  • Bed by 9pm
  • No added sugars
  • Plan each meal
  • 0 calorie/sugar beverages

When we talk goals we are talking 4 week increments. Be realistic in what you can achieve in a 4 week period. Your coach is here to help you set a realistic goal.

Are you ready to make it happen?
-Coach Meagan

We’re Giving Away $1000 – Want Some?

How's THAT for some cool news on a Monday?

Yes,  you read that correctly! Our fall through end of year challenge has been established and we are excited to get it rolled out. It doesn't cost you a thing except for time and commitment. If you can handle those two things then you could have some extra spending cash this holiday season. Keep reading...

Let's start with the purpose of this challenge and then we'll get into the rules. Let's refer to this challenge as, "Show up, Step up, Stick it up" 

This challenge is all about keeping you motivated through the seasonal stress, encourage you to build the FIT3D to your regular schedule and help you follow through with your goals​. It is important for you to stay on track through the holiday season. We know you don't want you to put on the national average of 10 lbs from October to December. So we're going to help you stay on track by staying accountable! Let's dive into the rules. Every awesome challenge with awesome prizes has to have rules and regulations! 

  • ​Show up: There are 56 opportunities to train between September 12, 2016 (start date) and December 16, 2016 (end date). In order qualify to win you must attend 50 sessions AND check in to Facebook each session. This piece will need to be initialed by a coach each training with proof of check in. 
  • Step up: You must complete a FIT3D scan once per calendar month (1 each in Sep. Oct. Nov. and Dec.) in order to qualify for the win. Just let us know you did it so we can verify and initial your card. The scans can be done anytime of the month between the start and end date.
  • Stick it up: This will be a monthly requirement in order to be qualified for the win. Each month we ask ya'll to put a goal up on the "Goal Board." The weeks of Sept 12th, October 3rd, November 1st and December 5th you must show your coach your goal and stick it up to the board. This will be a separate initial on your card that you coach will take care of.


    ​On December 16th the challenge will end and we will collect all of the cards. The cards are by 7:45 PM December 19th no exceptions. We will check to make sure all the required info is there, and all of the qualified cards will be entered into a drawing for some CASH MONEY PRIZES!

    The first card drawn gets $500 CASH

    The second card drawn will get $300 CASH

    The third card drawn will get $200 CASH

    THAT'S $1000 that we are giving away just for showing up, stepping up and sticking it up. Who else does that? ​Not to mention during the holiday season we could all use a little extra green!

    Here are the big take-aways from this blog

    • Monday September 12, 2016 - Friday December 16, 2016 starts our "Show up, Step up, Stick it up" challenge
    • Qualified winners attend at least 50 training sessions with a Facebook check in, FIT3D scan monthly, and set a goal using the goals board monthly
    • You will need a scorecard WITH YOUR NAME ON IT for a coach to initial daily. Keep it somewhere safe where you won't lose or forget it
    • Turn in your card NO LATER THAN 7:45 PM Monday December 19, 2016.
    • Three chosen ones walk away with $500, $300, and $200 in cash to enjoy their holiday season! 

    Who is super, extra-special, whipped cream with a cherry on top ex-CI-ted? (Coach Dean wants to know!)

    Kim Doesn’t Shout But She is Heard

    Does this sound like you? Because I hear it a lot. It’s hard. It’s hard to think about and it’s hard to talk about and I’ve been through this before. I have struggled with my weight for years. I have always been overweight. I began to feel so physically awful that I knew I had to make some changes. The thought of needing to lose weight is many things - it’s daunting, it’s embarrassing and it’s just downright hard. When it comes to hard work, I'm reminded of Kim. 

    Kim is amazingly stealthy. I say that in only a good way. She gets her work done in training. She asks questions and moves forward in her nutrition. She sticks to it. She doesn't waver...... much. She is honest and straight forward. I couldn't ask for a more open minded student. I'll let her tell you the results. But as you read them, remember it took hard work to get her where she is today. Consistent daily work. What Kim doesn't do is make a big deal of it all. She just gets it done.

     "I came to Get Fit NH because I had been hearing great things about them and reached out to a FB friend to further inquire (thank you Paulette for saying the right things at the right time). I knew I needed a more personal approach and not just a $10/month gym because I knew I lacked discipline and had simply been out of the loop for far too long.

     What I learned after my first two weeks is that I can actually go to bed early and get up early for a 5 a.m. class if I really put my mind to it! I learned that my kids were capable of getting ready on their own and that I could make this new schedule work. I learned that when that little voice on the monitor tells me to “rest” that it really doesn’t mean rest. It’s more like “get your butt to the next spot you’re supposed to be and get ready”.

     I took the leap mid-April and then not long thereafter I started S3 with a fantastic partner that I had never met before. I have hypothyroidism and I had been struggling with fatigue. Once I changed the way I ate, I almost immediately felt such a huge difference in my energy levels which has really been great for both me and my family. I have had days that I’m sore from working out, but it doesn’t bother me as I can tell that I’m slowly making progress and getting stronger. I don’t know if I will ever fully look forward to waking up for a 5 a.m. class time, but I truly look forward to class and it’s been such a great way for me to begin my days. With the kids out of school for the Summer, I find that I have time to relax after my morning class w/ a cup of tea and just enjoy a little peace and quiet before my work day begins.

