Memorial Day Training

Mark your calendars for a schedule change and a family training opportunity! On Memorial Day we get together as one big happy family. This year we are combining our Memorial Day family training with   Training for a Cause! Brilliant, right? Memorial Day is about honoring our nations men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom so it just makes sense to take this opportunity to donate to Operation Hat Trick (OHT). For those of you who are not familiar with OHT they are dedicated to American service members as they recover from the visible and invisible wounds of war. They help them move past the traumas of battle so they can focus on their lives and families at home. Donations are appreciated. We especially love that all of the money raised stays in New Hampshire to help our own. So mark your calendar, dig out your red, white and blue and let’s have some fun while doing some good!

When: Monday, May 29, 2017 

Time: 8 AM - 9:15 AM

Location: Get Fit NH Concord 

Today is Your Lucky Day if You Work for the USNH System

Do you work for the University System of New Hampshire? Are you eligible for their fitness reimbursement program through Cigna?

If you are - today is your lucky day!

Get Fit NH is now an approved facility for the USNH fitness reimbursement program!

That is great news for you if you are a member of the USNH insurance program. Since Get Fit NH is now an approved facility, you win. We'll do the paperwork so you can use the insurance benefit they provide.

To start using your benefit on June 1, 2017, please:

  • Contact Cigna to make sure you have this benefit as an employee of the USNH.
  • Contact Stephanie at by May 25th to get your paperwork started.

Are You Giving Yourself a “No”?

The past couple of weeks I have been playing the jumping chin game! I have been challenging some of you to give them a whirl. At first with the bench and then without.

Every single student I challenged was able to perform at least one jumping chin- score!

Quite a few told me I can’t do a jumping chin! My response? How do you know? If you have never TRIED? How do you know if you are unable to do something right now?

Here is my challenge to you…

Stop giving yourself a no before you really, truly try. You really, really want to try a jumping chin…what’s the worst that is going to happen? You won’t be able to pull up. You want to deadlift Batman, but it looks kind of intimidating? Try to pull it off the ground (safely) the worst that will happen is it won’t budge!

If you want something you need to BELIEVE that you CAN! No more telling yourself someday or I can’t because

I believe that anyone who walks through these doors will be able to lose fat, gain muscle and feel amazing. I really truly believe that, but if you don’t believe that then we are going to be stuck….

What do you believe you can do?

Coach Meagan

Audrey’s Turn to Shine!

This student spotlight is shining bright on Audrey Fischbein. Besides brining a great sense of humor and hard working attitude to class, Audrey has seen results and has enjoyed her time at Get Fit. Below is a short segment from Audrey’s own experience since joining the family.

Audrey is on the left getting her I Survived shirt!

Why did you choose Get Fit NH?
I met Dean about 6 years ago - his story was very inspiring! The results of others were also incredible so I figured it's time to do something for myself!

What changes did you notice in the first few weeks?
My love for exercising returned. My energy increased and I started to feel strong!

What outside of Get Fit NH has become easier since starting?
I focused on my eating as well so I don't have that tired time in the afternoon! And I can easily get all my groceries in one trip up 2 flights of stairs lol

What are your goals?
Lose inches and get my BMI down! Look as healthy on the outside as I am on the inside.

What have you accomplished so far?
20lbs down. Much better diet, thanks to Nancy and all the nutrition help! Also I have learned to love feeling sore ALL THE TIME!

What is your favorite part of Get Fit NH?
The coaches! How it's always different and fun. The accountability! The challenges! I love how it offers not just the exercise piece but also the nutrition piece!

Great job, Audrey, taking the opportunity and making the absolute most out of it!

-Coach Adam

Eye Opening Numbers

I am here to reveal some eye opening numbers!

If you have been training with us for a while, then you are probably fairly familiar with the timing application that we use. You know…Niegel (that’s what we named him!) 3 seconds before each set is complete he counts down- 3..2..1…rest.

