Meagan Sbat
Author Archives: Meagan Sbat

21 Healthy Habits to Practice for 2021

1- Make sure you are getting at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep! It’s extremely important that you get plenty of sleep to help your body recover and perform. 

2- Hydrate! Make sure you are drinking plenty of water throughout the day. It is recommended about 3.7 liters of water for men and 2.7 liters of water for women. 

3- Exercise regularly to reap the benefits of good health! You all pretty much have this one down!

4- Find hobbies/activities that help keep you active and moving!

5- Incorporate more wholefoods into your diet.

6- Limit or eliminate your consumption of processed foods.

7- Try to eat at least one fruit a day. Try mixing it up each day.

8- Eat your vegetables! God I can hear my Mom in my head right now haha. Seriously though, ever seen Popeye? 

9- Try not to eat to the point where you're stuffed. Start with small portions and if you're still hungry, go back for seconds! Portion control will help so you don’t overeat.

10- Track your food/calorie intake. For those of you wanted to lose or gain weight. It all starts in the kitchen.

11- Read a book before bed. Reading a book can help relax and reduce stress before going to sleep, which can help improve sleep quality.

12- Try to aim for 10,000 steps daily. If you don’t have a fitness tracker just incorporate a walk into your daily routine.

13- Try to get into a routine of going to bed and waking up at a certain time.

14- Incorporate some stretches in the morning to help wake up and get your body ready for the day. 

15- Be in the present moment and make the most of it. “Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.” - Alice Morse Earle

16- Meditate to help clear your mind and center yourself.

17- When feeling stressed practice breathing exercises.

18- Make your health and well-being a priority! Don’t hold off or wait. 

19- Foam roll often to help relieve muscle tension and speed up recovery. 

20- Smile more, laugh often, love unconditionally. Spread positive energy.

21- Stay consistent! Only way to turn these into habits is to consistently practice them. 

Try to incorporate some of these healthy habits into your daily routine! Hope you all enjoy!

Coach Dylan 

Did your kitchen look like this on Sunday?

if so, I'd say it is safe to assume you have a goal of improving your body composition or losing weight. Keep it up! Do not lose this momentum. If there is one key or secret to losing weight it is planning and preparing. It is not the potions, pills and powders. It is the real food that you put in your body that reflects on the scale. 

Be consistent! You are not going to wake up with washboard abs and massive weight loss after your first week or even after your first month of adopting this habit. Consistency is the key to results! I encourage you to track your food for a week or two to be sure you are eating enough. Under eating will not result in weight loss. It will result in fat stores holding on for dear life! 

Last tip, please do not be a victim of cutting carbs out of your nutrition. Yes, fruits are carbs. Yes, veggies are carbs, but you need more than that to perform in the gym and recover. Here is a quick article to prove me point and some helpful infographics below to help you! Carbs don't make us fat. Fat doesn't make us fat. Protein doesn't make us fat. Sugar, processed foods and over eating are driving the obesity rates.

Realistic Goal Setting in 2021

New year, new me? Something like that. New year, same you, new goals is more like it. 2020 was rough on a lot of people. Self care took a big, huge nose dive and I think a lot of us struggled to get our feet under us again. The change in  year feels like a fresh slate to many and that is a beautiful thing. With change comes new opportunity!

So, maybe THIS is the year that you decide enough is enough. You want your life back. You want to lose the weight.  You want to be able to go on a spontaneous hike. You want to be able to pick up your kids or grandkids. You want to go on adventurous vacations and you want to feel good in your own skin. Whatever your goal is, we can help! 

Whatever your goal is there is likely a nutrition aspect that needs some attention. We will keep you accountable to getting to training and making it happen, but outside of these walls can get hairy and a lot can be undone during the other 165 (ish) hours/week that you are not physically in our care. 

1.) Make sure you are doing the Milestone club. This is a feature included in your training membership with Get Fit NH. Each month we do a weight in, weight goal and a nutrition focus. This helps us, help you set realistic and specific goals. So I can ask you, "Hey Sally, did you eat after dinner last night?" instead of "Hey Sally, how did it go eating less yesterday?" There is a big difference when there is a specific question in relation to your goal.

2.) Be consistent! Your going to do a fabulous job staying on track week one. You are going to feel good and feel proud and THEN you are going to step on the scale and say THAT'S IT!! And you will get discouraged. Losing weight is a process. You are not going to get 6 pack abs after your first week of eating clean and the scale is going to reflect over a consistent period of time. If you lose one pound this week, next week and the week after and so on then you will be down 25 pounds by summer time. 

