Yesterday Does Not Determine Today

Have you ever had one of those days where you were just totally off track? You missed training, you forgot your lunch so you made poor choices to cope and since you ate like crap you might as well polish of a Ben n’ Jerry’s and call it a day? We have all had those days. Those days suck. Those days are dangerous. Having that kind of day isn’t the end of your results so don’t throw in the towel! Leaving yourself in that rut could be detrimental to your results, i dont feel sorry for myselfthough. There is a saying written up on the wall (or ceiling in Epsom!) that says, “I don’t feel sorry for myself.”

I love this saying. Do you know how many days I have to tell myself this? Maybe I was compliant all week and then WHAT? The scale went up!? SCREW THIS! I’m having pizza! Your Get Fit Family and your coaches are here for you on those days where you just cannot get out of your own way and those days that you are ready to throw the towel in, because your compliance didn’t give you immediate feedback. Giving in and feeling sorry for yourself is certainly not going to take you where you are trying to go. An off day should not trickle into the next day and the next day.

Reality check time- Is there somewhere you need to improve? Have you let an off day turn into a bad habit? What bad habit are you kicking today and how can we help?

Let us help you pick yourself up and try, try again,
Coach Meagan


I am beyond excited to invite you to our 2nd annual Strongman/Strongwoman competition Olympic style and our first ever Operation Hat Trick (OHT) Extravaganza. This is going to be the party of the summer so mark your calendars and invite your friends. As most of you know OHT is a veteran’s organization we support. This organization helps New Hampshire’s own heroes. All of the money raised stays right here in NH.

With a $15 donation you will get:hatrickhat
•Entry into the Strongman/Strongwoman competition (optional)
•A custom Get Fit NH/OHT ball cap

You can come to watch or you can come to play – everyone is welcome! We even invited our local news stations in hopes to make this event a big deal. Our NH veteran’s deserve our support.

Here’s what you can expect:
•A rockin’ band
•Strong people
•Happy peoplewarhammer
•Insane amounts of fun

I would be delighted if you came and supported this amazing cause. A lot of time and hard work went in to making this happen and I want to make it HUGE!

Strongman/Strongwoman competitors this is what you can expect:
•Sled pushin’
•Car pushin’
•Boulder movin’
•Ax holdin’
•Rope pullin’

Who’s in?

When: Saturday August 13, 2016
Time: 10 AM
Where: Get Fit NH Concord
Cost: Donation

Bands are Not a Punishment!

If you have been here for a while, then you are familiar with our Functional Movement Screen (FMS). The FMS is a prerequisite before ever stepping foot on our training floor. Why are we such firm believers in this screen you ask? Let me explain…

fmsFor starters, the purpose of the FMS is so that we can train you the best and safest way possible for YOU. If you stepped through our doors, it is because you want to get better in one way or another and you want to hire a coach to take you from where you are to where you are trying to go. The FMS reveals those nagging aches and pains, it reveals old injuries, and it often reveals asymmetries or potential risks. I can’t even tell you how many times I have screened someone and they didn’t even know they had something going on until they performed the screen.

Let’s think about if we didn’t screen. Let’s say Sally Mae walks in for the first time. I have never seen her move. I didn’t know her past or present injuries. I have no idea if she has great mobility, hypermobility, or total immobility. Then I hand her a kettlebell and teach her how to kettlebell swing- YIKES! I had no idea her hamstrings were tight, no idea that she had back surgery 17 years ago, no idea that she had no control of her core. Can you imagine the risks I just put before her just by handing her a kettlebell and not doing any kind of movement screen? The scary thing is that there are few training facilities that offer a movement screen. So while sometimes you may not like the FMS, be thankful that it is catching potential injuries AND keeping you in the game longer. If you’re hurt, then you take that risk of not being able to train at all.