It is pretty common when Niegel says “3” many of us STOP moving. Let me encourage you- 3 does not mean stop! 3 seconds adds up…let me show you…

I am using the timing from this week as an example throughout an entire year.

If you stopped at 3 EVERY TIME Niegel said “3” this week then you would have missed 5 minutes of training- doesn’t sound so bad! No biggie, right?

There are approximately 192 training opportunities in a year so if you stop at “3” EVERY TIME Niegel says “3” you are missing roughly 960 minutes of training each year. That’s 16 hours. That’s FOUR WEEKS of training!

3 seconds may not sound like a lot, but believe us when we say every second counts! We only get 2-4 hours a week with you. That is not a lot of time to get some work done. So with that being said- when you’re here let’s get some work done. Don’t just go through the motions. Every second you are with us matters!

Coach Meagan

Changing Our Identity

What I want you to do is to take a look around you. Take a glance at those who you work with and those who you live with and try and make some comparisons. One thing that often stands out is physical appearance, “she/he is taller than me, smaller or bigger in stature, dresses nicely, etc.”. One thing we often overlook are those characteristics and traits that we all have in common. Although this may not always be physical, our internal or psychological drives/motives may be the same!

Something I know for a fact, particularly in those who sign up to train at Get Fit and those who are taking part in our S3 nutrition challenge, is that you are looking to change your identity! Everyone is here for that same simple reason although the motive behind that may not be so simple. Recognizing that a change is needed is crucial towards altering who you are, and many of you have taken that step. So great job!

How do I know that you are looking to become someone different? Because chances are when you first walked through our doors, you were or still are unhappy at where you are at in your life and you have some goals, images, and thoughts ready to turn into action. Maybe you are striving to lose 30 pounds in order to look better, feel better, and be able to move easier than you currently can. Maybe you are in search of showing yourself that you can take action, you are motivated, and that your goals can be achieved with a little push. Or maybe, you are disappointed in yourself and the life you have been living and you are ready for a new chapter. Now when you glance around at those in the gym next to you who may seem “perfect, fit, or have it all together”, just know that they are there for the same reason. They are trying to change their identity just like you are!

Here's my recommendation:

  • Take 5-10 minutes out of your day today to write down what it is that you want to change, the underlying why, and what you will be able to do when you accomplish it that you are currently unable to!
  • Reach much higher than you think you can- although it may take a long time to get there, don’t give yourself limitations, when you are capable of so much!
  • Let us coaches help you!

Don't forget: It is possible to change who you have become and most of your limitations are only in your mind!

-Coach Cari

Jessica Keeps on Going Right into the Spotlight

Jessica is one of those people who started with Get Fit NH in December, the time when most people feel it is the craziest time of the year. I sent Jessica a few questions, I was curious about what drives her. Jessica faithfully figures out a training schedule each week and lets me know what it is. She is Making It Happen. I knew that if I asked Jessica what made the difference for her, she would in turn inspire more and more people. Check out what makes Jessica go.

What was your absolute biggest challenge before joining Get Fit NH?

Excuses. I am full of them. The truth - I do have two younger children, I work full time at a job that includes travel around the state, I have a husband who often has both morning and/or evening meetings, and I teach two online courses at the Community College System. My excuses included everything you could think of- I couldn’t possibly make it to any of the classes, I would never to get work on time, my kids needed me at home, I can do it on my own and don’t need anyone helping me (and on and on and on….). I actually had talked with Nancy at least two times about possibly joining but I just wasn’t ready to get rid of the excuses. However, the last time I spoke with her, it was different. I knew my eating and lack of activity habits were not optimal and my body and mind were showing that. I was finally ready to make a change and carve out some time for me. I needed a new routine not just for myself, but for my family. I also needed to be held accountable to this new routine.

What changed after becoming a member of the Get Fit family?

Jessica is on the right getting her "I Survived" t-shirt!

