We are LONG overdue for our famous Get Fit Games! For those of you who have never even heard of it, prepare to mark your calendars and for those of you who have participated, get ready to beat your score!
On Saturday February 7, 2015 we will host a series of competitive events at our Concord location. There are 7 different parts to this event and they include:
1.) 3 repetition maximum Deadlift
2.) Front Plank for time
3.) 4 minute Push Up challenge (from the floor or incline)
4.) Vertical Jump
5.) Long Jump
6.) Chin ups/inverted row
7.) 1000 M Ski Erg Sprint
If there is a piece of this puzzle that you are currently unable to participate in due to an injury then we would encourage you to STILL participate, but skip that part. This is a FANTASTIC event to measure progress. We promise to hold these quarterly from here on out so that you can see where you are getting better. Everyone has a little competitiveness in their heart so come on out and show us what you’ve got!
When: Saturday Feb 7, 2015
Where: Get Fit NH Concord
When: 8 AM
Make it happen!!!
Coach Meagan
This month’s student spotlight is going to Garrett Lovell. Garrett has an inspiring story and a dedicated heart to push on. I am so proud of how far he has come. Over the last three months I have had the honor to coach him and watch him change both physically and even mentally. His movement patterns have improved drastically and because of that his form has seriously improved. And because of his solid form he is now able to load a whole lot more. His results were earned, because he is dedicated to himself and committed to making a change. His wife, (almost) 5 year Get Fit veteran (Becky Lovell) keeps him on his toes and challenges him to lift something heavier each training session. This is what Garrett has to say:
“My wife, Becky, has been a member at Get Fit for over four years. Knowing that I have struggled to find something I could stick to in order to maintain my “health” (ranging from Weight Watchers to that somewhat questionably “judgment-free zone” we all hear advertised), she had suggested and encouraged me to try Get Fit on multiple occasions. I would regularly tell her that what I was doing was working ok for me (it wasn’t). Sometimes I would say that I didn’t have the time or we didn’t have the extra money (I/we did). Finally one morning I woke up and realized that I am 35 years old, I work for Under Armour, a company whose mission is to make athletes better, and here I was gaining weight, making poor eating choices, and probably in the worst shape I’ve ever been in. By now I think Becky had given up on me ever considering trying Get Fit (which was largely validated by her reaction when I told her I wanted to try it), but I knew that she enjoyed the classes and had certainly achieved some great results and what I had been doing, or not doing, certainly wasn’t working.
It didn’t take long for me to realize how truly unhealthy I had let myself become. My initial functional movement screening must have been somewhere between comical and soul-crushing for Coach Meagan to administer. I quickly dubbed myself “Rainbow Bright” with the colorful collection of four limitation bands I had earned for myself. That first week of classes was a real ego-bruiser, too. Exercises that I had been able to do fairly easily a number of years back now seemed a lot like what I imagined were advanced CIA interrogation techniques. When I filled out my questionnaire before starting my two week trial, I had rated my fitness level as a 2 out of 10 which in hind sight felt like I may have been giving myself a little too much credit.
Monday will mark my third month at Get Fit. While I’m still not satisfied (and I admit that I’m one of those people that rarely is), I am pleased with the results I’ve been able to achieve with the support of my coaches, classmates, family, and friends. I’m lifting heavier loads, have increased my flexibility, and have quite a few sweatshirts that are a lot looser fitting than I remembered them being last winter when I wore them last.
The coaching staff at Get Fit and the people in my most regularly attended 7:25am class time have been fantastic and frankly the sole reason I kept coming back at first. They’ve been patient, supportive, and certainly not judgmental. Now that I’ve started to see some progress and results (and friends, family, and co-workers have too), I have a whole new source of motivation. I have a red band that I still have to test out of and I’m not fit enough to take up the mantle of Captain America yet (yes, you read that right, I’m 35 and I still want to be Captain America when I grow up), but I’m working on getting stronger and healthier and figure that I can make at least one of those two things happen in the near future.”
We look forward to the transformation. Whether that be to Get Fit NH’s very own Captain America or Garrett’s best version of himself- we’ll take either one with open arms 🙂
You too can make it happen!
Coach Meagan
It is hard to believe another year has come and gone.
Have you sat and reflected on your year?
I am not a big fan of “New Year’s Resolutions,” but I am a big fan of creating goal to stay accountable. Each year I come up with 3-5 goals that I want to accomplish that year. Here were some of mine for 2014:
I spent some time reflecting this weekend and realized I kind of let my goals slip. I let life get in the way of some of the things that are important to being the best me I can be. Yes I got my shoulder surgery, yes I am on the mend, and thanks to this detox I have experimented much more in the kitchen than ever before. This week, after reflecting and realizing I let one of the most important goals slip, I applied to SNHU and start in January. So yes, I would say I met most of my goals, but I did procrastinate and here is why…
I had no plan. I knew that those were the three things I wanted to get done in 2014, but that was it. And now here I am half way through November and I am just “getting to my goals.” Which means for 11 months I put what I wanted for myself on that back burner…
So why am I sharing this with you? To remind you that you are in control. No one was going to apply to school for me, I needed to make that happen. Your coaches can email, call, text you until the cows come home, but if you don’t get in your car and drive here then we can’t help you take control of your goals. Stop putting your goals on the back burner. If you’re human, you have done that for long enough and it’s time to buckle down. No more excuses. Set goals, make a plan, and make moves
Make It Happen!