3.) Set daily mini goals to help you stay on course to the BIG goal. Daily wins help you stay encouraged and focused

4.) Communicate with your coaches if you are struggling! You hired us to help you and we are happy to do it!

Let's make it happen!

Coach Meagan

Bring on 2021!

Let’s be real, 2020 was not the year we all were hoping for. That’s putting it mildly. For many of us it has been difficult. We saw the rise of a global pandemic absolutely turn our world upside down as everything came to a halt. With it came the lockdown and we had to close the gym. But we learnt how to adapt, with it came virtual training and introduction to TrueCoach which we still use today. Eventually we were able to come back to the gym for training following safety protocols and guidelines. Then we began the transition into the new gym we have today! I guess the reason I am bringing all this up is because even though there were a lot of tough roads traveled, there were also many positives that came with it. 

That’s why I think as we head into the New Year, it’s important to take this opportunity to reflect on this past year through all the ups and downs and just try to grow and learn from it. Regardless of how you have been training or maybe even if you are taking a break right now. To start 2020 we introduced the Milestone Club to help keep track of your fitness journey. So to those of you who participated I ask you, how did it go? Were you able to find success and hit your goals? Even if you didn't, that's ok. Part of it is a learning experience to get better. 

As we get ready for 2021, I want you to reset, refocus. Expand on the success you may have gained or learn from the tribulations that stopped you. It’s a new year, with new challenges but also new possibilities. So let’s start it out with a bang! Happy New Year everyone. Thanks again for being the amazing clients that you are and supporting us through everything. We wouldn’t be here without you. 

Coach Dylan

Get Fit NH Named Concord’s Best Business for 2020

I am so incredibly grateful for the Get Fit NH community. The last several weeks I have been blown away by the media recognition. It is all thanks to you guys for continuing to nominate us. Please know that it fills my heart with joy to read the amazing things you guys have written to the local newspapers. First the comments in Concord Monitor article and now in Concord Patch. YOU make us want to work harder. 

The Concord Monitor was blown away that 25 people nominated Get Fit NH for the Hometown Hero article and Concord Patch mentioned that over a dozen of you nominated Get Fit NH for Concord's Best Businesses of 2020.  I am so thankful for you.

Here is the article!

Get Fit NH on Terrill Park Drive received more than a dozen recommendations for their work with customers during the pandemic.

"Get Fit NH has had a wonderful group training system for the 9 years that I have been a client," Steven, a customer, said. "They welcome all shape and sizes of people and athletic competency. Everyone is treated equally and all clients and staff enter the gym with a positive attitude. That being said, the onset of COVID-19 has delivered a devastating blow to many small businesses but not Get Fit NH. Once the governor shut down gyms due to the virus, Meagan Sbat, the owner of Get Fit NH, took a deep breath and moved the training sessions online with Zoom. During this time she prepped the gym to be be socially distanced for a limited amount of client to attend in person classes safely. Once the governor approved the reopening of gyms Meagan and her team rose to the occasion continuing to offer both inside and outside personalized training in person once again. Now that the weather is turning cold outside training is not really feasible. For the past several months, Meagan had been looking for a larger space to accommodate all of the clients that would attend the larger classes still being socially distanced. Taking on a much large expense, Meagan made the commitment to move into a space twice the size of her original location. She is taking a risk doing this but I believe that her clientele will embrace the move and will make the commitment worth while. Meagan and her staff deserve this award because of their commitment to their clients, making us stronger and healthier every day."

Kellie, another reader, said, "They have truly gone the extra mile during this pandemic to make the necessary accommodations for all of their clients. They've moved training outside (which was fun!) and made changes inside the gym to ensure all the clients feel safe and are social may distanced while working out. The gym was already amazing to me before the pandemic because they create / prepare modified workouts for people like me that are dealing with medical issues (I recently had a triple spine fusion) and are still trying to stay active."

"I did not miss a single workout in the tumultuous year 2020, thanks to the innovative, hard working, caring, determined staff of Get Fit NH," Teressa added. "They rolled with the punches like true professionals, as only a locally owned small business can, and they kept us clients informed every step of the way. Meagan Sbat, the owner, and all the trainers continually adapted to the demands and limitations of the pandemic. This includes going completely virtual when needed, then offering indoor and outdoor classes, Zoom classes, a recorded training, a Zoom link for us to use if we wanted to work out with a small group of others at any time, and a workout with demos via the TrueCoach app. They literally gave us at least 5-6 different ways to workout. Coaches checked in with us several times a week to keep us motivated and help us with any concerns. When it got too cold to do outdoor classes and the indoor space was too small for everyone who wanted to workout in person, Meagan leased and renovated a larger space!"