I no longer make the excuses to not go to class. On Sundays, I plan out which classes I am going to attend each day and I stick to it. My kiddos don’t always like it but they are adjusting and are actually taking on more responsibilities at home. I have had a couple of people tell me to look at going to class like an appointment that I cannot cancel. So I stick to my schedule and make sure to email Nancy the times I will be there - she is the accountability I need. The flexibility to attend other training times has been my saving grace as I never know what the next week will bring.

I continue to work on the nutrition piece of the program. This has been harder for me but I have made changes (eating lot of leafy greens) and I am starting to recognize what foods make me feel “yucky”. I try hard to avoid these foods but it is a work in progress. I will keep plugging along and am looking forward to the S3 to help with the accountability in this area too.

What specific results can you share?

Jessica with her 6:15 crew

I am proud of myself that I have stuck with my new routine and this keeps me motivated. The physical training combined with my new eating habits have helped me to lose pounds and inches, as well as helped my mood and energy level. I have seen differences and others are starting to notice too, which is something that keeps me even more motivated to move along on this journey.

What would you say to someone on the fence about joining?

Once you are ready to give up the excuses, take a chance and join me at training. I was so nervous during the first class I attended. However, the last 5 months have gone by so quickly. I thank everyone in Epsom (especially the 6:15 crew). They welcomed me right away and gave me a source of support that I didn’t know I would have.

Jessica is one of those people who is like “The Little Train that Could”, she just keeps on keeping on. She is always at training, she is always smiling, she is always asking how to make training work for her. She has that, ‘I can do it, I can do it, I can do it’ attitude.

Keep it up!
Coach Nancy

Trust the Bands

I think it is time we have the bands talk. Every single person who steps on to our training floor is required to go through the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) first. This is important for four big reasons:

  1. It shows us how YOU move as an individual 
  2. It shows us how to train YOU safely in a group setting
  3. It is an injury prevention tool
  4. It is a measuring tool

So let’s breakdown the big four so that we can be on the same page and keep you training safe.

1. It shows us how YOU move as an individual

Ever looked in to personal training – like 1 on 1 training? Do you have any idea how costly it would be to train that way 4 times per week? You’d be looking at a minimum $240 PER WEEK. Yes, almost $1000 per month. That’s a lot of dough! It is unnecessary at Get Fit NH BECAUSE of this screen. When we screen you and we assign you bands that means that ANY COACH can look at your wrist and identify what exercise is safe for you and what exercise is not so safe right now. That means even with 30 students in the room I can look at your wrist and know who should be doing exactly what exercise. Everyone has different ailments and limitations – it is important for us to know that and individualize your training. It is a scary thought that most training facilities don’t do this.

2. It shows how to train YOU safely in a group setting

Each band represents a different movement pattern. The FMS consists of 7 different movement patterns and there are 7 colored bands. If you have a white band and we see you pressing overhead, we are going to quickly stop you and give you an alternative. I hear ALL.THE.TIME. that “but it doesn’t hurt to do that.” I want you to think of this little picture. You know a credit card? You know how when you bend it in half it doesn’t break the first time, or the second time, or the third time, or even the fourth time? You can just keep bending it back and forth trying to break it in half, eventually it will go. Not right away, but eventually it will…

It is the same thing with your movement patterns. Your FMS revealed that something isn’t moving the way we were designed to move. If we continue to load that we will eventually breakdown and get hurt. Wear your bands. Don’t sneak exercises that aren’t safe for you. We want to keep you training safe and this is the best way to make sure that happens.

3. It is an injury prevention tool

Remember the credit card story? Even though it doesn’t hurt right now the risk is MUCH greater than the reward. I have seen it over and over and over again.

4. It is a measuring tool

Bands are not forever! We recommend and ENCOURGE rescreens. You can sign up for a rescreen anytime on the whiteboard in Concord with Coach Cari. If those times don’t work, then talk to another coach! We are all certified to get you rescreened. We want you to get out of bands too. This is a fantastic way to see where you are moving better and again check out where there may be a risk of injury.