So why rescreen every 12 weeks? Well, life happens and things change. While we are training smarter to get better, we will be able to see that some screens are improving. On the other side, life happens and things change and we may catch another potential risk. Maybe your late night basketball sessions with no stretching or mobility work are tightening up those hamstrings, or maybe your new job that involves a lot of typing and sitting are locking up your thoracic and causing some shoulder immobility. If we catch these things, then we can help you work through them before causing an injury.

So with that being said, even if you have been here 1, 2, 3+ years and you started with 1 band, then no bands, then 3 bands…it’s okay! Kill it where you can and take a step back where it’s necessary. Like I said, it will help you stay in the game longer. So if you think your bands are a punishment, think again! They are to protect you, because we love you 🙂

-Coach Meagan

3 Seconds to Change Your Life

First, before I get started, I do want to say that over the past few months I have seen you all as students improve in this area (along with many other areas as well, but I’m focusing on this one today).

3 secondsAre you ready for this? 3 seconds to change your life…what could I possibly be talking about?

Well here it is – the last three seconds of that round when you are here in the gym. I know many of you have heard Coach Dean talking about the most important set/seconds/rep being the last one. Here is why – it goes well beyond just getting one more rep in for the purpose of building strength, it also helps our determination in other parts of life.

Yes, of course, just from the overload principle if you get one more rep than you did last time your body will anatomically improve. That is important, but for this I am speaking specifically to a mindset.

Those last three seconds of that set where the voice starts counting down are the most important because of the will it takes to push through the finish line. Rather than stopping because you know the rest is coming, do you have it in you to see things through to the end? People think training is just about sets and reps, but the truth is that many of the principles we see in here translate outside the gym as well.

Here’s a great example, how many of you have done our S3, 21-day Jumpstart, or any other nutrition based challenge we have held? Now, how many of you have gotten down to that last day or two before the end, and even though you have been incredibly disciplined, and lost a ton of fat, go “Ehh, its over tomorrow and I’ve been perfect thus far, what’s one drink tonight really going to matter?”. In the long run, maybe you are right. What difference is one drink really going to make? But then how do you feel after? You stayed disciplined all that time but couldn’t make it the last 12 hours. Why? You made it through 37 days and on the 38th you just say “Ehh, I’m basically done”?

There aren’t many things in this world that you can say are fact, most are just theories and ideas that haven’t been proven wrong yet. Here is one thing I believe to be fact: it is in those moments when you hear the “3….2…1….” that your true character is tested. How can you truly know yourself if you don’t give it everything you have, if you have more in the tank but decide to quit early?

Those last three seconds are when your will power is the lowest, when your determination is the lowest, but where the meaning is the highest. If you can push yourself to make it through those last three seconds without quitting early, then you broke through your own wall and often its easier and easier to push all the way after that.

Those three seconds where you see the light at the end of the tunnel but stay disciplined and don’t try to get there early are the most important in your life. You may think I’m being over dramatic, but here’s a question – are you normally someone who quits when they hear that last three seconds counting down? If yes, do you also find yourself bingeing just before the end of S3? Do you find yourself stopping for unhealthy food when you are 15 minutes away from healthy food at home, because you are hungry and don’t want to wait another 15 minutes? If I were a betting man, I would say that is probably the case.

So make those last three seconds count! Prove to yourself that you have the determination to finish what you started. It will translate in here as well as out there. Don’t stop, push through, and make it happen!

-Coach Adam

Another Couples Edition Spotlight

Our next Spotlight Couples Edition is Dan and Kelly Gauthier. Dan recently started with us at 5 AM and it has been super fun to have him join the family. Kelly has always been a joy to coach and seeing them together now is so special. There is really something special about couples who train together. It definitely makes for a fun training hour! Here is what they have to say about their experience.

Who started training here first?
I (Kelly) started training here first, it was 5 years in June!

How long did it take you to get your spouse on board?
Dan mentioned “maybe” wanting to try it out a couple summers ago. At that time my
thoughts were, “well…you see honey, that’s kind of MY time”. That was the end of
that (very brief) interest. He jumped board with me back in November 2014 for a 21
Day Detox, lost (a lot) of weight, and then decided it was time to tone up! He
joined “another” local gym when they opened last May, he soon lost interest and
phased out of that. So, I guess it’s taken me/us almost 5 years to get him on board!