Youth Training is HERE

Ask and you shall receive....most of the time 🙂

We are excited to offer a training opportunity dedicated to the kids. What a YEAR it has been for them too! They are lacking socialization and movement, yikes! Those are two very key components to our mental health not to mention our body is not designed to sit in front of a computer all day and yet that is what they have to do to get their school work done. It is not healthy and it is a scary habit to get pushed into so young. We are here to help! 

On Saturday, January 30th Coach Meagan is going to kick off a 6 week youth training program. In the past, we have only worked with the teens, but we are opening it up starting at age 3 through 16! There is some flexibility if one time slot works better than the other and your child is within a year of the cutoff. 

Here is what you can expect for your kiddos

Ages 3-5: This will be relatable to their age. We will learn animal crawls and practice the sounds as we go! We will use colored cones to help us stay distanced, while also using the colors to reflect an exercise. We will play games. They will laugh. You will laugh and most importantly they will move. We are also going to set some weekly goals that involve eating and trying new vegetables to earn prizes. I have three kids 5 and under- I understand! You can get your kids signed up here 

Ages 6-9: This class will be very game centric. We will enjoy friendly competition (with an emphasis on friendly and enjoying competition within themselves from week to week) We will also have weekly challenges with prizes that involve eating their dinner and moving their bodies throughout the week. You can get your kids signed up here 

Ages 10-13: This class will be mildly game centric with a bigger emphasis on functional movements.  There is always an emphasis on fun and enthusiasm. The 50 minutes will fly by for us. We will sweat, we will laugh and we will be healthier because of it. You can get your kids signed up here

Ages 13-16: This class will be focused on functional movements with an introduction to strength and power exercises. Your child does not have to be an athlete to do this class. This is a great opportunity to give your child confidence in their ability to do hard things and feel proud of themselves. You can get your kids signed up here  

If you have a teenager who is 16 or older, we would be happy to have them in our group personal training. You can also check out our small group personal training and semi private options here

If you are interested in one on one personal training you can also contact 

The opportunities are here and we are excited to share them with you.

Coach Meagan

New offerings at Get Fit NH as promised

Hello Everyone! 

We have been talking about it for a little over a month now and with the move finally behind us we are able to move forward with rolling out some new offerings!  Below are some of our new training offerings at our new facility!  Please have a look and reach out about any that interest you.  All additional offerings will begin as of February 1st!  

Advanced Strength and Power Class

  • The prodigal class returns!  Starting Wednesday February 3rd this class will be held every Wednesday morning from 6-7:30am for 8 weeks ending on March 24th.  This will be a class personally coached by Coach Adam involving more advanced strength training opportunities as well as more advanced power exercises!  These are exercises that you will mostly only have access to in this class because of the need for on site coaching and adjustments.  If any of the following exercises are something you are interested in then this class is for you!  Class will be capped at 10 so act fast, this is a hot class!
    • Box jumps
    • Sprinting 
    • Landmine variations (Click this link if you’re not sure what this is and want to see a couple examples for yourself!)
    • More advanced barbell exercises 
    • More advanced kettlebell and dumbbell exercises
    • More focused training on exercises you are familiar with
  • Click here to get more information about the class as well as get started reserving your spot!

Semi-private hybrid training

  • This will be a brand new offering to Get Fit NH.  It combines extremely personalized virtual training and coaching for you and you alone, with an open gym format.  The training is written and delivered to you via Truecoach and is personalized to you and you alone based on your individual interests and goals!  Your Coach will not only provide personal training for you but also monitor benchmarks, recommend weights, and make any adjustments based on your needs.  Additionally you get semi-private gym time.  You will schedule your days and you will have the gym virtually to yourself with the exception of a couple other people doing their personalized programs.  You can do your own training in your own space!  
  • Click here to get more information on this offering.

Open Gym

  • For the time being this offering will only be available to current Get Fit NH members. This is an offering for those who only feel comfortable training in person if there are a drastically reduced number of people in the room!  
  • This will be gym time reserved ahead of time with a limited number of other people in the gym where you can use your virtual video or TrueCoach and do your training in the gym!  
  • If you are someone that is comfortable/has been attending regular in class training please stick with that option.  This one is really to help out those who are not able to come to a class to train because of health or higher risk factors to have more space and less crowding.  
  • Click here for more information and to schedule open gym time!

Lots of exciting things coming up! Can't wait!

Coach Adam

Wrapping up 2020, here’s what to expect

It is hard to believe we are already one week into December. I think we can all agree this year has been rough. There are always things to be thankful and I do suggest writing it down because it can definitely be hard to place these days.