Bands are NOT a punishment. In my opinion, you are punishing yourself by not wearing them and doing exercises that are not appropriate for you right now. It is not a judgement on you or your fitness level – it is what keeps you safe. I can point you to a number of students who disregarded their bands and ended up with injuries and were out of training, because of it. That sounds like the real punishment to me!

Let's keep you training safe!
Coach Meagan

Athlete Academy: Don’t Over Specialize – Why It Hampers Your Child’s Performance

One of the most challenging things I have seen in youth sports and overall health today (in terms of movement) is the over specialization of sports, meaning that a child grows up and from the age of 4 plays nothing but one sport. They play soccer year in and year out and play nothing else… no hockey or baseball, take your pick. They spend their summers going away to multiple camps, for weeks at a time to work on the same discipline. They don’t get exposed to other types of sports and at the end of the day end up, ironically, struggling in that one sport because something is lacking.

Now, we all know that the more practice that gets put into a certain sport, the more likely the person is to be proficient in it. Of course that is the case, and I am not arguing that in order to play hockey at a pro or semi pro level, you will probably have to play year round regardless. However, not being exposed to other movement patterns, and making the body have to do different things and learn different skills, can lead to dysfunction, and in some cases even injury.

Up until recently, this was not as much an issue because kids mitigated that by getting out and doing what kids have done for hundreds of years…PLAY! In today’s age though, kids are significantly less likely to have the same experience and therefore don’t get those elements and movements that they normally would have outside their one chosen sport.

Most successful athletes, especially the most athletic ones, played several sports growing up until picking one to focus entirely in their later teen years. Look at some of the most famous athletes in the world. I would bet money that they were either multisport stars in high school and/or college, or at the very least grew up playing more than one. How many football players have you heard also played college basketball? I feel like I hear it every time they talk about a player. Or how many quarterbacks have you heard got drafted by the MLB as well but ended up going with football? The point is that kids need different movements to succeed. Get them moving different ways!

-Coach Adam

6 Years and Shining Bright

Kim Lapomardo is shining bright after 6 years of training! I asked Kim to be in the spotlight because her attitude is so positive, her results are real and her mindset is spot on. Training is a forever game. Ultimately we are all training to make life on this earth easier and more enjoyable - Kim totally gets that. She gets in here, she works hard every single time and she is receptive to coaching. I love having her in our 6:45 training hour. This is what she has to say:

1. What was your absolute biggest challenge prior to starting at Get Fit NH?

Fear!! I’d have to say my biggest challenge prior to joining was my fear of failure. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to stick with the program and end up quitting. Or that I would be surrounded by a bunch of intimidating bodybuilder types. Or that I just wouldn’t fit in. I was definitely scared.

2. What changed after you started?

Within the first month my confidence had definitely improved and the fears I had were nonexistent. I attribute this to the welcoming nature of the Get Fit family.

3. What specific results can you share?

Having been at Get Fit NH for 6 years now, I’ve achieved many small goals and some major ones. I think the result I am most proud of is training through two pregnancies. It was so incredibly hard some days, and I won’t lie, sometimes I didn’t even make it in. The fact that I pushed through lended itself to two easy births and speedy recoveries. If you had told me 3 years ago what I was going to achieve I wouldn’t have believed you, I didn’t think I was strong enough!

4. What would you say to somebody on the fence about joining?

Just come! The worst that could happen is that you find the program isn’t for you. The best thing that could happen is that you find a welcoming bunch of people that you look forward to seeing and working out with each day!

5. What has kept you coming back all these years?

Over the years there have been many things that kept me coming back. Sometimes I’m working towards a specific weight loss goal, or working on picking up heavier weights. At one point I was getting in shape for my wedding, then prepping to have a baby. Now as a stay at home mom I make sure to get into the gym for my mental sanity! Generally, though I keep coming back because I really do miss training when I’m not there.

Thank you for taking the time to share your experience, Kim. Real people. Real results. You too can make it happen! 

Coach Meagan

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