Coach Meagan
It is my pleasure to announce this weeks edition of our Student Spotlight. I have had the opportunity to watch this woman transform herself over the past six months. Laura has changed her life style and for that I am so proud of her. She gets in here and she trains hard then she goes home and she takes care of “The Other 165”. She understands that nutrition plays a major role in results and she has proved that she is making it happen!
Here is what Laura has to say:
“Alienated. That is how I felt six months ago before I started coming to Get Fit. My body just did not respond. I had aches and pains here and there. My heels hurt and I wondered, is it plantar fasciitis? My back was in pain, did I hurt it? I had constant headaches, is my cancer back, but now in my brain? That is how I felt before I started Get Fit NH. I did not know where to start. I timidly decided to try the two weeks, keeping it a secret. I did not even tell the closest people in my life. I feared their support would feel like pressure. In those first few days it felt like I couldn’t do anything! But everyone was supportive and I started feeling better right away. I started to have more energy and my mood improved, I wasn’t chasing the evil illness behind every sore muscle!
Are we really talking about Christmas already?
We can’t believe it either, but we do have some very exciting news so get your calendars ready! On Saturday December 13, 2014 @ 10 AM Get Fit NH is hosting a Christmas brunch for you and your family! We are bringing in some of Concord’s most delicious catering from Baked, owned by Peter and Nadine Jennings! We are looking forward to spending some quality family time together at our Concord location.
Here are some of the reindeer games you can expect:
We look forward to celebrating with you!
The holiday season is creeping up on us. Who is ready for frosty windshields, snow, and slippery roads?
….No? Me either!
Here is what I am ready for, though! Holiday shopping. I love the holiday spirit and all the joy it brings. We want to help you out with your shopping list this year. On Saturday November 8, 2014 we are hosting a Pampered Chef party AND a 31 party- that’s right- a double party! Men- if you have women to shop for then you don’t want to miss this event! I can assure you there will be LOTS of ladies here to help you pick out something great for your lady and ladies, do you I even need to tell you that you don’t want to miss this? C’mon, we all know how awesome these products are.
It’s not just great for holiday shopping, it’s great year round. If you do a lot of holiday cooking these Pampered Chef products are going to help you out and 31 is going to make sure you are transporting those delicious dishes in style. The party starts at 5:30 PM in Concord. Our Pampered Chef representative, Sue Moulton, will be preparing a DETOX FRIENDLY meal! Taste testing is encouraged! Epsom’s one and only Sonia Cormier will show us all of the great products 31 has to offer.
You DO NOT want to miss out on this so mark your calendars now for this Saturday, November 8th at 5:30 PM here in Concord. If you can’t make this event- don’t worry. We’ll keep the catalogs out until November 12th.
We hope to see you there!
Coach Meagan
If you weigh yourself daily- you have a scale obsession. I hope that wasn’t offensive, but it’s true and it really is not a healthy habit. I am going to share with you a little story about the Coach Meagan you know now and Meagan before Get Fit NH.
Pre- Get Fit NH Meagan was OBSESSED with the scale. I would weigh myself multiple times a day and OBSESS over the number that appeared. If it wasn’t under a certain number it would ruin my day or ruin my mood. I had completely convinced myself that this mysterious number pulled from who knows where was my “fit” weight. Now let’s fast forward a couple of years to Coach Meagan (and more educated Meagan) – she is here to tell you that that is just bologna. I have been coaching and training with Get Fit NH for the past 2 years and since then I have gained somewhere between 15-20 pounds depending on the day. There was not a day in the Marine Corps where I felt more fit than I feel now and I truly mean that. I am significantly stronger now and I actually eat protein now! My Marine Corps days is when I was really obsessed the scale and I lived off of rice, beans and steamed veggies. I won’t get into great detail, because it’s a distant memory now.
I just want you to remember that it isn’t healthy to obsess over the scale and like I said if you weigh yourself everyday then you’re obsessed. Your weight is going to fluctuate and you are going to drive yourself batty. The scale doesn’t measure your lean weight versus fat weight, but I know how to find that out. You want to know the answer? Schedule a body fat with this girl or one of your other coaches. Don’t let the scale control you. You are in control of your results!
I read a disturbing statistic this week. Before I share it I do need to disclose that I do not have children, but it does not change the fact that this statistic is unacceptable. And if you are a parent please realize it is up to you to start making a difference!
This is a fairly recent survey that was taken in New Hampshire. This survey collected heights and weights from third graders around the state. These statistics were based off of 81 different public schools and a total of over 3,000 students.
The survey found that 33.4% of third graders were either obese or overweight. That means 1 in every 3 children! Breaking that survey down a little further found that children in the Belknap/Merrimack county region had the highest prevalence of obesity among New Hampshire third grade students. This is a scary thing.