What was the break through moment that made him join?

Having successfully lost weight, and turning the big 5-0 in February, he decided
it’s time to get in the best shape of his life! He also figured that if I’ve stuck12932645_10154121888413410_1382056796008168453_n
with Get Fit for this long, it must be good! 🙂 #becauseitoldhimto

How has training together affected your home life?

I think I’ve told him every day since he started, how much I love that we get up and train together. It makes such a difference getting out of bed at 4:15am, and being able to turn the light on to get dressed! It’s always fun to re-cap the training together and give each other a hard time about who lifted more weight.

What do you love most about training together?
Training together makes it easier to have similar goals. We support each other 24/7,
now both inside the gym, and out!

I love this little interview! It is so special to see these two supporting each inside and outside of the gym. I am so proud of Kelly for finally letting Dan rain on her hour a little bit and I am so proud of Dan for making this move and getting here to train with us. 5 AM is even more special with these two
Keep making it happen,
Coach Meagan





Speed…Highly Touted, Rarely Understood

Beginning on July 11th, Get Fit NH’s Athlete Academy will be hosting a Speed Academy for 6 weeks running through the end of the summer at 12pm every Monday.

Speed is an athletic trait that is always highly recruited and highly touted as one of the most important parts of athletics.  However, building speed is all about certain principles that can not be accomplished simply by picking up heavy weights.

Speed, if harnessed incorrectly, can lead to more injury and harm than good. speed academy

At our Speed Academy, not only will you get faster, but also learn how to build speed to give you real results, without the risk of injury further down the road.

For any questions about our Speed Academy please contact Coach Adam at!

The Speed Academy can be attended for $149 for the 6-week program, or as an add on for current Athlete Academy athletes for only $49!!

For additional information and to sign up please follow the link below:

Get Fit NH Athlete Academy

Its going to be a fantastic 6 weeks. YOU WILL GET FASTER! THAT’S MY GUARANTEE!!

-Coach Adam

Which 74 Do You Want to Be?

The other day I came across this74 picture on Facebook. This image is so powerful and it speaks 1,000 words with just one quick glance.

Why do we train?

Being a healthy weight is important, being strong has undeniable benefits, and looking and feeling good make us happier. Those are all great reasons to train. When we’re healthier, we’re happier and there is no doubt this world needs happier people! But when we reach our strength goals, weight goals, bodyfat goals, body image goals, etc- what keeps us going?

How about that picture? When I am 74 I want to look like the woman on the left. I want to put my grandchildren to shame one day with my deadlifts. I want to do pull ups in my seventies. In every single success session, I say, “Training is forever.” There is no end date for training. The day I stop training is the day I die and that should be your mindset. Don’t settle for less or else you will be the woman (or man!) on the right looking out the window thinking about what you could have done.

Raise your hand if you want to age more gracefully than that woman on the right. Raise your hand if you want to walk on your own two feet with no assistance from a cane, walker, or wheel chair for as long as possible. In most cases, the choice is yours. Make every second count. Train hard, eat well, recover and don’t skip days and weeks at a time!

Make it happen,
Coach Meagan

Give Up Already!

I saw this list the other day and I thought it was so relevant to experiencing success both inside and outside of the gym. Just for overall health, really. Here is the list and then of course I had to add my 2 cents on each of them – it’s the coach in me :). Here are 5 things you need to give up to experience true joy!

•    Complaining
We all do it. I think it is unrealistic to say I am going to stop complaining, but I think it is realistic to be more aware of it. There is a quote on the wall that says you have it better than 99.9% of the world. That is so true. While it is easy to complain about an injury, complain about how results are too slow, complain about time…. those things are petty. Embrace those things you can control and celebrate all the great things in life. Coach Dean does Grateful Tuesdays. Write down 5 things you are grateful for each week and put your energy into that rather than the other way around.