     My overall experience with Get Fit NH has been phenomenal. I remember the first time I got a post card in the mail from Coach Nancy and I cried like a baby. I was just so touched that she took the time reach out to me. Then I remember the other day I was at work and I got a call on my cell and well . . . nobody ever calls me . . . lol. It was Coach Nancy so I figured that I should actually answer it. I thought I was in trouble for something?! She called to tell me what a great job I was doing and how proud she was that I came to class during my vacation week. It’s mind-blowing to have someone actually call you and say that. I think that this is just one of the things that probably sets them apart from other gyms. I was also so inspired when I listened to Coach Dean share a little bit of personal journey in the intro to S3 - I’m thinking there’s a book deal in here somewhere for him. I like his approach of good, better, best and I appreciate his candidness when he answers your questions. Honestly, I don’t think that there’s anyone there that wouldn’t try to help you or answer your questions and that includes my classmates. They’re all so gracious in letting me follow along like a lost puppy at times and each one of them is willing to encourage you. They don’t even know this, but each of them inspires me differently and makes me want to continue to come to class and work hard. For that I am so thankful.

    Well Nancy, there’s so much I can say but it’s hard and I certainly don’t want to become over-confident or cocky. I’m pleased with what I have done so far but there’s much more work to do. Maybe I’ll eventually get strong enough that I can actually hang on the bar?!? or something crazy like that?!"

    I can't wait to hear from Kim again because although there isn't any yelling, her life is heard. 

    Balance – What Does It Really Mean?

    I have heard a lot of people referring to “balance” in the last few months.

    Finding a way to be balanced… finding the right amount of starchy carbs to eat… balancing eating good stuff with eating junk they like to eat… or balancing what we say in terms of nutrition to what they have always been told about nutrition. Some believe they deserve to eat something because they see others eating it and it’s something they love the taste of, that they need to be able to balance what they should be eating with what they should not.

    Here lies the problem: we all are different. We all have different bodies where some systems run better than others. Balance is a very relative term and until many of us realize that, we will most likely not achieve the goals we strive for.

    When it comes down to it, what the body wants, what everything in life and nature wants, is homeostasis. This is the science-y word for balance. It’s the reason we sweat when our body is too hot, and we shiver when our body is too cold. Our body wants to maintain a certain temperature, too high and systems start to deteriorate and get damaged, the same if temperature gets too low. When body temperature gets too elevated, we sweat so that, essentially, the water can evaporate and carry the heat out with it. On the other end, when body temperature is too low, we shiver because muscular contraction creates heat. There are a million other examples, but you get the point.

    The same types of principles come into play when we talk about nutrition. Like I said earlier, balance is a very relative term. If a person is considered balanced, it basically means that their system can effectively use and manage what they are putting into it.

    This is where the differences arise. For example, my system may only be able to process 50 grams of carbohydrates before starting to store it as fat. Whereas a friend of mine, same age, may be able to process 100 grams before it starts to store any as fat (numbers are just for examples sake, there is no reasoning behind them other than that).

    So does that mean that either one of us is unbalanced? Am I unbalanced because I see he can eat 100 grams but I can only eat 50? Does that mean I’m eating incorrectly? No, it does not. I know that my body can’t process carbohydrates like the same way my friend’s can, so I have to eat in a way that keeps my body in balance, not based on what other people consider balanced.

    The other thing we have to realize is that many of us, myself included, treated our bodies with such imbalance for so long, that our threshold is significantly lower than it would be normally. Maybe if I hadn’t spent the better part of my early twenties downing Monster drinks and Domino’s pizza while playing Call of Duty, I might be able to eat 100 grams of carbs now. However, I put such an imbalance on my body during that time period, that I need to eat even more specifically to bring myself back to balanced.

    It’s like taking a scale and putting 100 lbs on one side and having 25 lbs on the other side. That’s my starting point, which means that I have to work 75% harder on one side (add 75 more lbs, for the visual people) to get that back to neutral. Most of us (myself included) have damaged our bodies to the point that staying balanced now takes much more mindful eating than it would have had we not done that to ourselves.

    I’m not trying to beat up on anyone. Many people unfortunately don’t know, or until now, haven’t been taught this. Even though they know junk food is bad, they never realized how badly things they thought were “nutritional” are actually hurting them.

    So just remember when we talk about balance, it is extremely relative. Don’t get caught up in what you want to do, or what you feel you deserve you should based on someone else’s definition. Focus on what you know creates balance for you personally, and stick to it.