Overweight and obesity are risk factors for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and countless other health problems. I am confident that nobody wants their children to be faced with scary health risks.
Guess who your children’s biggest role model is? Yep- you guessed it. Look in the mirror. Whether you want to believe it or not you are setting the example for your children.
Without you what does life look like for them?
I hear way too many excuses that sound a little like this…
“I didn’t buy those Oreo’s for me, I bought them for the kids”
“Eating healthy is expensive, I have to make two separate meals for me and my children”
These are just examples of things I have heard. So what you are saying is that you don’t eat Oreo’s because you know they are not good for you, but you will buy them for your children each time you go to the grocery store? Now let me be clear- I realize this is a controversial matter I am discussing- I am not saying you should deprive your children of these things for their entire upbringing. I am just saying that it is up to you to lead by example.
It is up to you to show them the way. Lead by example. Celebrate your success. Don’t down talk yourself. Be active and be positive about all of the exercise you are able to do. It is a blessing. Treat your body the way you want your children to treat theirs.
Make it Happen
Coach Meagan
It’s true, and you will want to be there!
Mark your calendars:
When: Saturday November 1, 2014
Time: 8 AM – 1PM
Where: Get Fit NH Concord
Who: You, your family, your friends, and some of Concord finest businesses
What: November Family Yard Sale & Fundraiser
This will be our first annual yard sale and vendor fair. We want this event to go down in history so we need your help! Here is what’s in it for you:
Get Fit NH students: Forget spring cleaning! Let’s spare ourselves some time this spring and do some pre-winter cleaning. We are inviting all of you to gather up any items that you would typically sell at a yard sale (ie: clothes, dishes, books, etc) and bring them to Get Fit NH on November 1st and sell away.
We are inviting the entire community to come shop around so if you have things you want taken off your hands we can help! And here is the bonus- You get to KEEP your profit. That’s right- keep it. All we ask is that you invite your friends and family to come check out the big huge yard sale at 287 South Main Street in Concord.
You do however have three choices if you wish to participate in the donation part of this event:
All we ask is for you to invite and share the good word.
So what else is in it for you, you ask? GREAT QUESTION!
We have invited some really great local businesses to come hang out with us as this will also be a vendor fair! We invited Amy Troy from Chichester Massage & Bodywork Center, Evolution Rock and Fitness, Runner’s Alley, and several other businesses to come out and talk to you all, so come join us in supporting these local businesses!
If you are planning on participating in the yard sale please contact Coach Meagan by October 25th. If you are interested in donating to Open Hands Resource Center please bring your items to the gym by 1 PM on November 1st. We will be happy to donate them for you 🙂
Open Hands Resource Center mentioned they mostly need clothes, linens, food, and hygiene products. You never seize to amaze us with your generosity.
Thank you for reading and again please help us make this event HUGE!
Coach Meagan
I have to share with you my goosebumps coach moment on Thursday morning.
You know when someone hits those notes during the National Anthem that give you goosebumps and make your arm hair stand up? Well, imagine those goosebumps, because that’s how a proud coach moment feels! As many of you remember we finished our last “session A” on our training cards Thursday. For those of you who have been here over the past 4-5 weeks you have had the chance to complete this training day on 4 separate days. Now hold on…I need to go a little off track before I go into the goosebump moment. No skipping ahead- this is important!
Training cards. Let’s talk about these real quick- Why are training cards important? Great question.
– We are all here for results, right? So what better way to track our progress then to write it down? If we did (for example) kettlebell deadlifts one week and then you didn’t see that exercise again for 3 weeks would you remember how much load you used and/or how many repetitions you completed three weeks ago? Allow me to answer that for you- no!
– If we keep the same timing and the same exercise and you record your results over 5 weeks then you will see where you got better. Maybe you did more repetitions or maybe you bumped up your load selection.The important take away here is that your body does not want to change. You must make it change. At Get Fit NH we want you to get results safely, effectively and efficiently. If you deadlift 100 pounds one week and then next time you deadlift 70 pounds because you can’t remember how much you picked up last time, but hey those dumbbells are pretty heavy- do you think your body is going to change? NO! It already knew it was capable of that so it doesn’t have to change. Get comfortable being uncomfortable and make your body change.
– Just like we encourage body composition tests we will stress the importance of these training cards. If your not measuring your success then your hiding from your potential.
Now my goosebumps moments that you have all been waiting for…
On Thursday we finished our 4th “session A” training day and I asked a couple of the training times, “who saw improvement over the last 5 weeks?” and every single student in the room raised their hand. Everyone! Seriously that is incredible. Now let’s take it back to before training cards and imagine if I asked that same question…who could raise their hand with 110% confidence that they made improvements over the past 5 weeks? I know many would assume or raise their hand because they measure in other ways, but for everyone to raise their hand and be able to look at their card and say “I got stronger” is pretty stink’n cool!
And that, ladies and gentleman, is why training cards are here to stay. It’s all about getting better and we want to congratulate you for doing just that over the past 5 weeks!
Keep making it happen,
Coach Meagan
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