•    Blaming others
You could blame genetics or your upbringing or an injury or whatever for your current situation OR you could take responsibility, take control, and make a change today.

•    Negative self-talk
No, you don’t suck. You are not stupid. You are not fat. You are not weak. You are not a wimp. If you call yourself something long enough you will start to believe that it who you are and that is not okay. YOU are a winner and you need to talk yourself up today. Ready, set, GO!

•    Dwelling on the past
The past does not define your future. You know this, so let it go and move forward. Your sugar addiction does not control your results- YOU control your results.
•    Resistance to change
You know, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Are you insane?

Just give those things up already! I bet it makes a significant difference in your results and in your life. You CAN do it!

Here to help you make it happen,
Coach Meagan

Shining the Spotlight on Shannon!

shannonShining the Spotlight on Shannon is not hard. She has made her way into the hearts of so many at all the different training times in Epsom. If you’ve trained with her once, you know her. Her smile is contagious and her work ethic is supreme. She has that “Make It Happen” attitude. She has had struggles; the kind that many would let derail them totally. Shannon just kept on smiling and trekking on. Shannon is getting married soon. Her soon-to-be husband is serving our country in the military. Shannon will be moving to be with him. I am going to miss her more than she realizes. She has not only inspired those she trains with,  she has also inspired her coach. Thank you, Shannon!

“Throughout my whole life, I’ve always suffered with weight and the ability to eat healthy. One day, I decided to take charge of my life, however, not in the healthiest of ways. I chose to not eat, seeing that was the reason of my weight problems/esteem issues. In my twisted mind, I thought I was doing an amazing job along with losing about 55 pounds in about four months. I should’ve been happy, but I was striving to always lose more or wasn’t happy how different areas of my body looked. As life got in the way, and as most people told me, you’ll gain it all back and I did. That brought on new discouragement. In the next few years, I battled with eating habits and becoming obsessed with everything I did/didn’t eat and doing 2-3 hour work outs at the gym. It would get so bad, no one wanted to eat around me due to my criticizing every ounce of food that I’d ingest and couldn’t keep up with my crazy gym obsession. I was going down a scary path and didn’t know how to pull myself out of this turmoil.

That’s when my noShannon for Celynew-fiancé came into play. He pulled me out of this vicious cycle I’ve put myself through for years and put me back on focus, to the point, I weighed almost 200 pounds. I started falling into the same patterns. This time though, I wanted to change, this is when I decided to speak with my doctor, and to my surprise  I’d been suffering from depression and anxiety. It explained all the negativity about weight, my micromanaging  myself, and my food intake. After some hard work, I started to feel like myself and found that I enjoyed working out. However, I wasn’t looking to spend 3 hours at the gym, where you see girls wearing makeup and doing their hair BEFORE working out. I sat down determined to find a different way to get myself healthy and back into shape. That’s when I found Get Fit NH. shannon copy

As I filled out the forms, I was half excited and half anxious, as probably any new comer feels. I walked into my first class scared out of my mind. Everyone was so welcoming and I felt like I actually got support from others along with my coach (Thank you Nancy). I can tell you the first two weeks, I couldn’t wait to go home and call my fiancé, who was on deployment, about how amazing this place truly is. I was sore everyday, and shy, at first (I know some of you have a hard time believing that now). I was a sponge, absorbing everything insight, including how to eat properly. I also found out that a lot of my own workouts were either done incorrectly, or harming myself.

I now proudly announce I’ve been with Get Fit NH for two and half years. I was taught how to get proper nutrition and how to safely work out without causing more harm to myself. I don’t get proud of myself very often, however, I am proud of myself for pushing through the mental and physical struggles and eventually overcoming them. Even when I fell on my knee while at home at the beginning of this year, I didn’t let my injury keep me from the gym. I hobbled my way through the gym with crutches and refused to let people help me as I dragged weights on the floor, until Nancy gave me the stare down. I may struggle with a little weight gain here or there, however I proudly can say, that I am okay with it. As a kid, my father always said to me, “Can’t means won’t”, and I never truly understood that meaning until I’m staring at the pull up bar, or starting a 5K.