We are happy to be operating in our new space! It has a lot of COVID approved features and post COVID will allow for a lot of growth. We are looking forward to those days. We do have a few things you should know as we wrap up 2020 and head into a new year. I put the main points in bold with some explanations that may or may not matter to you 🙂 

1.) We will still have our scheduled recovery week December 21-December 25th. Our recovery weeks ended up a bit closer together than our norm, but my team and I need this time to recoup with our families and your body benefits from an opportunity to fully recover. For those of you who are new to the gym, we take a scheduled recovery week every 12-16 weeks which allows our body to rejuvenate. It is an injury prevention tactic so that we don't continuously beat our bodies down. We see a lot of the nagging aches and pains take care of themselves by taking a little time off. Our body does it's best work in recovery mode with great sleep and fuel we can get some work done at rest! These are not billed weeks. For the sake of consistency you are billed monthly, but from our end the billing cycle is every 4 weeks, which is why 4 recovery weeks are built into our yearly program. 

2.) Our schedule will go back to a full schedule Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday effective first week in 2021. To many of you this is nothing new, but for the last several months while COVID beat us up we offered Wednesday evenings and one class Friday evening. This served its purpose when space was a problem, but continuing to staff this will be a challenge especially as we open up our potential with youth and small group offerings. Wednesdays are out, Fridays are in 4:15, 5:30, 6:45.

3.) I did make this announcement, but will remind that we are no longer doing yearly anniversary gifts, again because we got chewed up and spit out by 2020. We will be mailing everything from 2020 that has not been handed out. We are still working through our new system. 

4.) $10 sale! All shirts, tanks and sweatpants in the green wagon next to the water cooler are for sale for $10! I want them OUT 🙂 We will be having a $5 sale on all left over cotton anniversary shirts for those of you who wanted one of the new versions. That sale will take place once we mail out all 2020 gifts. Likely late this week or next week. 

5.) SPIRIT WEEK if you have been around a while then you already know this is my favorite week of the year! You already know I am going to put a 2020 twist on this 🙂 

Monday, December 14th: Merry Masks- oh yes, please bedazzle your masks with glitter and cheer

Tuesday, December 15th: Tacky, Tasteful and Jolly T-shirts 

Wednesday/Friday December 16 & 18th: Festive socks 

Thursday 17th: Joyful Jammies

Only the fun people participate in spirit week- no pressure 🙂 

LOTS of exciting things coming in 2021. More announcements to come!

How to Build Strength/Muscle

We all have goals and reasons why we exercise. Some may be more specific like trying to get to a certain percent body fat, while others more broad as to improve general health and fitness. Whatever your goals, you exercise to try and improve yourself. The same is said if your goal is to get stronger and build more muscle. 

Weight training, as you probably already know, is a big part in building strength and muscle. Kettle-bells, dumbbells, barbells, trap-bars, any kind of weight that you can move can help train your muscles. Even your own bodyweight is a great tool to use for a killer workout. But when it comes to progressing, I’m sure most of you think to lift heavier. Which is not wrong, but it's not the only way to help you get stronger. 

If you were to increase the amount of weight you lift in a particular exercise, that workout would become more difficult for sure. But you can also increase the difficulty of your workout by increasing other factors as well. You can do this by doing more repetitions of an exercise. Adding more sets onto a particular exercise. Increasing your work time while decreasing your rest time. All these factors can help increase the intensity of your workout and help fatigue the muscles further. Which in turn will help you get stronger and build more muscle once you recover. So make sure you are progressing your workouts by increasing your intensity and training volume. Let's get after it! 

Coach Dylan

It Takes Time

Whether you are new to working out, or you have been training for a while there is one truth that stands out. That truth is, it takes time! It doesn’t matter how hard you train, It doesn’t matter what diet you are on. To get the results you want, it will take time to achieve them. In order to maximize your results, I want you to think of consistency over long periods of time. I’d rather you train at 60-80% over the course of months than go all out at like 90 to 100% and burnout to the point where you wear yourself out within a couple weeks and stop. 

I know it may be difficult to stay consistent with everything going on. You may have some lingering issues/injuries that annoy you or just won’t go away. But remember we can always modify your workouts. You may not be able to do what you want, but you can still do something. And I know all of us coaches would rather you come in and do something no matter how small, than not come in and miss a chance to workout. I know a lot of you have been utilizing the virtual training and TrueCoach and that is AWESOME! But remember, whether you are training in the gym with us or virtually online, you have to be consistent in order to achieve the success and results you want! CONSISTENCY=SUCCESS!

Let's make it happen! 

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