    Make it happen!
    -Coach Adam

    Let’s Celebrate Carol

    Did you hear about our Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown 2.0 winner? She deserves to be shouted out from the rooftop so that is EXACTLY what I am going to do. I am also very excited to share with you the interview we had about her training experience thus far. Carol Hann was this year’s S3 2.0 winner and let me tell you this was WELL DESERVED! I remember her sharing a story with me during the challenge about how her husband wanted some ice cream so they went to this ice cream stand and he got a banana split and how amazing it looked, but it was near the end of the challenge and she had set herself a goal to lose 6 pounds and she wasn’t going to let any ice cream cone stand in her way. Instead she sat there and watched her husband eat the banana split and guess what? She lost the 6 pounds that she was striving for (not to mention the 14 pounds from the first go around on S3)

    Carol winning is really special for a lot of reasons. She worked hard. She stayed on track and she got results, but you want to know the best part about Carol being the winner? She is 73 years old. That’s right- please pick your jaw up off the floor now not only because she looks as amazing as she does at 73, but also because she proved that age ain’t nothin’ but a number. Carol lost 20 pounds in a matter of 12 weeks, because she changed her eating habits and she stayed on track. Proud is a complete understatement of how I feel about Carol winning. I am proud. I am ecstatic. Amazing work, Carol. Thank you for setting a fantastic example. Enjoy your $250 shopping spree- you earned it!carol

    Here is what Carol has to say…

    How long have you been training with Get Fit?
    I started my training at Get Fit the first of January of this year. Previously, I had been working off and on with a personal trainer over the period of several years and my training sessions were becoming somewhat boring even though the trainer would change my routines on a regular basis. Aside from the strength training, I was encouraged to extend my session by using one of the cardio machines. That was even more boring and, when I wasn’t at the training studio, I felt guilty that I had no desire to voluntarily go in and work out or go through a home routine that had been given to me. I clearly needed to do something different.

    What made you decide to come check us out?
    A friend had been telling me about Get Fit for several years suggesting, when I was ready, try the two week free trial. My trial was done during the two weeks prior to the year end recovery week and those were two really challenging weeks. I had no idea of what I was doing so all I could do was watch what the people around me were doing and try to follow them. Thank you Linda and Nadine; I couldn’t have done it without you. I’ll never forget “the 12 days of Christmas” but hope to be ready for it this year.

    Why did you choose to stay after your trial?
    I decided to stay with Get Fit’s program because I could see that everyone seemed to be having a good time. I noted the training sessions to be well planned and challenging. All I needed to do was show up and follow directions. It doesn’t get much easier than that. I was having a good time, getting a rewarding workout, meeting new people and making new friends.

    Why did you choose to participate in this year’s S3 contest ?
    I decided to participate in the S3 1.0 challenge in order to focus on changing my eating habits and losing a few pounds. Working with a partner made the effort more interesting than going it alone. At the end of the six weeks, I had lost 14 pounds. I was ecstatic and decided to continue on with the S3 2.0 challenge to help me work on the habits that were more difficult during S3 1.0. The second challenge resulted in another 6 pound loss. In both instances, the winners were determined by waist to hip ratio loss and not total pounds lost which made for a more level playing field. You could have knocked me over with a feather when I found out I had won S3 2.0. The winnings are going toward a new wardrobe.

    What results did you earn after S3?
    I feel like a new person and my eating habits have changed for the better. I’ve lost fat, increased lean muscle, and have more energy. There are so many things in life over which we have no control we owe it to ourselves to do everything possible to be physically and mentally healthy.
    What is your plan to continue moving forward?
    Moving forward, I need to keep the momentum going and plan to purchase a heart rate monitor and participate in My Zone to optimize training sessions.

    Meal Prep Tips and Tricks Workshop with Coach Meagan

    What?! Why is Coach Meagan doing a meal prep tips and tricks workshop, isn’t Coach Nancy the nutrition guru? The answer to your question is YES! Coach Nancy is the expert by far. I am putting on this seminar, because I DO NOT enjoy being in the kitchen and this workshop is designed to show you my tricks, tips, and tools that keep me eating clean AND get me out of the kitchen faster!

    At this hands on workshop we will be utilizing Pampered Chef tools which will be available to order if you’re interested (but there will be no pressure!). We WILL have food which we will prepare together. Some of the tools I want to show you are the veggie spiralizer, the manual food processor and the veggie wedger (among a few others tools!) but those three things in particular help me keep my nutrition in check and keep it quick and delicious too!

    We are starting to stock up early on our “free” give away pile for things like the Christmas party and challenges. We love giving you guys free stuff – specifically free stuff that will help make your life easier and keep you tracking with your goals, so that is why we are going to kick “the free stuff” up a knotch. Starting in OCTOBER if YOU get perfect attendance then your name will be put into a drawing to win some Pampered Chef tools.

    Here is the recipe we will be preparing together! 14017745_1146137535429662_1935788820_n

    This is a FREE event for you and whoever else you think may benefit. If your spouse helps you out in the kitchen then bring them along and together you may learn something new. Not everyone likes to cook and spend time in the kitchen and that’s okay! But food dictates your results so let’s figure out a way to get in and get out and still look n’ feel great!

    When: Wednesday August 31,2016
    Where: Get Fit NH Concord
    Time: 5:30 PM
    Cost: FREE

    Coach Meagan

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