Shannon C 2yrsI can’t thank all the coaches enough, ones in Concord and in Epsom for helping me to push myself and especially Nancy, who has always held me accountable on showing up and making sure I push myself each work out. Also, thank you to all my fellow boot campers. You all are true inspirations and I have been so blessed and honored to have met all of you. I sadly won’t be able to get my three-year shirt, because I will be moving in the middle of August to finally be with my husband after five years of a long distance relationship. Leaving Get Fit NH will be very difficult but I will definitely take the lessons that I’ve learned at Get Fit NH and keep applying them to my life. Thank you Get Fit NH for all you’ve done for me, you will never understand how much it truly means to me.”

Good luck, Shannon, and congratulations to you and Mike!

-Coach Nancy


Give Yourself a Bigger Margin For Error

How many of you out there are perfect? **One or two people jokingly raise their hand**.

How many of you slip up from time to time? How many of you may not think about how you bend over to tie your shoe or pick up that piece of paper every time? No one who answered honestly can say they do everything correctly every time. No one expects perfection. We don’t, and you shouldn’t. The idea is to give yourself the biggest margin for error possible.

Now, are we telling you it’s okay to pick things up incorrectly compromising your back or knees? Of course not. Are we telling you it’s okay to have the ice cream, cake, and bread? No. However, you need to realize that no one is perfect. We realize that, and we don’t expect perfection from you. Giving yourself the biggest margin for error simply means doing everything you can so that those couple times that you do slip up, it doesn’t cause a huge negative outcome. I’m going to give two practical examples, one from a nutrition side, and one from a functional movement side.
First, the nutrition side. We talk about 90/10, right? Eating correctly 90% of the time and 10% being things you normally shouldn’t be eating. Just as a practical example, think about eating 21 meals a week (3 meals a day). That means that two to three of those meals (about 10%) may include things that you normally wouldn’t eat. The idea is that if you eat correctly the majority of the time, those small little slip ups won’t really cause a problem. Again, you’re setting yourself up for a greater margin of error. If you eat fantastic for a week, then you go to a barbeque somewhere and eat a couple things you shouldn’t have, it’s okay because you gave yourself a large margin of error by eating so well the rest of the week. That one meal isn’t going to haunt you too much. Let’s say in that same week, you had 2 or 3 slip-ups already and you get to that barbeque on Sunday… your margin for error is much, much smaller because you already had those slip ups earlier in the week. Essentially, the food that you eat at the barbeque in the second scenario is more likely to cause you to gain fat because it is combined with the other 2 or 3 slip-ups.

1377050803Now to the functional movement side of it. Do you have tightness in different places? Back, hips, shoulders? Some of you are saying “check, check, check”. Is overall flexibility a problem for some also? Yes. How does that feed into our everyday life? If you have tightness in certain muscle groups, it only takes that one time when you bend at the waist to pick something up and boom, there goes your back. Or in training it only takes doing that swing wrong one time out of a thousand and boom, back pain. The more flexible and mobile those muscles and joints are, the more margin for error you have to move incorrectly and not have it result in major injury. How can you get that bigger margin for error and significantly decrease the possibility of injury? Get here on time, and take the warmups and the cool downs seriously. I see way too many people are just going through the motions on the warmups or blowing parts of them off entirely. You don’t want to get hurt and spend your time and money dealing with back issues, right? That’s where the warm ups and cool downs come into play. They help you maintain flexibility and mobility to give yourself the biggest margin for error for that one time you don’t do something correctly.

Give yourself the biggest margin for error possible. Eat well as much as you can so those couple slip ups every once in a while don’t hurt you. Take the warm-ups and cool downs seriously and don’t blow them off. The rest will come easy breezy.

Make it Happen!
-Coach Adam

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